How do you implement a Stack and a Queue in JavaScript?


Solution 1

var stack = [];
stack.push(2);       // stack is now [2]
stack.push(5);       // stack is now [2, 5]
var i = stack.pop(); // stack is now [2]
alert(i);            // displays 5

var queue = [];
queue.push(2);         // queue is now [2]
queue.push(5);         // queue is now [2, 5]
var i = queue.shift(); // queue is now [5]
alert(i);              // displays 2

taken from "9 JavaScript Tips You May Not Know"

Solution 2

Javascript has push and pop methods, which operate on ordinary Javascript array objects.

For queues, look here:

Queues can be implemented in JavaScript using either the push and shift methods or unshift and pop methods of the array object. Although this is a simple way to implement queues, it is very inefficient for large queues — because of the methods operate on arrays, the shift and unshift methods move every element in the array each time they are called.

Queue.js is a simple and efficient queue implementation for JavaScript whose dequeue function runs in amortized constant time. As a result, for larger queues, it can be significantly faster than using arrays.

Solution 3



var stack = [];

//put value on top of stack

//remove value from top of stack
var value = stack.pop();


var queue = [];

//put value on end of queue

//Take first value from queue
var value = queue.shift();

Solution 4

If you wanted to make your own data structures, you could build your own:

var Stack = function(){ = null;
  this.size = 0;

var Node = function(data){ = data;
  this.previous = null;

Stack.prototype.push = function(data) {
  var node = new Node(data);

  node.previous =; = node;
  this.size += 1;

Stack.prototype.pop = function() {
  temp =; =;
  this.size -= 1;
  return temp;

And for queue:

var Queue = function() {
  this.first = null;
  this.size = 0;

var Node = function(data) { = data; = null;

Queue.prototype.enqueue = function(data) {
  var node = new Node(data);

  if (!this.first){
    this.first = node;
  } else {
    n = this.first;
    while ( {
      n =;
    } = node;

  this.size += 1;
  return node;

Queue.prototype.dequeue = function() {
  temp = this.first;
  this.first =;
  this.size -= 1;
  return temp;

Solution 5

Here is my implementation of a stack and a queue using a linked list:

// Linked List
function Node(data) { = data; = null;

// Stack implemented using LinkedList
function Stack() { = null;

Stack.prototype.push = function(data) {
  var newNode = new Node(data); =; //Special attention = newNode;

Stack.prototype.pop = function() {
  if ( !== null) {
    var topItem =; =;
    return topItem;
  return null;

Stack.prototype.print = function() {
  var curr =;
  while (curr) {
    curr =;

// var stack = new Stack();
// stack.push(3);
// stack.push(5);
// stack.push(7);
// stack.print();

// Queue implemented using LinkedList
function Queue() {
  this.head = null;
  this.tail = null;

Queue.prototype.enqueue = function(data) {
  var newNode = new Node(data);

  if (this.head === null) {
    this.head = newNode;
    this.tail = newNode;
  } else { = newNode;
    this.tail = newNode;

Queue.prototype.dequeue = function() {
  var newNode;
  if (this.head !== null) {
    newNode =;
    this.head =;
  return newNode;

Queue.prototype.print = function() {
  var curr = this.head;
  while (curr) {
    curr =;

var queue = new Queue();

Author by


CS Student at the University of Central Missouri

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • KingNestor
    KingNestor almost 2 years

    What is the best way to implement a Stack and a Queue in JavaScript?

    I'm looking to do the shunting-yard algorithm and I'm going to need these data-structures.

