how can solve phpmyadmin 403 on laragon?


The latest Laragon have not included phpMyAdmin by default. So that you will not able to access localhost/phpmyadmin.

Now if you want to use phpMyAdmin in Laragon please follow below steps:

  1. Download latest phpMyAdmin zip from here
  2. Extract to path/to/laragon/etc/apps
  3. The folder name must be phpMyAdmin
  4. Restart Laragon and enjoy
Tusar Hasan
Author by

Tusar Hasan

Updated on June 11, 2022


  • Tusar Hasan
    Tusar Hasan about 2 years

    I installed laragon.exe.After start all services, the apache and mysql run without any problem.But when I write localhost/phpmyadmin it gives me below messages:


    You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin on this server.

    please help on this.Thanks in advance