How do I make angular-ui cell editable on single click?


Editing on single click is automatically added if you use ui-grid's navigation and set enableCellEditOnFocus to true in your gridOptions.

Just add ui-grid-cellNav to your grid's <div>.

The only thing I don't know is if it's compatible with ui-grid-row-edit.

Anyhow take a look at this tutorial to know more.

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Updated on July 20, 2022


  • immirza
    immirza almost 2 years

    I am trying to make angular ui-grid cell editable (row) cell editable on single click.

    Right Now, Cell becomes editable on double click.

    How do I make cell editable on single click?


    <div class="grid testGrid" ui-grid="testGridOptions" ui-grid-edit 
         ui-grid-row-edit style="width: 100%;">


    var columns = [
        { field: 'Name', displayName: 'Name', cellEditableCondition: function ($scope) { return $scope.row.entity.showRemoved; } }

    Grid options:

    $scope.testGridOptions = {
        enableRowSelection: false,
        enableRowHeaderSelection: false,
        enableCellEdit: true,
        enableCellEditOnFocus: false,
        enableSorting: false,
        enableFiltering: false,
        multiSelect: false,
        rowHeight: 30,
        enableColumnMenus: false,
        enableGridMenu: false,
        showGridFooter: false,
        onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) {
            $scope.gridApi = gridApi;
  • Bart
    Bart about 8 years
    It IS compatible. I just added the gridOptions: { enableCellEditOnFocus: true } on a <div ui-grid="vm.gridOptions" ui-grid-cellNav ui-grid-edit ui-grid-row-edit ...>. The only thing is that for the first edit I still have to double click, only thereafter does single clicking (now) suffice.