How can I write a Jenkins email-ext template to display test results like the standard test report


Solution 1

Write a Groovy template for Email Ext plugin instead of Jelly template. In Groovy template you'll have access to Build object for your build. You can then call getTestResultAction on it to obtain the AbstractTestResultAction for the build which you can then query for everything you need.

Here is a link to Jenkins Main Module API. A sample Groovy template for Ext Email plugin could be found in $JENKINS_HOME/plugins/email-ext/WEB-INF/classes/hudson/plugins/emailext/templates/groovy-html.template. More info on Groovy template/script usage can be found in Email Ext plugin documentation.

Solution 2

To expand on this answer: Write a Groovy template for Email Ext plugin instead of Jelly template. In Editable Email Notification content

  • set content type to "HTML" or "Both HTML and Plain Text"
  • and include the groovy script like this:

    ${SCRIPT, template="test.groovy"}

  • put the groovy script in email-templates home e.g. /var/lib/jenkins/email-templates. see below test.groovy.

In the example below every test is iterated by getting each of these objects: '''junitResult.getChildren()'''. If one desired to iterate only failed tests then junitResult.getFailedTests() could be used. See the hudson.tasks.junit.TestResult API: also see

Collection<ClassResult> getChildren()
List<CaseResult>    getFailedTests()

Example/template from email-ext-plugin can be seen here:

This example shows summary test result and table for results for each test suite and individual test. test.groovy:


    import hudson.model.*

    def build = Thread.currentThread().executable
    def buildNumber = build.number
    def buildNumHash = build.getDisplayName()

    def testCount = "0"
    def testPassed = "0"
    def testFailed = "0"
    def testSkipped = "0"
    def buildDuration = "0"
    if(build.testResultAction) {
        def testResult = build.testResultAction
        testCount = String.format("%d",(testResult.totalCount))
        testPassed = String.format("%d",(testResult.result.passCount))
        testFailed = String.format("%d",(testResult.result.failCount))
        testSkipped = String.format("%d",(testResult.result.skipCount))
        testDuration = String.format("%.2f",(testResult.result.duration ))

    def workspace = build.getEnvVars()["WORKSPACE"]
    def buildName = build.getEnvVars()["JOB_NAME"]
    def BUILD_STATUS = build.getEnvVars()["BUILD_STATUS"]
    def BUILD_URL = build.getEnvVars()["BUILD_URL"]

    def testResult = hudson.tasks.junit.TestResult

    def testResult2 = build.getAction(hudson.tasks.junit.TestResultAction.class)


start test.groovy <br><br>
<b>TEST RESULT:</b> $testCount total, <b>$testPassed pass</b>, <b>$testFailed fail</b>, $testSkipped skip.<br>
Workspace : $workspace<br>
Project Name : $buildName $buildNumHash<br><br>


  <TR><TD align="right">
      <j:when test="${build.result=='SUCCESS'}">
        <IMG SRC="${rooturl}static/e59dfe28/images/32x32/blue.gif" />
          <j:when test="${build.result=='FAILURE'}">
        <IMG SRC="${rooturl}static/e59dfe28/images/32x32/red.gif" />
        <IMG SRC="${rooturl}static/e59dfe28/images/32x32/yellow.gif" />
  </TD><TD valign="center"><B style="font-size: 200%;">BUILD ${build.result}</B></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD>Build URL</TD><TD><A href="${rooturl}${build.url}">${rooturl}${build.url}</A></TD></TR>
  <TR><TD>Date of build:</TD><TD>${it.timestampString}</TD></TR>
  <TR><TD>Build duration:</TD><TD>${build.durationString}</TD></TR>
  <TR><TD>Test duration:</TD><TD>${testDuration}</TD></TR>

<!-- JUnit TEMPLATE  hudson.tasks.junit.TestResult   -->

<% def junitResultList = it.JUnitTestResult
try {
 def cucumberTestResultAction = it.getAction("org.jenkinsci.plugins.cucumber.jsontestsupport.CucumberTestResultAction")
} catch(e) {
        //cucumberTestResultAction not exist in this build
// API:

<!-- JUnit TEMPLATE: all tests PASS FAIL SKIP >
if (junitResultList.size() > 0) { %>
 <TABLE width="100%">
 <TR><TD class="bg1" colspan="2"><B>${junitResultList.first().displayName}</B></TD></TR>
 <% junitResultList.each{
  junitResult -> %>
     <% junitResult.getChildren().each { packageResult -> %>
        <TR><TD class="bg2" colspan="2"> <B>TEST SUITE: ${packageResult.getName()} Failed: ${packageResult.getFailCount()} test(s), Passed: ${packageResult.getPassCount()} test(s)</B>, Skipped: ${packageResult.getSkipCount()} test(s), Total: ${packageResult.getPassCount()+packageResult.getFailCount()+packageResult.getSkipCount()} test(s)</TD></TR>
        <% packageResult.getChildren().each{ suite -> 
               suite.getChildren().each{ test ->
           def colour = "lightgreen"
           def highlight1=""
           def highlight2=""
           RESULT = test.getStatus() // FAILED or PASSED or SKIPPED
           if (RESULT == hudson.tasks.junit.CaseResult.Status.FAILED || RESULT == hudson.tasks.junit.CaseResult.Status.REGRESSION) {
               colour = "#ffcccc" 
           if (RESULT == hudson.tasks.junit.CaseResult.Status.SKIPPED) { colour = "#ffffb3" }
          <TR bgcolor="${colour}"><TD class="test" colspan="2">${highlight1}<li>${RESULT}: ${test.getFullName()} </li>${highlight2}</TD></TR>
        <% } }
 } %>
} %>

end of test.groovy


e.g. output (text only no colours/formatting)

start test.groovy 

TEST RESULT: 18 total, 18 pass, 0 fail, 0 skip. 
Workspace : /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/jobname-1/workspace 
Project Name : jobname-1 #20


