How do I import an SQL file using the command line in MySQL?


Solution 1


mysql -u username -p database_name < file.sql

Check MySQL Options.

Note 1: It is better to use the full path of the SQL file file.sql.

Note 2: Use -R and --triggers to keep the routines and triggers of original database. They are not copied by default.

Note 3 You may have to create the (empty) database from MySQL if it doesn't exist already and the exported SQL don't contain CREATE DATABASE (exported with --no-create-db or -n option), before you can import it.

Solution 2

A common use of mysqldump is for making a backup of an entire database:

mysqldump db_name > backup-file.sql

You can load the dump file back into the server like this:


mysql db_name < backup-file.sql

The same in the Windows command prompt:

mysql -p -u [user] [database] < backup-file.sql


cmd.exe /c "mysql -u root -p db_name < backup-file.sql"

MySQL command line

mysql> use db_name;
mysql> source backup-file.sql;

Solution 3

Regarding the time taken for importing huge files: most importantly, it takes more time because the default setting of MySQL is autocommit = true. You must set that off before importing your file and then check how import works like a gem.

You just need to do the following thing:

mysql> use db_name;

mysql> SET autocommit=0 ; source the_sql_file.sql ; COMMIT ;

Solution 4

Among all the answers, for the problem above, this is the best one:

 mysql> use db_name;
 mysql> source file_name.sql;

Solution 5

Easiest way to import into your schema:

Login to mysql and issue below mention commands.

mysql> use your_db_name;

mysql> source /opt/file.sql;
Author by


Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Jaylen
    Jaylen almost 2 years

    I have a .sql file with an export from phpMyAdmin. I want to import it into a different server using the command line.

    I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 installation. I placed the .sql file on the C drive, and I tried this command

    database_name < file.sql

    It is not working. I get syntax errors.

