How do I change the Support Email of a Firebase Project?


Solution 1

That setting doesn't show for all project it seems. But when I found it, hovering over the ? says:

This will be the email address presented to users when they are authenticating with Google. It can be changed to your signed-in email or an email of a Google Group managed by you.

So it looks like you'll need to:

  1. Create an email or google group (possibly on your own domain).
  2. Add it as a collaborator.
  3. Sign in as that collaborator.
  4. Select that email address.

Step 3 might not be needed, since I can also see the email addresses of team mates in my test project.

Solution 2

To change the support email, the email you want to use needs to be a member of your Firebase project.

If you need to add a member, you can select the Add member option.
In case you want to use a custom domain, you might have to create a new Google account for that email upon accepting the invitation confirmation email.

This will automatically redirect you to the Firebase Console with the new member signed in, but you can also select the email from another member's account.

All steps in a row:

  1. Add a member (with your desired email) to your Firebase project (if you already have that, skip to 4).

  2. Accept the Firebase invitation (an email confirmation will be sent to the desired email address)

  3. Create a Google account for that email (this is an automated process and if that has already been done, you will automatically be redirected to the Firebase Console)

  4. Select the desired email as support email in the General settings tab in the Firebase Console using any member's account with sufficient permission.

Solution 3

If you're okay with a Google Groups email there, it's much easier to set up:

  1. Go to Google Groups and create a new group there, with you as an owner.
  2. Refresh that page and choose the group.

That's it, and there's no need to create or change your account.

Solution 4

I faced the same problem. I bought a domain name and I want to change the [email protected] for [email protected]. I followed the next intuitives steps:

  • Go to "Authentification" > "Models" > "Email validation" (sorry my firebase service is in french): enter image description here
  • Click on the pencil
  • Click on "personnalize the domain"
  • And then I just followed steps indicated (enter your domain, add DNS entries in your domain service)
  • A message at the end will appears and say something like "48 hours may be required to validate your domain".

Ok, let's wait. After 48 hours of waiting, nothing has changed, I still can't custom the email address.

I finally found a solution. Go to "Connection mode": enter image description here

  • At the bottom of the page, click on "Add a domain" and add your domain (this was the missing step).
  • Now you can go back to "Authentification" > "Models" > "Email validation" and change the initial firebaseapp email !

Hope that helps.

Solution 5

1- Create an email or google group (possibly on your own domain).
2- Add it as a owner to Firebase project.
3- Sign in as that owner.
4- Select that email address.

Sample image for No.2

enter image description here

Sample image for No.3

GCP need to login with same user

enter image description here

Jack Wilson
Author by

Jack Wilson

android developer

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • Jack Wilson
    Jack Wilson about 2 years

    How can I change the support email in my Firebase project under
    Settings > Your project > Public settings > Support email?

    enter image description here

  • Jack Wilson
    Jack Wilson almost 6 years
    It seems that Step 3 is a must. When I log in with a project owner email, there is no other option to change the support email. When I log in with the second email/collaborator/project editor, there are two email options for support email.
  • Jack Wilson
    Jack Wilson almost 6 years
    After I change the support email to second email and log in the first email again. there are two emails options in the support email. It seems like a minor bug.
  • Frank van Puffelen
    Frank van Puffelen almost 6 years
    Interesting. I for example can select Abe's email. He's a team mate, and I definitely did not (nor could) sign in as him. Maybe it shows folks who recently signed in? Definitely worth if you'd file a bug report, because if neither of us seems to understand how the list of populated, we're unlikely to be the only ones.
  • creativecreatorormaybenot
    creativecreatorormaybenot almost 6 years
    @FrankvanPuffelen I just noticed that what you stated is actually just partially correct. You can add a Google Group email if the signed in Google account owns that group, which is true. For customizable emails, you need to add the email as a member to the project. I proposed an answer including this information.
  • AdamHurwitz
    AdamHurwitz almost 6 years
    May you use a gmail alias? I've created a support@mydomain alias via gSuite I would like to use. However, it does not show up in Firebase after I add the alias as a User to the project.
  • creativecreatorormaybenot
    creativecreatorormaybenot almost 6 years
    @AdamHurwitz Yes, of course. You will have to log into the Firebase project using a Google account that is connected to support@mydomain. The activation/invitation email you received from Firebase after adding support@mydomain in the console should contain a link, which directs you to Google account creation with that email.
  • tsalaroth
    tsalaroth almost 6 years
    The above doesn't work if you have a legacy GSuite account, as they only do aliasing, not multi-domain groups; meaning, Firebase ONLY sees the primary domain name for groups. :(
  • creativecreatorormaybenot
    creativecreatorormaybenot almost 6 years
    @tsalaroth You can add any email. Maybe I am having trouble understanding you.
  • tsalaroth
    tsalaroth almost 6 years
    @creativecreatorormaybenot - if you have a "legacy" G suite account, set up when they were business-only, you're stuck with the domain you have, and you can only add other domains as aliases, not actual mailboxes. meaning you can ONLY select email addresses on the primary domain in that case.
  • AdamHurwitz
    AdamHurwitz over 5 years
    @tsalaroth, that is correct. I have an alias setup for my main email account, not a separate email account. The alias is not showing in Firebase console.
  • AdamHurwitz
    AdamHurwitz over 5 years
    I have an alias setup [email protected] for my main email account. The alias is not showing in Firebase console... I can't use a gmail alias to login. Also, I tried your suggestion of creating a Google Group under the GSuite domain. That Google Group alias I can add to Firebase as a user but still cannot select as a Support email. Unfortunately, I cannot login to a Google account with a Google Group alias either. Any creative workarounds? @FrankvanPuffelen
  • AdamHurwitz
    AdamHurwitz over 5 years
    I've created a new group under my Google domain. However, it is not showing under Perhaps because the domain group is not public...
  • AdamHurwitz
    AdamHurwitz over 5 years
    Adding myself as the owner in my domain settings seemed to do the job. Also, it's important to note there might be a few minutes delay for the Firebase console to update.
  • AdamHurwitz
    AdamHurwitz over 5 years
    I'm stilling waiting for Firebase to recognize my custom domain since there is a 48 hour delay. In the meantime I've used @Oak's solution by creating a Google Group and adding myself as the Group Owner. Then, the Group email alias appears in Firebase console after a few minutes delay.
  • Reza
    Reza almost 5 years
    This way it shows the google group email address not the members of the group
  • vkammerer
    vkammerer over 4 years
    @AdamHurwitz have you found a way to setup your alias [email protected] as the support email presented in Google Sign in? I am in the same situation as you and would rather not show my main email account as support...
  • AdamHurwitz
    AdamHurwitz over 4 years
    @vkammerer, I believe setting up an alias worked for me. See: Send emails from a different address or alias
  • Takahiro Ikeuchi
    Takahiro Ikeuchi over 4 years
    I have the same program too. I've add another domain as a secondary domain (NOT ALIAS DOMAIN) on my G suite console. The new domain shows on the firebase console. Actually, you don't need an alias to just receive group emails.