How do you OPENJSON on Arrays of Arrays


Solution 1

While you can't get away with using only a single OPENJSON, you can simplify your query a bit to make it easier to create dynamically by removing the nested subqueries:

SELECT SectionName, SectionOrder, RenderName, RenderOrder, FieldName, FieldData
FROM OPENJSON(@layout, '$.Sections') 
    SectionName NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.SectionName',  
    SectionOrder NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.SectionOrder', 
    Renders NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.Renders' AS JSON
    RenderName NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.RenderName',  
    RenderOrder NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.RenderOrder', 
    Fields NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.Fields' AS JSON
    FieldName NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.FieldName',  
    FieldData NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.FieldData'

EDIT: If you have a primitive array, you can access the data using the value property after you expose the nested array as a JSON field. Using the JSON from the comment below, you can do this to get the values from a primitive array:

DECLARE @layout NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'{ "id":123, "locales":["en", "no", "se"] }'

    , [Locale] = b.value 
FROM OPENJSON(@layout, '$') 
    id INT '$.id',  
    locales NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.locales' AS JSON
) a
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(a.locales,'$') b

Solution 2

This can be done by CROSS Applying the JSON child node with the parent node and using the JSON_Value() function, like shown below:

 DECLARE @json NVARCHAR(1000)   
    SELECT @json =    
      "OrderHeader": [  
          "OrderID": 100,  
          "CustomerID": 2000,   
          "OrderDetail": [   
              "ProductID": 2000,   
              "UnitPrice": 350      
              "ProductID": 3000,   
              "UnitPrice": 450  
              "ProductID": 4000,  
              "UnitPrice": 550   
        JSON_Value (c.value, '$.OrderID') as OrderID,    
        JSON_Value (c.value, '$.CustomerID') as CustomerID,    
        JSON_Value (p.value, '$.ProductID') as ProductID,    
        JSON_Value (p.value, '$.UnitPrice') as UnitPrice   
    FROM OPENJSON (@json, '$.OrderHeader') as c   
    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (c.value, '$.OrderDetail') as p   
    OrderID CustomerID  ProductID   UnitPrice
    100     2000        2000        350
    100     2000        3000        450
    100     2000        4000        550
Bill Software Engineer
Author by

Bill Software Engineer

I am a professional software developer working in San Francisco, USA.

Updated on March 17, 2021


  • Bill Software Engineer
    Bill Software Engineer over 3 years

    I have a JSON structure where there are Sections, consisting of multiple Renders, which consist of multiple Fields.

    How do I do 1 OPENJSON call on the lowest level (Fields) to get all information from there?

    Here is an example JSON:

    Declare @layout NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'
            "Sections": [

    Here is some example of code of a nested OPENJSON call, which works, but is very complex and can't be generated dynamically, how do I make it one level call?

    SELECT SectionName, SectionOrder, RenderName, RenderOrder, FieldName, FieldData FROM (
        SELECT SectionName, SectionOrder, RenderName, RenderOrder, Fields FROM (
            select SectionName, SectionOrder, Renders
            from OPENJSON(@layout,'$.Sections') 
            WITH (
                SectionName nvarchar(MAX) '$.SectionName',  
                SectionOrder nvarchar(MAX) '$.SectionOrder', 
                Renders nvarchar(MAX) '$.Renders' as JSON
        ) as Sections
        CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(Renders,'$')
        WITH (
            RenderName nvarchar(MAX) '$.RenderName',  
            RenderOrder nvarchar(MAX) '$.RenderOrder', 
            Fields nvarchar(MAX) '$.Fields' as JSON
    ) as Renders
    WITH (
        FieldName nvarchar(MAX) '$.FieldName',  
        FieldData nvarchar(MAX) '$.FieldData'

    This is what I would like to achieve:

    select FieldName, FieldData
    from OPENJSON(@layout,'$.Sections.Renders.Fields') 
    WITH (
        FieldName nvarchar(MAX) '$.Sections.Renders.Fields.FieldName',  
        FieldData nvarchar(MAX) '$.Sections.Renders.Fields.FieldData'
  • digital.aaron
    digital.aaron over 4 years
    How is this different than the accepted answer? Your sample JSON looks malformed and your final SELECT produces two records for cake donuts with NULL for the Batterid' and Battertype`. I can see this introducing problems downstream of this query. If you have additional insight that would help the OP, please update your answer to further explain your answer.
  • Ε Г И І И О
    Ε Г И І И О about 4 years
    How would you do the Cross Appy if the JSON array is primitive? Ex { "id":123, "locales":["en", "no", "se"] } What would be inside the With clause in that case?
  • digital.aaron
    digital.aaron about 4 years
    @ΕГИІИО I added your example to my answer.
  • Raymondo
    Raymondo about 4 years
    Excellent answer. A very similar problem to which I have and your detailed response helped immensely
  • Golden Lion
    Golden Lion over 3 years
    thank you this save me a ton of time. I am importing numerous json structures into tables
  • Ashraf Sada
    Ashraf Sada almost 3 years
    Your are a great help, thank so much dear
  • ccdrm
    ccdrm over 2 years
    I agree with @Raymondo - excellent answer that immediately solved an issue with polygon coordinates stored in array form
  • ripvlan
    ripvlan about 2 years
    Great examples. The default type of b.value though is nvarchar(max). If you want to change the type simply add a WITH statement to the second OPENJSON e.g. : CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(a.locales,'$') with ( [value] varchar(10) '$') b. Yes, I overrode [value], but you can name the column anything you like. The important part is the changing of the type.
  • digital.aaron
    digital.aaron about 2 years
    @ripvlan yup, hopefully that was apparent in the first example where I expanded out the nested JSON. I used NVARCHAR(MAX) for all the expanded fields, but those types could easily be changed for others, as the data requires.