    • How can I import this file without a problem?
    • Do I need to create a database first?
    • Bill Karwin
      Bill Karwin almost 11 years
    • AZinkey
      AZinkey almost 7 years
    • Valentino Pereira
      Valentino Pereira almost 6 years
      Whats with these duplicate guys? This indeed is a helpful question with its own purpose
    • AZinkey
      AZinkey almost 5 years
      @ValentinoPereira have you checked original question dates before determine duplicate guys
    • Nico Haase
      Nico Haase over 4 years
      Can you share a reproducable example? database < file.sql does not look like any command to me, and if you see some syntax errors, please share them
    • Light.G
      Light.G over 3 years
      After I have checked all answers below, I must say you missed a very important clue for those people who wants to help. You failed to specify the exact command when you dump data out of the database.
    • Peter Mortensen
      Peter Mortensen over 2 years
      To import efficiently (200 times faster), see Paresh Behede's answer.
    • Nico Haase
      Nico Haase over 2 years
      "I get syntax errors" - what does that mean?
  • Ejaz
    Ejaz almost 10 years
    There shouldn't be a space between -p and password
  • Reporter
    Reporter almost 10 years
    I think it would be more helpful for the OP and further questions, when you add some explaination to your intension.
  • wappy
    wappy over 9 years
    That would work only if you have mysql.exe defined in your windows environment variables. If not, you should type all the path to the mysql.exe file. And Your syntax is wrong. Eg: "d:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.5.8\bin\mysql.exe -u YOUR_USERNAME -p DB_NAME < FILENAME.SQL" More info here:…
  • Volomike
    Volomike over 9 years
    Is there a way to do that in a single command line on the mysql command used for import?
  • Armin
    Armin over 9 years
    Jap. This would not work. Correct would be mysql -u root -p"password" bank < bank.sql
  • Naveed
    Naveed almost 9 years
    why you simply can't answer in one line? mysql -u username -ppassword db_name < file.sql
  • davidkonrad
    davidkonrad over 8 years
    Best answer inho. It was the source command I have forgotten. Most of us want to do this while we are logged in as standalone command among other commands, not the standard login>inject>logout oneliner in top of google serps.
  • mehov
    mehov about 8 years
    I agree that this is the best answer. The autocommit=0 portion made a world of difference in terms of the speed.
  • newbie
    newbie over 7 years
    will the autocommit=0 will work on larger files? like 8gb sql file.
  • Ramesh Pareek
    Ramesh Pareek almost 7 years
    ype the path of your mysql bin directory and press
  • klewis
    klewis almost 7 years
    This worked for me using MySQL Command Line Client, after placing my sql file in the proper /bin directory view windows explorer. Thanks
  • asgs
    asgs over 6 years
    while this is completely unrelated to this question/answer, when you're working with non-trivial databases, prefer NOT entering the password on the same command in plain text. Not specifying the password as part of the command will prompt you for password which you can enter securely
  • Jaskaran Singh
    Jaskaran Singh over 6 years
    Little slow but does not stop in between and don't say that MySQL server has gone away.
  • George Birbilis
    George Birbilis about 6 years
    Command-line is volatile though (and unless you have a keylogger or a man-behind-your-back I'd expect it to be safe when executed locally), whereas a file is permanent, thus should be a higher risk, esp. when it is in plain text
  • George Birbilis
    George Birbilis about 6 years
    ...however, the mysql command does indeed warn "mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure."
  • hashchange
    hashchange almost 6 years
    It's not always necessary to turn off autocommit. It's worth checking the database dump in an editor, it might already begin with SET autocommit=0;.
  • Neil
    Neil almost 6 years
    Especially because of .bash_history
  • Akshay
    Akshay over 5 years
    what about routines and triggers?
  • Hayden Thring
    Hayden Thring over 5 years
    This will work without the 'use' command for dumps with multilpe db in it
  • Wuelber Castillo
    Wuelber Castillo over 5 years
    I was trying to import a dump from a database with a different name but with the same structure, the right answer picked by the author didn't work, it created a new database named after the database in the dump file. This answer right here did what I wanted, thanks man
  • Sergei Zahharenko
    Sergei Zahharenko over 5 years
    great! exaclty what i was looking for!
  • Himanshu Upadhyay
    Himanshu Upadhyay over 5 years
    I needed the host name to mention because localhost was not the DB host name in my case. So this syntax helped me. Voting it up.
  • Jonny
    Jonny over 5 years
    For Centos: yum install pv
  • refex
    refex over 4 years
    this also monitors the script execution, much better than the other answers
  • Nico Haase
    Nico Haase over 4 years
    Please add some explanation to your answer - why did the given call resolve syntax errors?
  • GabrieleMartini
    GabrieleMartini over 4 years
    I agree. Anycase in mysql 8.0 is possile to do this: Disabling Interactive History : mysql supports disabling the interactive history partially or fully, depending on the host platform.
  • iateadonut
    iateadonut over 4 years
    @Volomike { echo "SET autocommit=0;"; cat db.sql; echo "COMMIT;";} | mysql -u what -p - that's for posix-compliant command lines, not sure about windows
  • philraj
    philraj about 4 years
    not just because of .bash_history, but also because anyone with the ability to view your running command line (via /proc or ps, etc) can see the password you entered. just say no to command line passwords
  • Mladen
    Mladen over 3 years
    This actually worked for me. The suggestion with 4000+ votes didn't.
  • Zdeněk Gromnica
    Zdeněk Gromnica over 3 years
    You need to use forward slashes (/) even on Windows, e.g. E:/test/dump.sql instead of E:\test\dump.sql or double backslashes (\\) because of escaping, i.e. E:\\test\\dump.sql
  • Clinton
    Clinton about 3 years
    Upvote for the Windows trick of getting cmd to open in the correct directory.
  • T.Todua
    T.Todua about 3 years
    Is it me only one who has never been able to use < operator in mysql? (ubuntu18/20)
  • Stijn de Witt
    Stijn de Witt almost 3 years
    No idea why the Windows examples include params -u and -p while the Unix example does not. The interface for mysql is the same on both, so most likely you need the same command in Unix as is presented here for Windows.
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen almost 3 years
    But this is not from the command line in the spirit of the question. It is using the MySQL shell interactively.
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen almost 3 years
    But this is not from the command line in the spirit of the question. It is using the MySQL shell interactively.
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen almost 3 years
    But this is not from the command line in the spirit of the question. It is using the MySQL shell interactively.
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen almost 3 years
    But this is not from the command line in the spirit of the question. It is using the MySQL shell interactively.
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen almost 3 years
    Does it work with the strange dash (–) - near "all-databases" (also in the first revision)?
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen over 2 years
    On Windows, presumably? Why is it necessary to change to drive D:? Is file DbName.sql presumed to be at the root of drive D:? Can you elaborate? Please respond by editing (changing) your answer, not here in comments (without "Edit:", "Update:", or similar - the question/answer should appear as if it was written today).
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen over 2 years
    This works, and not only for huge files. For a particular (very simple) 5 megabyte SQL file with about 30,000 rows for the single table, it improved the import time from 31 minutes 35 seconds to 11 seconds. That is nearly 200 times faster!!!
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen over 2 years
    Re "go to your computer directory": Do you mean in File Explorer?
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen over 2 years
    There isn't a "use" in cmd (Windows) as far as I know (though there is NET USE). Do you mean inside the MySQL client? Or something else? Can you elaborate? Please respond by editing (changing) your answer, not here in comments (without "Edit:", "Update:", or similar - the answer should appear as if it was written today).
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen over 2 years
    How is this different from previous answers?
  • Peter Mortensen
    Peter Mortensen over 2 years
    But still very slow(?).
  • Manoj Kumar
    Manoj Kumar over 2 years
    @PeterMortensen - will depend upon the size of data, else normally it is fast.
  • Sergio Reis
    Sergio Reis over 2 years
    sudo mysql -u username -p database_name < file.sql works in some cases.
  • Harshit Gangwar
    Harshit Gangwar over 2 years
    yep! works for me. I am using mysql 8.0.16
  • nafischonchol
    nafischonchol over 2 years
    @PeterMortensen Yes File Explorer
  • panda-byte
    panda-byte over 2 years
    So, -R and --triggers seem to be options for mysqldump, which wasn't immediately clear to me, based on the answer. Additionally, --triggers is enabled by default "This option is enabled by default; disable it with --skip-triggers."
  • Melebius
    Melebius over 2 years
    On macOS, I had to use gzcat instead of zcat.
  • temirbek
    temirbek about 2 years
    where we put backup-file.sql? what path it looks by default?
  • BSUK
    BSUK about 2 years
    Duplicate of above answer
  • Tiago
    Tiago about 2 years
    This command line is priceless xD
  • Swati
    Swati about 2 years
    I go to C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin and run the mysql.exe. Login to MySQL and did the above changes. It worked. Thank you.