How can I workaround the XFCE4 power manager being broken?


I had this problem, i unchecked "Power Manager" from "Application Autostart" list in Settings -> Session and Startup and added another application with this command xfce4-power-manager --no-daemon then i have not have this problem yet.


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Long time hobbyist and professional firmware programmer. I was bitten by the bug in 1978 when my father brought home a shiny new Radio Shack TRS-80. I worked my way through David Lein's BASIC tutorial and started writing little games. Then came the Level II upgrade, with 12K of RAM and a new BASIC with access to machine language routines through the USR() built-in, and that was that. Ever since, I've worked with small systems, mostly Microchip's 8-bit PICs.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • ikmac
    ikmac almost 2 years

    I just did a clean install of 12.04 on my netbook, then installed xubuntu-desktop. (The reason for that is the showstopper bugs in 11.10 Unity -- like menus not working, or the launch bar capturing the mouse and locking up the machine)

    Now, the power button does nothing. Attempting to go to power settings from the xcfe4 settings times out.

    I checked, and xfce4-power-manager is running, as well as /usr/lib/upowerd.


    sudo xfce4-power-manager --dump

    does nothing for a minute or so, then gives me the following message:

    ce4-power-manager:4226): xfce4-power-manager-ERROR **: Did not receive a reply. 
    Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message 
    bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network 
    connection was broken.
    Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

    along with the "crash" icon on the top panel, which I've now seen over 30 times in approximately 8 hours of uptime.

    I'd be very interested in knowing how to get back up to the level of functionality that I had with 11.10 on this netbook.

    • marcus
      marcus almost 12 years
      This bug report on Xfce's site looks relevant: It's still open, but the bug reporter noticed that it might be some interference with the login screen and plugins managed by LightDM.
    • Saeed Zarinfam
      Saeed Zarinfam almost 12 years
      I had this problem, i unchecked "Power Manager" from "Application Autostart" list in Settings -> Session and Startup and added another application with this command xfce4-power-manager --no-daemon then i have not have this problem yet.
    • Jorge Castro
      Jorge Castro almost 11 years
      @SaeedZarinfam Can you post your comment as an answer so we can mark this question as solved? thanks!
  • Duncan Jones
    Duncan Jones over 10 years
    Thanks, this solved a similar problem for me on Lubuntu 13.10.
  • Silvio Levy
    Silvio Levy over 9 years
    Additionally, xfce4-power-manager --customize does nothing for me. Instead I need to use xfce4-power-manager-settings. (I'm using Xfce Power Manager 1.2.0 on Ubuntu 14.04.1; version 1.3.1, discussed at the end of, apparently fixes the bug that is the main subject of this question and for which --no-daemon is a workaround; but this fixed version has not made into ubuntu 14.01 LTR, which continues to provide the buggy xfce4-power-manager.)