How do I get user input with NASM?


Solution 1

You're only reading the characters without storing them. Instead of storing into that 'input', you should store AL either directly into StudentID/InBoxID/Assignment/Version. You could take advantage of their relative positions in memory and write a single loop to fill all of them, as in a contiguous space.

It could go like this:

; For each string already padded with 13, 10, $
; at the end, use the following:
mov ah, 08h
mov edi, string
mov ecx, max_chars
        int 21h
        stosb         ; store the character and increment edi
        cmp ecx, 1    ; have we exhausted the space?
        jz out
        dec ecx
        cmp al, 13
        jz terminate  ; pad the end
        jmp while
        mov al, 10
        mov al, '$'
        ; you can ret here if you wish

I didn't test, so it might have mistakes in it.

Or you could use other DOS functions, specifically INT21h/0Ah. It could be more optimal and/or easier.

Solution 2

It looks like you aren't using a proper buffer to store the users input.

This site has a large x86 tutorial split up into 23 sections, one for each day you are suppose to do that section.

Here on day 14 he shows an example of reading in a string from the user and storing it into a buffer, then printing it back out again.

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Jonsij
    Jonsij almost 2 years

    The program needs to take in a simple string from the user and display it back. I have gotten the program to take input from the user but I can't seem to store it. Here is what I have so far:

    BITS 32
    global _main
    section .data
    prompt db "Enter a string: ", 13, 10, '$'
    input resd 1 ; something I can using to store the users input.
    name db "Name: ******", 13, 10,'$'
    StudentID db "********", 13, 10, '$'
    InBoxID db "*************", 13, 10, '$'
    Assignment db "************", 13, 10, '$'
    version db "***************", 13, 10, '$'
    section .text
    mov ah, 9
    mov edx, prompt
    int 21h
    mov ah, 08h
        int 21h
                ; some code that should store the input.
        mov [input], al
        cmp al, 13
        jz endwhile
        jmp while
    mov ah, 9
        ; displaying the input.
    mov edx, name
    int 21h
    mov edx, StudentID
    int 21h
    mov edx, InBoxID
    int 21h
    mov edx, Assignment
    int 21h
    mov edx, version
    int 21h

    I am assembling this using NASM.