How do I test a camera in the iPhone simulator?


Solution 1

There are a number of device specific features that you have to test on the device, but it's no harder than using the simulator. Just build a debug target for the device and leave it attached to the computer.

List of actions that require an actual device:

  • the actual phone
  • the camera
  • the accelerometer
  • real GPS data
  • the compass
  • vibration
  • push notifications...

Solution 2

I needed to test some custom overlays for photos. The overlays needed to be adjusted based on the size/resolution of the image.

I approached this in a way that was similar to the suggestion from Stefan, I decided to code up a "dummy" camera response.

When the simulator is running I execute this dummy code instead of the standard "captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection".

In this dummy code, I build up a "black photo" of the necessary resolution and then send it through the pipelined to be treated like a normal photo. Essentially providing the feel of a very fast camera.

CGSize sz = UIDeviceOrientationIsPortrait([[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation]) ? CGSizeMake(2448, 3264) : CGSizeMake(3264, 2448);
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(sz, YES, 1);
[[UIColor blackColor] setFill];
UIRectFill(CGRectMake(0, 0, sz.width, sz.height));
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0);

The image above is equivalent to a 8MP photos that most of the current day devices send out. Obviously to test other resolutions you would change the size.

Solution 3

I never tried it, but you can give it a try! iCimulator


Solution 4

Nope (unless they've added a way to do it in 3.2, haven't checked yet).

Sheehan Alam
Author by

Sheehan Alam

iOS, Android and Mac Developer. i can divide by zero.

Updated on July 13, 2022


  • Sheehan Alam
    Sheehan Alam almost 2 years

    Is there any way to test the iPhone camera in the simulator without having to deploy on a device? This seems awfully tedious.

  • marchinram
    marchinram over 13 years
    That kinda sucks, what if you need to test on an earlier version of the OS set in your deployment target, guess you'd be screwed then.
  • Admin
    Admin about 13 years
    And, you could make it to return an image from the iSight Camera :)
  • 19h
    19h almost 12 years
    Downgrade? That's the reason Xcode includes a one-click restore.
  • knagode
    knagode almost 11 years
    Here are instructions how to downgrade your device:‌​-6
  • mgarciaisaia
    mgarciaisaia over 8 years
    Weren't push notifications a device-only feature, too?
  • dudewad
    dudewad about 8 years
    Yay for downgrading to test the camera functionality...? there's gotta be a better answer than "roll back"...
  • Moose
    Moose almost 8 years
    That's the point of the question... There is no camera in the simulator.
  • Raphael
    Raphael about 7 years
    Why would you need a camera to take screenshots?
  • Rodrigo Juarez
    Rodrigo Juarez about 7 years
    my camera don't work in my ipod touch ios 10.2.1, would be nice if I can test the functionality with the simulator
  • Moose
    Moose about 7 years
    Why would you need to take screenshots of the camera you mean? To upload screenshots of your camera application in action on the Store, at different screen sizes.
  • Luca
    Luca almost 7 years
    I don't own an ios device. If I want to test on a real device I need to ask to someone.. That sucks..
  • pete
    pete almost 7 years
    wtf, not everyone has an iOS device just because they're developing for iOS
  • Moose
    Moose about 6 years
    Smart @Craig - I've done something similar ( not so smart I guess ) in a recent project, but used a picture stored in resources. This way it is possible to automate screenshots with fastlane to send on iTunesConnect
  • Ben Butterworth
    Ben Butterworth about 4 years
    10 years on, we still don't have this functionality.
  • Andres Paladines
    Andres Paladines over 3 years
    I was about to answer with the same repo XD. Best regards.
  • cd3k
    cd3k almost 3 years
    Question: "Can I use the camera on the IOS sim and not a physical device" Answer: "Use a physical device" Outcome: "Thanks for that"
  • kot331107
    kot331107 over 2 years
    RN developers have android or ios actual device quite often. So the Q is ok to me. What is not ok is the fact that in 2021 there's still no any option to emulate a camera neither a virtual scene (e.g. for testing QR codes scanning) in ios emumator out-of-the-box. Sorry guys but comparing to android emulator, the ios one looks fast and memory-friendly but quite poor in it's dev tools and options