How do I unload (reload) a Python module?


Solution 1

You can reload a module when it has already been imported by using importlib.reload():

from importlib import reload  # Python 3.4+
import foo

while True:
    # Do some things.
    if is_changed(foo):
        foo = reload(foo)

In Python 2, reload was a builtin. In Python 3, it was moved to the imp module. In 3.4, imp was deprecated in favor of importlib. When targeting 3 or later, either reference the appropriate module when calling reload or import it.

I think that this is what you want. Web servers like Django's development server use this so that you can see the effects of your code changes without restarting the server process itself.

To quote from the docs:

  • Python module’s code is recompiled and the module-level code re-executed, defining a new set of objects which are bound to names in the module’s dictionary by reusing the loader which originally loaded the module. The init function of extension modules is not called a second time.
  • As with all other objects in Python the old objects are only reclaimed after their reference counts drop to zero.
  • The names in the module namespace are updated to point to any new or changed objects.
  • Other references to the old objects (such as names external to the module) are not rebound to refer to the new objects and must be updated in each namespace where they occur if that is desired.

As you noted in your question, you'll have to reconstruct Foo objects if the Foo class resides in the foo module.

Solution 2

In Python 3.0–3.3 you would use: imp.reload(module)

The BDFL has answered this question.

However, imp was deprecated in 3.4, in favour of importlib (thanks @Stefan!).

I think, therefore, you’d now use importlib.reload(module), although I’m not sure.

Solution 3

It can be especially difficult to delete a module if it is not pure Python.

Here is some information from: How do I really delete an imported module?

You can use sys.getrefcount() to find out the actual number of references.

>>> import sys, empty, os
>>> sys.getrefcount(sys)
>>> sys.getrefcount(os)
>>> sys.getrefcount(empty)

Numbers greater than 3 indicate that it will be hard to get rid of the module. The homegrown "empty" (containing nothing) module should be garbage collected after

>>> del sys.modules["empty"]
>>> del empty

as the third reference is an artifact of the getrefcount() function.

Solution 4

reload(module), but only if it's completely stand-alone. If anything else has a reference to the module (or any object belonging to the module), then you'll get subtle and curious errors caused by the old code hanging around longer than you expected, and things like isinstance not working across different versions of the same code.

If you have one-way dependencies, you must also reload all modules that depend on the reloaded module to get rid of all the references to the old code. And then reload modules that depend on the reloaded modules, recursively.

If you have circular dependencies, which is very common for example when you are dealing with reloading a package, you must unload all the modules in the group in one go. You can't do this with reload() because it will re-import each module before its dependencies have been refreshed, allowing old references to creep into new modules.

The only way to do it in this case is to hack sys.modules, which is kind of unsupported. You'd have to go through and delete each sys.modules entry you wanted to be reloaded on next import, and also delete entries whose values are None to deal with an implementation issue to do with caching failed relative imports. It's not terribly nice but as long as you have a fully self-contained set of dependencies that doesn't leave references outside its codebase, it's workable.

It's probably best to restart the server. :-)

Solution 5

For Python 2 use built-in function reload:


For Python 2 and Python 3.23.3 use reload from module imp:

import imp

For Python ≥3.4, imp is deprecated in favor of importlib, so use this:

import importlib


from importlib import reload


Python ≥ 3.4: importlib.reload(module)
Python 3.2 — 3.3: imp.reload(module)
Python 2: reload(module)

Mark Harrison
Author by

Mark Harrison

I'm a Software Engineer at Google where I work on machine learning planning systems. From 2001-2015 I was the Pixar Tech Lead of the Data Management Group. My 50-year charter was to store and catalog all data and metadata related to the Studio's feature films. This system ("Templar") is in use to this day. From 1997 to 2001 I lived in Beijing, China and was the Chief Software Architect at AsiaInfo, the company that built China's Internet. While there my software was used to grow the China Internet from 200K to 65M users. The last I heard they were at 350M+ users. I studied computer science and worked in Texas for many years. I wrote a couple of computer books... the best one was in print for 20 years. Feel free to drop me a line! [email protected]

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Mark Harrison
    Mark Harrison almost 2 years

    I have a long-running Python server and would like to be able to upgrade a service without restarting the server. What's the best way do do this?

