How do I open on Mac OS 10.13+ and Xcode 9+?


Solution 1

Symbolic links also work.

% cd /Applications

% ln -s .

Solution 2

Put an alias into the Applications folder. Spotlight and Launchpad will find it.

Solution 3

The easiest way I found was open -a FileMerge

Solution 4

On MacOS Catalina, you just need to open spotlight (cmd+space) and type "FileMerge".

Solution 5

I had to do xcode-select -s /Applications/ in order to have opendiff be accessible (required for SourceTree).

Chris Williams
Author by

Chris Williams

Senior Software Architect experienced with building mobile, web, and server-side software applications. Proficient with the use of agile design methodologies to build complex applications while able to lead teams and effectively communicate and discuss technical solutions with key stakeholders.

Updated on June 07, 2022


  • Chris Williams
    Chris Williams almost 2 years

    I see FileMerge in the Xcode app bundle:


    I know I can open it on the command line using:

    open /Applications/

    But there seems like there should be an easier way. How can I tell Spotlight about FileMerge so I can open it with the keyboard? Is there another way to launch it without having to use the command-line?