How do I get the absolute media file path in umbraco using razor?


I'm not sure whether there is a solution within Umbraco, I'd just use the .NET framework. With ASP.NET, you can use MapPath to resolve virtual paths to physical file paths:



If you are looking for the absolute URL, you may use one of the following variants:




You may would like to read this article about different approaches for resolving URLs.

Author by


I’m a London based web developer, currently working at pebble {code}.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • zlog
    zlog almost 2 years

    I've tried the following bit of razor code:


    but I get something like ~/media/155/lux.jpg, how do I remove the initial ~ to get a server path ie, /media/155/lux.jpg or http://some_url/media/155/lux.jpg?


    I've tried

      dynamic summaryImagePath = room.Media("summaryImage","umbracoFile");



    but I keep getting the error:

    Error loading Razor Script Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference

    even though @room.Media("summaryImage","umbracoFile") gives ~/media/155/lux.jpg.

    Any ideas?

  • zlog
    zlog over 12 years
    Using this I get something like C:\inetpub\wwwroot[path to media]\media\155\lux.jpg. I just want the /media/155/lux.jpg bit. I've updated the question to reflect this.
  • zlog
    zlog over 12 years
    Page.ResolveUrl gave me a null reference error, but VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute worked like a charm!
  • zlog
    zlog over 12 years
    Maybe it's because razor scripts don't have a Page context as per:…