    if has changed:
        unimport foo  <-- How do I do this?
        import foo
        myfoo = foo.Foo()
    • Kos
      Kos over 11 years
      Memo tip: "import" doesn't mean "load", it means "load if not loaded yet and then import into namespace".
    • rjmoggach
      rjmoggach about 10 years
      the question should not include 'unload' as that is not possible in python yet - reload is however a known paradigm as answered below
    • Pritam Pan
      Pritam Pan over 8 years
      I had the same problem when using a dynamic module in py2exe app. As py2exe always keep bytecode in zip directory reload was not working. But I found a working solution using import_file module. Now my application is working fine.
    • Darkgaze
      Darkgaze over 7 years
      What if you want to "unload" because trying to delete a .pyc file is being used by the code?
  • hasen
    hasen over 15 years
    actually, the django dev server restarts itself when you change a file .. (it restarts the server, not just reloads the module)
  • cdleary
    cdleary over 15 years
    Ah, you're right -- looks like they just reboot the server thread. Well, just know that they could use reload, I guess. :-)
  • u0b34a0f6ae
    u0b34a0f6ae about 14 years
    I just discovered that if the module is a part of a package, you have to delete it there as well: setattr(package, "empty", None)
  • Francis Davey
    Francis Davey about 14 years
    Actually that doesn't seem to work reliably (in 2.6) because not everything in sys.modules.values() is a module. For example: >>> type(sys.modules.values()[1]) <class 'email.LazyImporter'> So if I try to run that code it falls over (I Know its not meant as a practical solution, just pointing that out).
  • Admin
    Admin about 14 years
    It doesn't even work in earlier pythons - as written. I had to exclude some names. I'll update the post when I move that code to my new computer.
  • Smandoli
    Smandoli almost 14 years
    The earnest newbie is grateful to learn about critical nuances between Python 2 and 3.
  • Sam
    Sam about 13 years
    where is this "is_changed" function coming from? i see no documentation on it and it doesn't run in my Python 3.1.3 environment, nor does it run in 2.6.4.
  • Joe Dargie
    Joe Dargie over 12 years
    @LoïcFaure-Lacroix: good question, I’ve no idea. (I would guess yes?) Might be worth asking as a question.
  • hobs
    hobs over 12 years
    On the iPython command line reload doesn't appear to follow the import dependency chain, it only reloads the module(s) indicated by the argument.
  • Yuri Astrakhan
    Yuri Astrakhan about 12 years
    Python 3 changed it to import imp / imp.reload(foo)
  • Yabi Abdou
    Yabi Abdou about 12 years
    Isn't dreload specifically for that scenario?
  • Amit Patil
    Amit Patil about 12 years
    @Josh: nope, it's for reloading a package tree, and even then it only works as long as the package doesn't have outside/circular dependencies.
  • JBernardo
    JBernardo about 12 years
    @LoïcFaure-Lacroix the same way reload(__builtins__) is valid in 2.x
  • Peter D
    Peter D almost 12 years
    +1. My goal was to run nose tests within python. After I had loaded a module and renamed some functions, the old names remained when calling, even after reload(my_module) %run my_module
  • Czarek Tomczak
    Czarek Tomczak almost 12 years
    Works fine in Python 2.7 after some modifications: if mod and mod.__name__ != "__main__": imp.reload(mod)
  • raylu
    raylu over 11 years
    no cdleary, Django can't just use reload:
  • John M.
    John M. over 11 years
    FYI, in Python 2 at least, you can simply do reload(foo) instead of foo = reload(foo).
  • schlamar
    schlamar over 11 years
    Can you elaborate the part with None values because I'm running exactly into this issue: I'm deleting items from sys.modules and after re-import some imported dependencies are None.
  • Amit Patil
    Amit Patil over 11 years
    @shclamar: See… (and the links from there) for background. It's unclear to me (even looking at the import.c code) how the None entries managed to make their way back through the import mechanism when the 'real' entries were deleted, and I can't seem to make it happen on 2.7; in future certainly it's no longer a problem as implicit relative imports have gone away. In the meantime, deleting all entries with None value does seem to fix it.
  • Joe Dargie
    Joe Dargie almost 11 years
    @Tarrasch: it's the Python module you want to reload, like in the example in the question.
  • fatuhoku
    fatuhoku over 10 years
    Strange. The answer only deals with reloading. What about unloading?
  • Devyn Collier Johnson
    Devyn Collier Johnson over 10 years
    @LoïcFaure-Lacroix yes, imp can reload itself.
  • drevicko
    drevicko about 10 years
    If your module imports it's own submodules, you may need to delete those too. Something like [del(sys.modules[mod] for mod in sys.modules.keys() if mod.startswith('myModule.')].
  • nmz787
    nmz787 almost 10 years
    How do I use reload for an import like "from a.b.c import someClass as abcClass"... reload(abcClass) complains that it isn't defined.
  • Joseph Garvin
    Joseph Garvin over 9 years
    Noticed an issue, globals() refers to the module you define this function in, so if you define it in a module different than the one you call it in this doesn't work.
  • Bob Stein
    Bob Stein over 9 years
    For interactive, after >>> from X import Y to reload do >>> __import__('X', fromlist='Y')
  • Doug Bradshaw
    Doug Bradshaw over 9 years
    reload is not sufficient for modules with dependencies. See bobince below: This has bitten me before and wasted a good 10 minutes.
  • Christoph
    Christoph about 9 years
    This works well for me: import imp [reload(m) for m in sys.modules.values() if m and not "" in m.__name and not imp.is_builtin(m.__name__)]
