How do I keep a constant FontSize in WPF Viewbox?


Solution 1

ViewBox won't allow you to keep a constant font size, that's just not how it works. You need to put the text outside the view box for that to happen:

    <Viewbox Stretch="Uniform">
        <Canvas Width="100" Height="100">
            <Ellipse Width="100" Height="100" Stroke="Black"/>
    <TextBlock TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="12">Top Center</TextBlock>

Note that I removed the Width property from the TextBlock, I just let it stretch for the width of the grid, letting the text alignment take care of the centering.

Or, you could get creative and bind the FontSize property to the ActualWidth of the ViewBox and having it scaled appropriately, for example:


class ViewBoxConstantFontSizeConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        if (!(value is double)) return null;
        double d = (double)value;
        return 100 / d * 12;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotSupportedException();


    <local:ViewBoxConstantFontSizeConverter x:Key="conv"/>
<Viewbox Name="vb" Stretch="Uniform">
    <Canvas Width="100" Height="100">
        <Ellipse Width="100" Height="100" Stroke="Black"/>
        <TextBlock Width="100" TextAlignment="Center"
                   FontSize="{Binding ElementName=vb, 
                                      Converter={StaticResource conv}}">
            Top Center

Solution 2

This may be a easy fix too.

<Viewbox StretchDirection="DownOnly" >
     <Label Content="Enable" FontSize="10" FontStretch="Normal" />
Author by


I like to press a key and hold itttttttttttttttt.....

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Hallgrim
    Hallgrim about 2 years

    I have a Viewbox with a number of TextBlocks that are scaled and positioned perfectly by the ViewBox. Something like this:

    <Viewbox Stretch="Uniform">
        <Canvas Width="100" Height="100">
            <Ellipse Width="100" Height="100" Stroke="Black"/>
            <TextBlock Width="100" TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="12">Top Center</TextBlock>

    If the user resizes the Viewbox its contents are perfectly scaled to match. However I would like to keep the FontSize to 12 regardless of the actual size of the Viewbox.

    How can I do this? Can I do this in XAML without attaching to an Resize event?

  • Hallgrim
    Hallgrim over 14 years
    Thanks. I guess I simplified my example a bit too much. I need the Viewbox to take care of the position of my text, but not it's FontSize.
  • Aviad P.
    Aviad P. over 14 years
    Added an alternative to my answer, try it. It's a bit overcreative, but it might work :)
  • Hallgrim
    Hallgrim over 14 years
    Impressive! That worked, but I was hoping for something a bit simpler.
  • Aviad P.
    Aviad P. over 14 years
    You can also make a more general solution that is a viewbox within a viewbox with the inner viewbox dimensions bound to the outer one's with similar scaling on each dimension.
  • eran otzap
    eran otzap over 10 years
    also StretchDirection="DownOnly" could be used if you just wan't it to fit if to large .