How do I detect if a GestureDetector is hovered in Flutter?


Solution 1

The MouseRegion

The MouseRegion Widget MouseRegion exposes a few events related to, you guessed it, your mouse. These events are:

OnEnter, which will trigger when your mouse enters the Widget.
OnExit, which will trigger when your mouse leaves the Widget.
OnHover, which will trigger both when your mouse enters the Widget and on every subsequent move inside the Widget.

All of these actually are PointerEvents which return all sorts of informations regarding the user’s pointer. Here, we’re going to be looking at the current position of the user’s mouse inside the containing Widget which is stored under the guise of an Offset.

 class _MyHoverableWidgetState extends State<MyHoverableWidget>{
        // Our state
        bool amIHovering = false;
        Offset exitFrom = Offset(0,0);
        return MouseRegion(
            onEnter: (PointerDetails details) => setState(() => amIHovering = true),
            onExit: (PointerDetails details) => setState(() { 
                amIHovering = false;
                exitFrom = details.localPosition; // You can use details.position if you are interested in the global position of your pointer.
            child: Container(
                width: 200,
                height: 200,
                child: Center(
                    child:Text(amIHovering ? "Look mom, I'm hovering" : "I exited from: $exitFrom"),


Solution 2

You can create a really small box and move it along when dragging, then implement some collision (this package:, and check whether your small box is collide with GestureDetector's box or not.

If it's collide -> return hovered If it's not -> not hovered

Solution 3

I'm not familiar with a method for doing this with GestureDetector since I believe all gestures need to start inside the GestureDetector widget. It may be possible to wrap a container inside a GestureDetector and determine when the pointer is over top of the container.

If you're trying to do this on a Web or desktop device, you can use MouseRegion widget. If you go to the link, you can see how easily it detects mouse entries and exits.

There's also the Draggable widget that can be used in conjunction with the DraggableTarget widget to do some cool things.

Solution 4

Unfortunately you can't use GestureDetecture for that, instead you have to use MouseRegion.

I'm using the idea of that answer but I will correct it, because it doesn't work (for me). The answer used PointerDetails which does not work for me. Instead I will use PointerEvent.

// inside your current widget
class _MyHoverableWidgetState extends State<MyHoverableWidget>{

        // some previous code of your class //

        // define a class variable to store the current state of your mouse pointer
        bool amIHovering = false;

        // store the position where your mouse pointer left the widget
        Offset exitFrom = Offset(0,0);
        return MouseRegion(
            // callback when your mouse pointer enters the underlying widget
            // here you have to use 'PointerEvent'
            onEnter: (PointerEvent details) => setState(() => amIHovering = true),
            // callback when your mouse pointer leaves the underlying widget
            onExit: (PointerEvent details) => setState(() { 
                amIHovering = false;
                // storing the exit position
                exitFrom = details.localPosition; // You can use details.position if you are interested in the global position of your pointer.

            // your underlying widget, can be anything
            child: Container(
                width: 200,
                height: 200,
                child: Center(
                    child:Text(amIHovering ? "Look mom, I'm hovering" : "I exited from: $exitFrom"),

Author by


class Me extends Person { function getHobbies() return ['Javascript', 'HTML', 'Python', 'Java']; function program() throw new Error('Laziness Error'); function stackOverflow() { console.log('Answering questions...') program(); } }

Updated on December 26, 2022


  • Yanb
    Yanb over 1 year

    So I have a widget GestureDetector in Flutter and I want it to do something on "hover", like this (dragged in any direction):


    Is it possible to do it with GestureDetector? Any help appreciated.