  • Mike C
    Mike C almost 9 years
    @BobStein-VisiBone, is there a way to make that work when fromlist='*'?
  • Bob Stein
    Bob Stein almost 9 years
    Good question, don't know @MikeC. By the way I'm trending to cease almost all use of from in import statements. Just stark import <package> and explicit package.symbol in the code. Realize this may not always be possible or desirable. (Here's one exception: from future import print_function.)
  • Eliethesaiyan
    Eliethesaiyan about 8 years
    it would be nicer for newbies if someone could reference where or from which library the function came from,in the case of this answer 'reload(module)'
  • Amit Patil
    Amit Patil about 8 years
    @Eliethesaiyan: do you mean the reload function? It is built-in, you don't have to import any library.
  • Eliethesaiyan
    Eliethesaiyan about 8 years
    @bobince,i think you are right for reload.. i previously used it from package imp
  • SiHa
    SiHa over 7 years
    This answer is a direct copy from here:…
  • rampion
    rampion over 7 years
    Mike C: what works for me is foo = reload(foo); from foo import *
  • Uyghur Lives Matter
    Uyghur Lives Matter over 7 years
    The module will never get garbage collected because a global reference is held at least in sys.modules.
  • ivan_pozdeev
    ivan_pozdeev over 7 years
    This isn't possible for C extensions in Windows because the .pyd file is in use and cannot be updated.
  • Cerin
    Cerin over 7 years
    This is the correct solution, especially if you have a package with nested modules. reload() only reloads the top-most module, and anything inside it will not be reloaded unless you first delete it from sys.modules.
  • James Draper
    James Draper over 7 years
    How is the top answer for this question? It doesn't work in my py27 and/or py34 @jedmao did you ever find out where "is_changed" is coming from?
  • Sam
    Sam over 7 years
    @JamesDraper nope, never found out where is_changed came from... or I forgot. It's been so long ago.
  • George Fisher
    George Fisher over 7 years
    Add import importlib and importlib.reload( ...
  • Tiago Coutinho
    Tiago Coutinho almost 7 years
    FYI, reload is a source of evil. For example, all instances of objects created with the first import will reference the old class: import foo; bar = foo.Bar(); reload(foo); assert isinstance(bar, foo.Bar) will raise AssertError
  • Anentropic
    Anentropic over 6 years
    to handle any of these cases: from six import reload_module (need to pip install six first of course)
  • x0s
    x0s over 6 years
    @Anentropic: It is good advice to recommend using six package, but the syntax is from six.moves import reload_module (doc)
  • pault
    pault over 6 years
    Or just do from importlib import reload. Then you can do reload(MODULE_NAME). There is no need for this function.
  • aydow
    aydow about 6 years
    @PaulD.Waite, can confirm this works in Python 3.6.5
  • Richie Bendall
    Richie Bendall almost 6 years
    I believe modulereload(MODULE_NAME) is more self-explanatory than just reload(MODULE_NAME) and has a lower chance to conflict with other functions.
  • mbdevpl
    mbdevpl almost 6 years
    @RichieBendall Sorry, but this answer is completely wrong. The reload() function takes module object, not module name... Read the docs: And I agree with @ pault - this "as modulereload" is superflous.
  • Richie Bendall
    Richie Bendall almost 6 years
    I've changed my answer to reflect your opinion.
  • m3nda
    m3nda almost 6 years
    Both this Ipython dreload and reload() from importlib does complain with reload() argument must be module. I'm using a custom function import and doesn't seem to work. Using built-in modules does work. :-( it's a waste of time being reloading iPython for every little change i made to my code ...
  • James Mchugh
    James Mchugh almost 6 years
    @jedmao @JamesDraper I am pretty sure the is_changed function is just an arbitrary function that you would have to write; it is not a built-in. For example, it could possibly open the file corresponding to the module that you are importing and diff it with a cached version to see if it changed.
  • ahmettolga
    ahmettolga over 5 years
    Also a simple addition: If you want to reload changes in a sub module "importlib.reload(module.submodule)" command can bu issued..
  • EZLearner
    EZLearner about 4 years
    I wrote a function below that does overrides the previous module's contents with the new one's and hence deals with the problem @bobince rightfully mentioned. See
  • EZLearner
    EZLearner about 4 years
    This method might not override other modules' references to the reloaded module. See for a solution to that.
  • Seperman
    Seperman about 4 years
    I don't think that unloads the module. On Python 3.8: import sys; import json; del sys.modules['json']; print(json.dumps([1])) and json module is still working even though it is not in the sys.modules anymore.
  • Doyousketch2
    Doyousketch2 over 3 years
    yea, I noticed an underscored sys.modules['_json'] entry, and it still prints out after taking that into account for mod in [ m for m in sys.modules if m.lstrip('_').startswith('json') ]: del sys.modules[mod]
  • Doyousketch2
    Doyousketch2 over 3 years
    yep. Even w/ more aggressive bookeeping, removing entries along with all their dependencies doesn't remove module's capability to function. before = [mod for mod in sys.modules] ; import json ; after = [mod for mod in sys.modules if mod not in before] ; for mod in [ m for m in sys.modules if m in after ]: del sys.modules[mod] ( code-block didn't keep newlines. ; denotes newline )
  • Jdeep
    Jdeep over 3 years
    I have to ask. What will happen after the program has been compiled?