How do I switch to older versions of the ruby/rails environment?


Solution 1


rvm use <ruby version>
rvm gemset create rails2.3.2
rvm <ruby version>@rails2.3.2
gem install rails --version=2.3.2

Finally the syntax to create a new rails app in older versions of rails was just:

rails <appanme>

For more information about gemsets: RVM: Named Gem Sets

Solution 2

This will install Ruby 1.8.7 and then create a gemset that will contain only a specific set of gems:

rvm install 1.8.7
rvm --create use 1.8.7@old_rails
gem install rails --version=2.3.2

Whenever you want to use this after the first time just:

rvm use 1.8.7@old_rails

.rvmrc files are really useful for automatically managing different sets of Ruby versions and gems. If you create file called .rvmrc in the project directory and put this line in it:

rvm --create use 1.8.7@old_rails

Then every time you cd into that directory RVM will switch to Ruby 1.8.7 and the gemset "old_rails". Have a look at the docs for .rvmrc here:

Of course you can change "1.8.7" for "1.8.6", "1.8.7-p249", "ree-1.8.7-2010.02" or any other Ruby version you like, I just assumed that you would want 1.8.7.

Solution 3

Have a look at RVM (Ruby Version Manager)

Author by


I have been a senior developer with a focus on architecture, simplicity, and building effective teams for over ten years. As a director at Surge consulting I was involved in many operational duties and decisions and - in addition to software development duties - designed and implemented an interview processes and was involved in community building that saw it grow from 20 to about 350 developers and through an acquisition. I was then CTO setting up a dev shop at working closely with graduates of a coding bootcamp on both project work and helping them establish careers in the industry. Currently a Director of Engineering at your search engine for finding social services. I speak at conferences, have mentored dozens of software devs, have written popular articles, and been interviewed for a variety of podcasts and publications. I suppose that makes me an industry leader. I'm particularly interesting in companies that allow remote work and can check one or more of the following boxes: Product companies that help people in a non-trite manner (eg I'm not super interested in the next greatest way to get food delivered) Product companies that make developer or productivity tooling Funded startups that need a technical co-founder Functional programming (especially Clojure or Elixir) Companies trying to do something interesting with WebAssembly

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Abhishek
    Abhishek almost 2 years

    I'm trying to keep along with the Tekpub Build your own blog on rails screencast. I'm still very much a ruby novice and the problem is that I have Rails 3 installed while Rob uses an older version (Of the top of my head: version 2.3.2).

    I know how to get that version of rails with gem install rails --version=2.3.2 but when I type rails new the version of the application is rails 3. How do I make this particular app work with the older version? I know this has something to do with rvm but I have no idea how to do anything but the basic rvm use operation.

  • YodasMyDad
    YodasMyDad about 9 years
    Link is going to a dodgy site now.