How do I completely remove Google Chrome apps (e.g. Postman) on Ubuntu 18.04?


Solution 1

Hover on any extension and click manage extensions and then search postman and choose remove.

This will remove web app postman from Chrome.

edit 1: reply to comment.

If you can't see chrome extension, then click on any extension, then the extension menu opens where you can search for Postman, then click remove.


Solution 2

I don't know if you manage to solve this, I had the exact same problem: I looked for postman references with both locate and find commands and removed all of them but the application was still there... Finally, I found it:

It was in ~/.local/share/applications, where you can find desktop files for different chrome extensions (with weird names). The one for Postman is: chrome-fhbjgbiflinjbdggehcddcbncdddomop-Profile_X.desktop, where the X depends on your profiles on chrome and for which of them you have the app installed.

Solution 3

On my machine/in my Chrome, the Postman Chrome app was also not listed as an extension.

But then I switched the Chrome user to the one, I've used before, the Postman Chrome app appeared as extension and could be removed with a mouse click.

So maybe you've simply installed under another user, just like me...:)


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Kryten
    Kryten over 1 year

    I backed up my home directory from Ubuntu 14.04, installed Ubuntu 18.04 on a new PC, then restored my home directory.

    I went ahead and installed the native app following these instructions. Now I'm trying to remove the Chrome web app and I can't figure out how to uninstall it.

    Both the Chrome app and the native app are showing up in my launcher - in fact, the Chrome app has an icon and the native app is missing its icon. But the Chrome app is not in Chrome's chrome://extensions page, so there's no option to uninstall.

    I've searched my home directory for references to Postman (find ~ -iname "*postman*") and moved my ~/.config/Postman directory. This did remove my Postman history but did not remove the Postman Chrome app (not that I really expected it to).

    How can I completely remove the Postman web app?


    I fixed the missing icon image; the directions I followed had the wrong path for the icon image. The good news is that the old icon and the new have slightly different colouring, so I can tell them apart. But I'd still prefer to just have one.

    • Admin
      Admin over 5 years
      could you upload screenshots that you can't find app in chrome?
  • Kryten
    Kryten almost 6 years
    As mentioned in the question, the app is not showing up in Chrome. There is no option to remove the web app.
  • George Udosen
    George Udosen almost 6 years
    Then try a restart as this is installed from the extension area so don't know how we can help
  • kerrin
    kerrin almost 5 years
    Thanks MiK, it was easy to remove once you go through your profiles and work out which one was first to install it :)