    • baz
      baz over 2 years
      As a circular buffer
  • MAK
    MAK over 14 years
    I would advise caution in using queue.shift. IIRC it is not O(1), but O(n) and might be too slow if the queue gets large.
  • Stefan
    Stefan over 14 years
    I'd say this depends on the javascript implementation. I don't think it's defined in the javascript spec.
  • Christoph
    Christoph over 14 years
    @MAK/gs: queues are dense, so most JS implementations should store the values in an actual, dynamically-sized array (what Java calls ArrayList); this means shifting will most likely involve a memmove(); you'd have to check the sources of your JS engine of choice to make sure, though...
  • Pavlo
    Pavlo over 9 years
    Downvote for a naming convention: method that starts with a capital assumed to be a constructor.
  • Perkins
    Perkins about 9 years
    To avoid needing to iterate over the entire thing in order to append to the end, store a reference to the last one via this.last=node;
  • Joel Peltonen
    Joel Peltonen about 9 years sorry, I didn't quite understand that, could you explain it in a little more extended way? My CS/programming theory is not up to scratch. Maybe write a blog post explaining this? I'm very interested to learn both the information theory and the practical side especially since I thought that jsperf was quite useful.
  • anpatel
    anpatel almost 9 years
    Array.join() is now slower than the usual '+' in JS too, this is because Array.join() doesn't receive as many optimization updates whereas '+' does... I would look into all of those tips before using them
  • Centril
    Centril over 8 years
    Never implement any Queue like this unless you have a really good reason for it... while it might seem logically correct, CPUs don't operate according to human abstractions. Iterating over a datastructure that has pointers all over the place will result in cache misses in the CPU, unlike a sequential array which is highly efficient.… CPUs HATE pointers with a burning passion - they are probably the #1 cause of cache misses and having to access memory from RAM.
  • cneuro
    cneuro about 8 years
    this is a tempting solution, but I don't see created Nodes being deleted when popping/dequeuing ... won't they just sit around hogging memory until the browser crashes?
  • Michael Geller
    Michael Geller almost 8 years
    Array.prototype.pop does not remove the value from the top (first element) of the Array. It removes the value from the bottom (last element) of the Array.
  • Lukas Liesis
    Lukas Liesis over 7 years
    ImmutableJs is great lib for all kind of immutable data, stacks included. And yes, it's O(1) efficiency.
  • mrdommyg
    mrdommyg over 7 years
    @MichaelGeller The top of the stack is the last element of the Array. Array push and pop methods behave just like a stack.
  • binki
    binki over 7 years
    @cneuro Unlike C++, JavaScript is a garbage collected language. It has a delete keyword, but that is only useful to mark a property of an object as being non-present—which is different from just assigning undefined to the property. JavaScript also has a new operator, but that is just used to set this to a new empty object when calling a function. In C++ you need to pair every new with a delete, but not in JavaScript because GC. To stop using memory in JavaScript, just stop referencing the object and it will eventually be reclaimed.
  • Michael Geller
    Michael Geller about 7 years
    @mrdommyg Array.prototype.pop removes the last element of the array (see…). Last in this context means the element with the highest index. An array in JS has nothing to do with a stack. It is not a stack just because it has a pop method. Pop just means "remove the last element and return it". Of course you can mimic the functionality of a stack with an array, but an array still is not a stack by definition. It is still a list (a "list like" object according to MDN).
  • Shiljo Paulson
    Shiljo Paulson almost 7 years
    With the link which you shared had a functionality of checking the benchmark results & I don't see performance gains when tested with Google Chrome version 59. Queue.js is incosistent with its speed but Chrome was preety consistent with its speed.
  • Rax Weber
    Rax Weber almost 7 years
    @MichaelGeller The behavior of a stack is "first in, last out". If you implement it using an Array in JavaScript with its push and pop methods, then problem solved. I don't really see your point here.
  • Hans
    Hans almost 7 years
    @MichaelGeller A stack is conceptual. A JS array is (among other things) by definition a stack by virtue of implementing stack semantics. Just because it also implements array semantics doesn't change that. You can use a JS array like a stack out of the box, and in that context what you push and pop is the "top" element.
  • jnnnnn
    jnnnnn over 6 years
    This is only works if you never push after the first time you pop
  • not-a-robot
    not-a-robot over 6 years
    In dequeue, you should return instead. Because that is what was queued.
  • li_
    li_ over 6 years
    Isn't it also necessary to check a stack for overflow by setting a max stack size?
  • Ezeewei
    Ezeewei almost 6 years
    Also I made a demo with the queue.js, that, the dequeue function does not really remove the item from the queue, so I wonder if its suppose to be how it works? If so, how can you retrieve the new queue after dequeue the previous item?
  • JaTo
    JaTo almost 6 years
    it looks like the dequeue in queue.js also requires additional memory as it is cloning the array with slice.
  • Philipp Mitterer
    Philipp Mitterer over 5 years
    Furthermore, the underlying array is getting bigger and bigger with every added element. Even though the implementation reduces the array size from time to time, the overall size increases.
  • Chandan Kumar
    Chandan Kumar over 5 years
    How can i run given internal function like push pop?
  • Rudi Kershaw
    Rudi Kershaw over 4 years
    A word of warning for those writing performance critical software. The .shift() method is not a proper queue implementation. It is O(n) rather than O(1), and will be slow for large queues.
  • Caleb Seadon
    Caleb Seadon almost 4 years
    Dequeue is O(n) for this implementation. If you queue 5 items and then dequeue 1, the while loop will need to run through all 5 items pushing them into s2.
  • Yuki-Dreamer
    Yuki-Dreamer almost 4 years
    The O(1) measurement is for every element in average. Because every element will be in/out for stack 1&2 only once.
  • Caleb Seadon
    Caleb Seadon almost 4 years
    I was always taught that big O is for the worst case scenario as described here… . It's an assumption that items will be dequeued at the same rate as they are queued. It depends on the implementation scenario. Without knowing the implementation scenario I don't think you can make this assumption IMHO.
  • Yuki-Dreamer
    Yuki-Dreamer almost 4 years
    Yes, you are right. For this specific operation, the time complexity is O(n). But let's put this into a real-world engineering environment. The reason to use or the value of using Queue is when you have multiple in&out operations for this data structure, like doing BFS, etc. In this case, measuring the average performance makes more sense. If you want to implement a definite O(1) solution, use LinkedList is good choice.
  • Javier Giovannini
    Javier Giovannini almost 4 years
    Thanks @RudiKershaw, you're right. If there is need to implement a O(1) queue it can be built with a linked list.
  • kmiklas
    kmiklas over 3 years
    I wish all SO answers were this concise.
  • MortezaE
    MortezaE over 3 years
    tiny-queue: A simple FIFO queue implementation to avoid having to do shift() on an array, which is slow.
  • ggorlen
    ggorlen almost 3 years
    These are poor implementations. Don't use either one. Stacks should be nothing more than a wrapper on array push/pop, which is already optimal -- allocating custom Nodes is slower and more code. As for queues, yes, native array shift is (usually) O(n), but implementing a queue without a tail means pushes are O(n), totally defeating the purpose of writing your own. Again, just use an array to implement a queue until the O(n) shift starts to hurt, then optimize with a Node implementation with a tail property as shown here.
  • forresthopkinsa
    forresthopkinsa almost 3 years
    @Chev and now your link, too, is only available via wayback machine... Nietzsche would be proud
  • Chev
    Chev almost 3 years
    @forresthopkinsa Not sure what you mean. It's working for me.
  • Chev
    Chev almost 3 years
    Oh, because an old comment has an old URL and you can't edit old comments. But the answer itself was edited with the correct URL lol.
  • forresthopkinsa
    forresthopkinsa almost 3 years
    @Chev Aha, that makes sense. You should consider adding a redirect or something to unknown URLs so they don't just return ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED :P
  • Chev
    Chev almost 3 years
    There actually is. It's an issue with SSL certificates and root domains and blah blah with Ghost Blog.