How do I find out the Mac Address Firefox submits for Geolocation?


If you are interesting on how the Wireless geolocation in HTML 5 and traditional IP address geolocation technology work, please read this information from the article HTML 5 Geolocation API & IP Geolocation provided by . It is very useful for understanding between the MAC address works difference than IP address.


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Jim McKeeth
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Jim McKeeth

Lead World Wide Developer Evangelist for Embarcadero Technologies Invented and patented swipe to unlock in 2000. See US Patent # 8352745 & 6766456, and others. Host of the Podcast at (mostly a blog, but some podcast episodes). Preferred Languages: Delphi / Object Pascal C# / .NET JavaScript Java C++ Objective-C

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Jim McKeeth
    Jim McKeeth almost 2 years

    I moved, but have the same router and cable box. Now when I visit Google Maps it still shows my old location. I went to the SkyhookWireless update page to update my Mac Address with my new location. The process is you put in your Mac address and it shows you the current location, and then you adjust that location and submit it. When I got the Mac Address from the status page on my router Skyhook reported that location as in Pakistan, which isn't even the correct continent (as my old or new address).

    I tried every other Mac address I could come up with: The cable router, the Wireless router's other Mac address, my PC's Mac address, etc. and none of them reported any location on the Skyhook page. So I am guessing that there is another Mac address, or some other bit of information that is used by Firefox when it reports to Google Maps my current location.

    Now that you have the back story, how do I find the Mac address or whatever information it is that Firefox (or other browsers) use to determine my Geolocation? Everything I have read online is rather vague.

    The next option I am considering is hooking a logging proxy onto Firefox and seeing what data it sends, but I'd rather find an easier method.

    Related: How do I update the geo location of my house?

  • Jim McKeeth
    Jim McKeeth over 14 years
    Yeah, I read most of that already. This is on my laptop, and it is on wireless, so according to that it is using the Mac of the Access Point, which doesn't pan out with SkyHook's data. Is there another service besides SkyHook for the Geolocation data?
  • Jim McKeeth
    Jim McKeeth about 14 years
    That looks like what I was looking for. Thanks!