How do I get a JAX-RS application running on WebSphere 8.5


Solution 1

WAS8.5 supports v2.4 and v3 servlets. The reason removing your web.xml contents (and using 3.0 code) worked for you is because you had a mistake in the param-name tag of your web.xml. v2.4 servlet works fine in WAS8.5 when you use the correct param-name.

This is incorrect.


This is correct:



Solution 2

The issue appears to be related to 8.5 only supporting v3 servlets. this seems to fix the issue....

public class RestService {

    public String getCount(){
        //Text-Plain cannot be int apparently
        return String.valueOf(1);

public class RESTConfig extends Application{
   //Override no longer needed.

This should now deploy fine...

Here was my source IBM

Solution 3

The RestConfig class (that is defined as the JAX-RS Application) should override getClasses to return the resources:

public class RESTConfig extends Application{
    public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
        Set<Class<?>> classes = new Hashset<?>();

        return classes;

Solution 4

Also, You can try buy changing the below web.xml File


Also, In Project Facets - Change Web Module version to 3.0

For More Reference Visit: How to deploy a JAX-RS application?

Author by


C++/C/Java/Android Developer

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Jackie
    Jackie about 2 years

    So I am tring to get a JAX-RS application working on my WebSphere 8.5 instance. I created the following interface...

    public class RestService {
        public int getCount(){
            return 1;

    And This is my Application...

    public class RESTConfig extends Application{
        public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
            Set<Class<?>> classes = new Hashset<?>();
            return classes;

    And then this is my web.xml...

        <servlet-name>Rest Servlet</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>Rest Servlet</servlet-name>

    Then I have an EAR configured with the WAR as a module. But when I start everything and try going to http://localhost:[port]/war/rest/app/service I see..

    [TIME] 00000115 RequestProces I org.apache.wink.server.internal.RequestProcessor logException The following error occurred during the invocation of the handlers chain: WebApplicationException (404 - Not Found) with message 'null' while processing GET request sent to http://localhost:[port]/war/rest/service

    Please Help!