How do I create an operator in Haskell?


Solution 1

Just add parentheses around your operator:

(<=>) :: Ternary -> Ternary -> Ternary
(<=>) T F = F
(<=>) T T = T
(<=>) T M = M
(<=>) F F = T
(<=>) F T = F
(<=>) F M = M
(<=>) M F = M
(<=>) M T = M
(<=>) M M = T

This turns it from infix form to prefix form. Alternatively, you can just use infix in the definition:

(<=>) :: Ternary -> Ternary -> Ternary
T <=> F = F
T <=> T = T
T <=> M = M
F <=> F = T
F <=> T = F
F <=> M = M
M <=> F = M
M <=> T = M
M <=> M = T

Solution 2

Function names with symbols have different syntax than those without:

-- Works:
(<^>) :: Int -> Int -> Int
a <^> b = a + b

-- Doesn't work:
<^> :: Int -> Int -> Int
<^> a b = a + b

-- Works:
letters :: Int -> Int -> Int
letters a b = a + b

-- Doesn't work:
(letters) :: Int -> Int -> Int
a letters b = a + b

I promise, though - Haskell is well worth learning the complex rules.

Solution 3

You can simplify (line-wise) the definition as follows:

(<=>) :: Ternary -> Ternary -> Ternary
T <=> T = T
F <=> F = T
M <=> M = T
M <=> _ = M
_ <=> M = M
_ <=> _ = F
Author by


Updated on June 02, 2022


  • user1189352
    user1189352 about 2 years

    Making a ternary logic table, and I would like to make my own function for an operator that I'll call <=>.

    So, for example, I want to do this, but that isn't right. what's the correct way to do this?

    data Ternary = T | F | M
    deriving (Eq,  Show, Ord)
    <=> :: Ternary -> Ternary -> Ternary
    <=> T F = F
    <=> T T = T
    <=> T M = M
    <=> F F = T
    <=> F T = F
    <=> F M = M
    <=> M F = M
    <=> M T = M
    <=> M M = T
  • Clark Gaebel
    Clark Gaebel over 12 years
    That doesn't look simpler to me.
  • Thomas Eding
    Thomas Eding over 12 years
    That's why I have a (line-wise) in there. Clarity is debatable though. I can see the code better because I am forced to deduce what it actually does as opposed to looking at a raw tabulated definition. But that's me.
  • CMCDragonkai
    CMCDragonkai over 9 years
    Is there a way to create something like the : cons operator? The : cons operator has this special feature where it considers everything on the right hand side to be a list. I've been trying to recreate the : operator, but it always requires parentheses on the right hand side.
  • Willem Van Onsem
    Willem Van Onsem over 9 years
    @ClarkGaebel: perhaps it might be interesting to mention infix as well?
  • semicolon
    semicolon about 7 years
    @CMCDragonkai You can do the same thing yourself the following way: data List a = Nil | a :- List a and then the crucial part: infixr 5 :-. Doesn't have to be 5, but that is the precedence of lists, just has to be infixr and NOT infixl or infix. infixl 9 is the default
  • semicolon
    semicolon about 7 years
    IMO it is simpler, I can quickly see that if they are equal then return true, if they aren't but one is a maybe, then return maybe, if they aren't equal and don't involve a maybe then return false. Only part that I might find surprising is the M <=> M being T part.