How do I make a Javascript alert display only once, ever?


one is NOT what you need as a page refresh will override all the 'memory'.

You are most likely looking for localStorage or, if you are using internet explorer prior to version 8, use cookies:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var alerted = localStorage.getItem('alerted') || '';
        if (alerted != 'yes') {
         alert("You are using Internet Explorer to view this webpage.  Your experience may be subpar while using Internet Explorer; we recommend using an alternative internet browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, to view our website.");


For IE versions prior to 8 you need to use cookies, since there is not suppor for localStorage. It's the exact same concept, just different methods. Take a look at this question for implementing cookies on your page.

After you copied the code from the example, you should have 2 functions - createCookie() and getCookie().

var createCookie = function(name, value, days) {
//copy it from the other question

function getCookie(c_name) {
//copy it from the other question

<!--[if IE]>  
    <script type="text/javascript">
                var alerted = getCookie('alerted') || '';
                if (alerted != 'yes') {
                 alert("You are using Internet Explorer to view this webpage.  Your experience may be subpar while using Internet Explorer; we recommend using an alternative internet browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, to view our website.");
                 createCookie('alerted','yes',365);//cookies expires after 365 days

Hope this helps!

Author by


Updated on July 07, 2022


  • Ben
    Ben almost 2 years

    I'm terrible at Javascript, but unfortunately, I need this one task completed. I need a Javascript alert to only display once--not once per browser session, but only once ever. I'm working on a project for a school competition; the alert will pertain to how Internet Explorer isn't compatible with my site and Chrome or Firefox is recommended. However, I don't want to pester the judges with pop-ups, so it only appearing up once would be best. I found the code that's displayed below online, but I can't make it work correctly. It may be something as simple as a parenthesis missing somewhere--again, I'm not good with Javascript, just HTML and CSS. :P If alternative code is encouraged to carry out my request, then by all means, suggest it! Thanks to all!

    <script src=""></script>
    <!--[if IE]>    
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).one(function() { alert("You are using Internet Explorer to view this webpage.  Your experience may be subpar while using Internet Explorer; we recommend using an alternative internet browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, to view our website."); } );