How do we set remote in Typeahead.js?


Solution 1

Typeahead.js version 0.10.0 now uses a separate component called a suggestion engine for providing the suggestion data. The suggestion engine which ships with Typeahead.js is called Bloodhound.

Hence you cannot "define remote without having to define a dataset function".

An example of this working with a remote data source (I'm querying the TheMovieDb API, try searching for "Aliens" for example) can be found here:

The code is here:

// Instantiate the Bloodhound suggestion engine
const movies = new Bloodhound({
  datumTokenizer: datum => Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(datum.value),
  queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
  remote: {
    url: '',
    // Map the remote source JSON array to a JavaScript object array
    filter: movies => $.map(movies.results, movie => ({
      value: movie.original_title

// Initialize the Bloodhound suggestion engine

// Instantiate the Typeahead UI
$('.typeahead').typeahead(null, {
  displayKey: 'value',
  source: movies.ttAdapter()

Note how the filter function allows you to choose what you want to use as a typeahead suggestion from a non-trivial JSON data source.

Update for Typeahead 0.11.1

For those that are using the newer version of typeahead, a working example based off the original question can be found here:

With respect to Typeahead 0.10.0, the new version (0.11.1) has the following differences:

  • The "filter" function has been renamed to "transform".
  • No need to call initialize on the Bloodhound object, nor do we need to call ttAdapter() when assigning it to the remote source.
  • Now need to specify the wildcard (e.g. %QUERY) within the remote options hash.

Solution 2

Well you can do something like:

    highlight: true,
  name: 'brands',
  display: 'value',
  source: function(query, syncResults, asyncResults) {
    $.get('/search?q=' + query, function(data) {

source: Using Typeahead.js without Bloodhound

Solution 3

If you want to use ajax POST data instead GET data for more controlled ajax calls, you may use this structure:

var meslekler = new Bloodhound({
    datumTokenizer: function (d) {
            return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(d.isim);
    queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
    remote: {
        url: 'my_url_with_or_without_%query_token.php',
$('.typeahead').typeahead(null, {
    displayKey: 'isim',
    source: meslekler.ttAdapter()

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Zuhaib Ali
Author by

Zuhaib Ali

10th year trying to get hold of web-development. Still an amateur.

Updated on May 21, 2020


  • Zuhaib Ali
    Zuhaib Ali almost 4 years

    In previous versions I could do:

      name: 'Search',
      remote: '/search?query=%QUERY'

    But since the 0.10 update, typeahead.js is asking us to define source which I cannot make to work. How do I define remote without having to define a dataset function?

  • Zuhaib Ali
    Zuhaib Ali about 10 years
    This is sad because the functionality bloodhound is offering is far more than what I need. It used to be pretty simple until 0.9.3
  • Ben Smith
    Ben Smith about 10 years
    The simplest remote example is called "Prefetch Backed by Remote" in "". Whilst it is a little more involved, I don't think its too much of an overhead to use. Also many of the remote parameters are the same as before.
  • Zuhaib Ali
    Zuhaib Ali about 10 years
    The official documentation mentions that we can use custom functions as source . I guess that would be simpler, provided that we're able to figure out how.
  • Ben Smith
    Ben Smith about 10 years
    Yes you can also create a custom source, but I think in the majority of use cases Bloodhound should be good enough.
  • Zuhaib Ali
    Zuhaib Ali about 10 years
    AH well... let me give it a try.
  • Zuhaib Ali
    Zuhaib Ali about 10 years
    Worked... and now I understand why we cannot call remote directly anymore.
  • Phil
    Phil about 10 years
    I agree with zuhaib, I think Bloodhound jst made typeahead harder and a tad bloated.
  • jharding
    jharding about 10 years
    The functionality of bloodhound was there in previous versions of typeahead.js, it was just coupled with the jQuery plugin. In v0.10, I've decoupled the two to allow devs who don't need an advanced suggestion engine to define their own data source. As a result, the API isn't as simple – I'm hoping to address this in upcoming releases.
  • Clain Dsilva
    Clain Dsilva about 9 years
    What a load of JUNK for a simple solution, Typeahead is really bloating it down.
  • Sahan
    Sahan about 9 years
    @benSmith I updated your code, But now it does not select properly
  • Ben Smith
    Ben Smith about 9 years
    @user3656084 I like the way you've added to my example :) To include the selected text in the input control you need to set the displaykey to "title". See here
  • Robert Reiz
    Robert Reiz almost 9 years
    The Bloodhound engine just makes everything super complicated. I just need a working autocomplete, not a Suggestion engine. #OverEngineering.
  • Alvaro
    Alvaro almost 9 years
    What exactly does the ttAdapter do? I couldn't find it anywhere!
  • Ben Smith
    Ben Smith almost 9 years
    @Alvaro ttadapter is used to integrate with a jquery plugin for remote calls. Search for "ttadapter" here to see the library code. I agree that it's not very intuitive! From looking at the Typeahead remote example, it looks like its no longer necessary in newer versions of Bloodhound.
  • Alvaro
    Alvaro almost 9 years
    @BenSmith it doesn't work without it. But as I didn't see it anywhere in the docs I found it very strange.
  • dKen
    dKen over 8 years
    I'm glad I'm in the company of others who think that this is a total overcomplication of what should be relatively simple. I've got a super-duper suggestion remote source - I don't need my client side to try and do the same thing. Oh well, back to jQuery UI Autocomplete it is.
  • TriumphST
    TriumphST over 8 years
    @BenSmith Sorry, but your jsfiddle example while very cool is also way too cryptic with no helpful comments (much like the documentation of typeahead). For example I am am trying to configure remote properly, but what is "%Query" and how do I get my query value injected into the url?
  • davidkonrad
    davidkonrad about 8 years
    Using the bloodhound is far too complicated and not needed at all (if you have a remote JSON then you would expect that remote service to filter, otherwise you would just use a static JSON clientside, right?) ->
  • Maximc
    Maximc over 7 years
    Cheers! Finnaly an example how to do it without bloodhound
  • Joseph Norris
    Joseph Norris about 7 years
    Object doesn't support property or method 'clearRemoteCache'
    MERT DOĞAN about 7 years
    It can be changed in the latest version. I used this function last year and it worked without error.
  • qualebs
    qualebs almost 7 years
    @ZuhaibAli you're the first person I have heard complain because somebody went an extra mile instead of being lazy I suggest you take time and learn the API. I haven't mastered it all but I am here trying to because I know in the long run knowing more is better than knowing just enough
  • SumNeuron
    SumNeuron about 6 years
    How would one use a remote url (as in your example) but have the input string update the url?
  • SumNeuron
    SumNeuron about 6 years
    Now can you do the opposite and show how to do it (update the query url) without typeahead i.e. only bloodhoudhnd
  • xhafan
    xhafan about 3 years
    Typescript version needs asyncResults!(data); (exclamation mark)