How do I set up VSCode to put curly braces on a new line?


Solution 1

Follow the steps below to make Visual Studio Code format opening curly braces on a new line for Java Script and Type Script.

In Visual Studio Code (v1.20.0)

  1. Go to File\Preferences\Settings
  2. Add the following lines in 'User Settings' (in the right side pane)

    "javascript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks": true, 
    "javascript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions": true,
    "typescript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks": true,
    "typescript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions": true,
  3. Save 'User Settings' and you are done!

Solution 2

Go to File\Preferences\Settings and search for 'brace'.

Enable the settings illustrated below.

This allows me to auto-format code with curly braces on the following line for function definitions and control blocks.


Tested with Visual Studio Code 1.30.2

Solution 3

By default VS code don't support customization in formatting. But you could do your format customization using js-beautify extension. You can find the free version on VS code Marketplace (

For your requirement of curly braces on new line can be setup by creating a '.jsbeautifyrc' config file on your project root folder and define a following line.

     "brace_style": "expand"

For more formatting options you can find from the following link:

Solution 4

Those who need the solution for PHP, you need to install PHP Intelephense Extension and update the settings.json file.

"intelephense.format.braces": "k&r" 

By default it was psr12.

Solution 5

VSCode>File>Preferences>Settings> <type "brace" (without quotas)> and uncheck CSharpFixFormat>Style>Braces>On Same Line enter image description here

Author by


Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    Let's say I type in the following code and format it.

    if (condition) { /* Hello! */ }

    If this is C# code, it is formatted like this:

    if (condition)
        // Hello!

    If it is JavaScript, VSCode formats it like this:

    if (condition) {
        // Hello!

    So how can I use the first formatting style (curly braces on new lines) for all languages? I can't find a setting or something similar. Suggestions?