How do I get the absolute position of a mouse click from an onClick event on the body?


Solution 1

According to this (, those should give you absolute positions. offsetX/Y gives you the relative position.

Edit November 2013: the original "Mouse Position" link seems to be broken, but the documentation for pageX contains an example that utilizes jQuery pageX/Y. The page about the offset method also contains relevant examples.

Solution 2

The commenter is correct. pageX and pageY give you the mouse position relative to the entire document not its parent div. But if you're interested you can get the position relative to the document from the position relative to a div.

Get the position of the parent div relative to the body, then add the two values.

x = + e.pageX;
y = + e.pageY;

|            __________
|----100----|          |
|           |---60---* |
|           |__________|
        * = Mouse Pointer

I made the diagram because it was fun. Not because I felt you needed one!!

Also, for the above to work you may need to parseInt.

Solution 3

If I understood your question well this would be the solution

   var parentOffset = $(this).offset(); 
   var relX = e.pageX - parentOffset.left;
   var relY = e.pageY -;


Solution 4

I guess you can use window.pageXOffset, window.pageYOffset property

  console.log(e.clientX + window.pageXOffset, event.clientY + window.pageYOffset)
Aaron Silverman
Author by

Aaron Silverman

SVP Engineering at Co-creator of Doodle Or Die. Formerly Head of Engineering at stock media startup Storyblock, Senior Software Engineer at energy efficiency start-up Opower, and Lead Software Engineer at business analytic startup Applied Predictive Technologies. Washington, DC transplant to beautiful Ouray, Colorado via Philadelphia. Father to three children. Owner of two rescued dogs. Rock and Ice Climber. Instrument-rated private pilot.

Updated on October 24, 2020


  • Aaron Silverman
    Aaron Silverman over 3 years

    I am trying to get the absolute position (top and left) of a mouse click relative to the browser/body, not any parent elements within the body.

    I have a listener bound to the body, but e.pageX and e.pageY are giving me the position relative to a div.

    Note that I can leverage jQuery and YUI functions.

    Code that currently does not work correctly:

    //getting the position
    function _handleClick(e) {
        var data = { absX: e.pageX, absY: e.pageY};
    //binding the function
    var methods = {
        init: function () {
  • Mrchief
    Mrchief almost 13 years
    +1 for the fun diagram! You should submit this to jQuery Docs
  • Mrchief
    Mrchief almost 10 years
    @MiladNaseri: The original docs are gone (someone forgot to implement a 302 page) but look at the November edit. Those pages will give you the same info.
  • Milad Naseri
    Milad Naseri almost 10 years
    Thanks, did check it out.
  • SallyRothroat
    SallyRothroat about 6 years
    This helped me, you don't add the offset you substract it, THANKS!