How do I make React js Material-UI table responsive as well as make it have equal column spacing?


Solution 1

You can achieve equal spacing in-between the columns then you should do this:

<Table> uses the table-layout: 'fixed' CSS prop, leading to all columns having the same width, combined with white-space: 'nowrap' on every table cell to handle the overflow.

For achieving a responsive table layout, this might help: here

Solution 2

I did by adding this CSS code to .table class.

Note: it scrolls horizontally and looks somehow good.

.table {
Shadow Walker
Author by

Shadow Walker

Updated on June 19, 2022


  • Shadow Walker
    Shadow Walker almost 2 years

    I'm using MaterialTable from material-ui but there are two problems I'm having.

    1. How do I make my columns equally spaced since, after the first two columns, there is a huge & unnecessary space to the 3rd column.

    2. This particular table is not responsive, how do I make it responsive?

            title="All Surveys"
              actionsColumnIndex: -1,
              exportButton: true,
              draggable: true,
              onRowAdd: (newData) => this.addNew(newData),
              onRowUpdate: (newData, oldData) => this.update(newData, oldData),
              onRowDelete: (oldData) => this.delete(oldData),
    • From the image below, you can see the unnecessary space between 2nd and 3rd row enter image description here

    • From the image below, you can see the see that the table isn't responsive on mobile size enter image description here