How do I connect to Kindle Fire for development?


Solution 1

You can find the instructions for connecting Kindle Fire to the ADB in a PDF of instructions provided by Amazon.

Paraphrased from the document:

  1. Edit the adb_usb.ini file (located in ~/.android/)

  2. Add the lines:

  3. Save the file.

  4. Run these commands to restart adb:

    adb kill-server
    adb start-server 
    adb devices  

NOTE: For Windows 7 users you need to download an additional driver.

Solution 2

Linux uses a different way to set up the device. According to Using Hardware Devices, you need to set up your Linux system as follows:

  1. Edit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules as root, and add the following line (create this file if it does not exist):

    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1949", MODE="0666"
  2. Change the permission of this file by executing the following command as root:

    chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
  3. Reload the rules by executing the following command as root:

    udevadm control --reload-rules
  4. Run these commands to restart adb:

    adb kill-server
    adb devices

If everything is ok, you will see your Kindle Fire listed as a device.

Solution 3

I was also looking forward how to connect Kindle on the ADB, so what I had to do is:

Go to Settings->Security and Enable ADB.


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Josh Metcalfe
Author by

Josh Metcalfe

Here to learn and share.

Updated on December 05, 2020


  • Josh Metcalfe
    Josh Metcalfe over 3 years

    What do I need to do to use my Kindle Fire for android development? (Specifically for testing my apps on the device.)

    • MarkHu
      MarkHu over 11 years
      In addition to the below, for me it was necessary to reboot my computer to get it to recognize the new USB settings. I resisted doing this for quite awhile as it should ideally be sufficient to restart the particular service(s). If all else fails, try that.
  • Admin
    Admin over 12 years
    It's perfectly ok and encouraged to answer your own questions to document things (just for anyone who doesn't know). I won't upvote this though since answers which only contain a link are bad. This answer gets useless when the link goes down. Which is probably the time people start searching for docs how to actually do that on alternative sources.
  • Josh Metcalfe
    Josh Metcalfe over 12 years
    @alextsc Thanks for the comment. I've updated the answer to include the necessary changes attempting to cut out the verbosity from the linked document.
  • Sudarshan Bhat
    Sudarshan Bhat over 12 years
    This ain't working... I did exactly what you said. My KindleFire is still not showing up in the list of attached devices.
  • Rocco
    Rocco over 11 years
    ... and there's no way to get a debug console this way.
  • CoPLaS
    CoPLaS over 11 years
    just used also adb start-server before adb devices and everything worked fine on ubuntu. thanks!