How do you prevent the bottom area in a React Native SafeAreaView from overlapping over the content?


Solution 1

In most you do not want to have your ScrollView/FlatList have as a descendant of a SafeAreaView. Instead you only want to wrap your Header and TabBar into a SafeAreaView. Some examples:

Instead of this (WRONG EXAMPLE)

  <Header />
     <Content />

you only wrap the header

      <Header />
     <Content />

Also even if you do not really have a Header, you only want to avoid drawing behind the status bar, you can use the SafeAreaView as padding.

   <SafeAreaView /> // <- Now anything after this gonna be rendered after the safe zone
   <Content />

Solution 2

You could try react-navigation's SafeAreaView. Just set it's forceInset prop to { bottom: 'never' } and you'll see it behaves as your expectation.


Solution 3

Maybe this late answer but you can easily use

 class ExampleScreen extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <SafeAreaView edges={['right', 'left', 'top']} >
Dan Leveille
Author by

Dan Leveille

Product Marketing Manager at deviantART. Building Equaldex, a crowdsourced visual database of LGBT rights, and Chacy, a simple collaborative list app without logins. LGBT activist. Developer. Designer. Internet lover.

Updated on July 29, 2022


  • Dan Leveille
    Dan Leveille almost 2 years

    I'm implementing a <SafeAreaView> on my React Native app. Most of my screens are in a ScrollView. When I add the <SafeAreaView>, it obstructs the content. While I want this bottom area to be "safe", I'd like the user to be able to see the content behind it, otherwise, the space is wasted.

    How do I implement a "transparent" safe area?

    Simplified example:

    class ExampleScreen extends Component {
      render() {
        return (


    Desired Output:

  • Dan Leveille
    Dan Leveille about 6 years
    Have you gotten forceInset to actually work? I tried countless times and it would never actually affect the SafeAreaView -- it was as if it wasn't implemented, even on the latest version of RN.
  • razor1895
    razor1895 about 6 years
    Yes, it wasn't implemented on RN's SafeAreaView, forceInset only works on react-naviagtion's SafeAreaView, if you're not using react-navigation, you could just use independent SafeAreaView
  • GoodJuJu
    GoodJuJu over 3 years
    Welcome to SO! Please read the tour tour and How to Answer a question. If you provide more information it will be much more meaningful and also be less likely to down voted.
  • fullStackChris
    fullStackChris about 2 years
    Another classic example of the sadly inadequate 3 sentence docs from React Native that fail to mention this edge case.