Build URL   http://jenkinsurl:port/job/jobname-1/20/
Project:    jobname-1 
Date of build:  Mon, 23 Jan 2017 09:29:00 +0000 
Build duration: 10 min 
Test duration:  267.12

Test Results 
TEST SUITE: suitename1 Failed: 0 test(s), Passed: 3 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 3 test(s) 
 * PASSED: suitename1.testclass.testname1
 * PASSED: suitename1.testclass.testname2
 * PASSED: suitename1.testclass.testname3
TEST SUITE: suitename2 Failed: 2 test(s), Passed: 1 test(s), Skipped: 0 test(s), Total: 3 test(s) 
 * PASSED: suitename2.testclass.testname1
 * FAILED: suitename2.testclass.testname2
 * REGRESSION: suitename2.testclass.testname3

end of test.groovy

Solution 3

If you are struggle on how to access it via internal API (difficult to know and it exists limitation always), there is another more flexible way to do it.

Using FILE token instead of groovy template

  1. using script to access your testing data via Jenkins API, for your case, it is like http://jenkins.server/job/yourjob/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/api/xml and generate your own html file like email.html under the workspace
  2. In Default Content form in the email-ext configuration, using FILE token to send the email directly ${FILE, path="email.html"}

In step 1 above, you can also use more flexible way for your own template, I use python script and simple string Template.

It works perfect for me.

Solution 4

My solution in Jelly basing on default static-analysys.jelly script

  <!-- JUnit TEMPLATE -->
  <j:set var="junitResultList" value="${it.JUnitTestResult}" />
  <j:if test="${junitResultList.isEmpty()!=true}">
    <div class="content">
      <a href="${rooturl}${build.url}/testReport">
        <h1>JUnit Tests</h1>
      <table class="border">
          <th class="border">Package</th>
          <th class="border">Failed</th>
          <th class="border">Failed (diff)</th>
          <th class="border">Passed</th>
          <th class="border">Passed (diff)</th>
          <th class="border">Skipped</th>
          <th class="border">Skipped (diff)</th>
          <th class="border">Total</th>
          <th class="border">Total (diff)</th>
        <j:forEach var="junitResult" items="${it.JUnitTestResult}">
          <j:forEach var="packageResult" items="${junitResult.getChildren()}">
              <td class="border">
              <td class="border test_failed">${packageResult.getFailCount()}</td>
              <td class="border test_failed">${packageResult.getFailCount()-packageResult.previousResult.getFailCount()}</td>
              <td class="border test_passed">${packageResult.getPassCount()}</td>
              <td class="border test_passed">${packageResult.getPassCount()-packageResult.previousResult.getPassCount()}</td>
              <td class="border test_skipped">${packageResult.getSkipCount()}</td>
              <td class="border test_skipped">${packageResult.getSkipCount()-packageResult.previousResult.getSkipCount()}</td>
              <td class="border">
              <td class="border">
            <j:forEach var="failed_test"
                <td class="test_failed" colspan="5">
      <br />

Solution 5

Made one with Allure and JUnit enter image description here


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Jon Freedman
Author by

Jon Freedman

Senior software developer based in London

Updated on March 24, 2020


  • Jon Freedman
    Jon Freedman about 4 years

    I have tweaked the standard jelly template to display the current test results in a table, however I really want to be able to display diffs as seen in Jenkins own test results page.

    For example:

    JUnit Tests: 0 failures (±0) , 1 skipped (+1)
    Package               Duration   Fail  (diff)  Skip  (diff)  Total  (diff)              89 ms      0      0     1       +1     5       +2
  • malenkiy_scot
    malenkiy_scot almost 12 years
    @Jon, was this answer helpful?
  • Jon Freedman
    Jon Freedman almost 12 years
    I've managed to pull out the failed tests using build.testResultAction.failedTests, but I am not sure how to access all tests
  • Jon Freedman
    Jon Freedman almost 12 years
    Looks like accessing the PackageResult's depends on on the type returned by getTestResultAction - AggregatedTestResultAction & TestResultAction require different handling.
  • callisto
    callisto almost 10 years
    Would you care to share the script you described as step 1?
  • Admin
    Admin almost 10 years
  • Admin
    Admin almost 10 years
    If you use HTML format, you'll need to use ${SCRIPT, template="groovy-html.template"} instead of ${FILE}.
  • sharp
    sharp over 8 years
    Can you please be detail on this one. I think I need to do similar thing. I wanted to display complete git commit message from git in the email. But it displays just first line. I think I need to write some script..
  • Jon Freedman
    Jon Freedman over 7 years
    This is now "easier" with Jenkins pipelines, you can write the email template in a @NonCPS annotated method in the Jenkinsfile and access the test results with def testResult = currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(hudson.tasks.junit.TestResul‌​tAction.class)
  • unickq
    unickq about 4 years
  • Poonam
    Poonam almost 4 years
    do we need to create the template and put it into a jenkins folder or something? can you please provide full instructions?