How do I pass variables with the Invoke-Command cmdlet?


Solution 1

Either you declare the parameters at the beginning of your scriptblock:

        net use P: \\Server\dir1\dir2 /persistent:no /user:$User $UnsecurePassword
        Get-EventLog -LogName System -After (Get-Date).AddHours(-12) -EntryType Error, Warning | format-list | 
        out-file P:\EventLog_$env:COMPUTERNAME.log
        net use P: /delete /yes

Or you acces your arguments using the $args variable:

#first passed parameter
#second passed parameter

Documentation: MSDN

Solution 2

Alternatively you can use the $Using:scope. See Example 5 under this link.


$servicesToSearchFor = "*"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer -Credential (Get-Credential) -ScriptBlock { Get-Service $Using:servicesToSearchFor }

With $Using: you don't need the -ArgumentList parameter and the param block in the scriptblock.

Author by


Updated on August 04, 2022


  • Aerondight
    Aerondight almost 2 years

    I have to get Event-Logs from some servers and I don't want to read in the credentials for each server which is found.

    I've tried to pass my variables by using the ArgumentList parameter but I doesn't work.

    This is my code:

    $User = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Username"
    $Password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Password" -AsSecureString
    $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password)
    $UnsecurePassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
    Get-ADComputer -Filter "OperatingSystem -Like '*Server*'" | Sort-Object Name |
        if($_.Name -like '*2008*'){
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_.Name -ArgumentList $User, $UnsecurePassword -ScriptBlock {  
                net use P: \\Server\dir1\dir2 /persistent:no /user:$User $UnsecurePassword
                Get-EventLog -LogName System -After (Get-Date).AddHours(-12) -EntryType Error, Warning | format-list | 
                out-file P:\EventLog_$env:COMPUTERNAME.log
                net use P: /delete /yes

    How can I use the variables in the Invoke-Command ScriptBlock?

  • nkasco
    nkasco about 8 years
    Just make sure your variables in param() match up with the ones you pass in through the -ArgumentList. I learned that one the hard way when my $computer kept showing up as my user ID lol
  • Danijel-James W
    Danijel-James W almost 4 years
    This works WAY better than param and the like! Thank you!