How does functools partial do what it does?


Solution 1

Roughly, partial does something like this (apart from keyword args support etc):

def partial(func, *part_args):
    def wrapper(*extra_args):
        args = list(part_args)
        return func(*args)

    return wrapper

So, by calling partial(sum2, 4) you create a new function (a callable, to be precise) that behaves like sum2, but has one positional argument less. That missing argument is always substituted by 4, so that partial(sum2, 4)(2) == sum2(4, 2)

As for why it's needed, there's a variety of cases. Just for one, suppose you have to pass a function somewhere where it's expected to have 2 arguments:

class EventNotifier(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._listeners = []

    def add_listener(self, callback):
        ''' callback should accept two positional arguments, event and params '''
        # ...

    def notify(self, event, *params):
        for f in self._listeners:
            f(event, params)

But a function you already have needs access to some third context object to do its job:

def log_event(context, event, params):
    context.log_event("Something happened %s, %s", event, params)

So, there are several solutions:

A custom object:

class Listener(object):
   def __init__(self, context):
       self._context = context

   def __call__(self, event, params):
       self._context.log_event("Something happened %s, %s", event, params)



log_listener = lambda event, params: log_event(context, event, params)

With partials:

context = get_context()  # whatever
notifier.add_listener(partial(log_event, context))

Of those three, partial is the shortest and the fastest. (For a more complex case you might want a custom object though).

Solution 2

partials are incredibly useful.

For instance, in a 'pipe-lined' sequence of function calls (in which the returned value from one function is the argument passed to the next).

Sometimes a function in such a pipeline requires a single argument, but the function immediately upstream from it returns two values.

In this scenario, functools.partial might allow you to keep this function pipeline intact.

Here's a specific, isolated example: suppose you want to sort some data by each data point's distance from some target:

# create some data
import random as RND
fnx = lambda: RND.randint(0, 10)
data = [ (fnx(), fnx()) for c in range(10) ]
target = (2, 4)

import math
def euclid_dist(v1, v2):
    x1, y1 = v1
    x2, y2 = v2
    return math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)

To sort this data by distance from the target, what you would like to do of course is this:


but you can't--the sort method's key parameter only accepts functions that take a single argument.

so re-write euclid_dist as a function taking a single parameter:

from functools import partial

p_euclid_dist = partial(euclid_dist, target)

p_euclid_dist now accepts a single argument,

>>> p_euclid_dist((3, 3))

so now you can sort your data by passing in the partial function for the sort method's key argument:


# verify that it works:
for p in data:
    print(round(p_euclid_dist(p), 3))


Or for instance, one of the function's arguments changes in an outer loop but is fixed during iteration in the inner loop. By using a partial, you don't have to pass in the additional parameter during iteration of the inner loop, because the modified (partial) function doesn't require it.

>>> from functools import partial

>>> def fnx(a, b, c):
      return a + b + c

>>> fnx(3, 4, 5)

create a partial function (using keyword arg)

>>> pfnx = partial(fnx, a=12)

>>> pfnx(b=4, c=5)

you can also create a partial function with a positional argument

>>> pfnx = partial(fnx, 12)

>>> pfnx(4, 5)

but this will throw (e.g., creating partial with keyword argument then calling using positional arguments)

>>> pfnx = partial(fnx, a=12)

>>> pfnx(4, 5)
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<pyshell#80>", line 1, in <module>
      pfnx(4, 5)
      TypeError: fnx() got multiple values for keyword argument 'a'

another use case: writing distributed code using python's multiprocessing library. A pool of processes is created using the Pool method:

>>> import multiprocessing as MP

>>> # create a process pool:
>>> ppool = MP.Pool()

Pool has a map method, but it only takes a single iterable, so if you need to pass in a function with a longer parameter list, re-define the function as a partial, to fix all but one:

>>>, [4, 6, 7, 8])

Solution 3

short answer, partial gives default values to the parameters of a function that would otherwise not have default values.

from functools import partial

def foo(a,b):
    return a+b

bar = partial(foo, a=1) # equivalent to: foo(a=1, b)
#11 = 1+10
bar(a=101, b=10)

Solution 4

Partials can be used to make new derived functions that have some input parameters pre-assigned

To see some real world usage of partials, refer to this really good blog post here

A simple but neat beginner's example from the blog, covers how one might use partial on to make code more readable. method's signature is:

search(pattern, string, flags=0) 

By applying partial we can create multiple versions of the regular expression search to suit our requirements, so for example:

is_spaced_apart = partial(, '[a-zA-Z]\s\=')
is_grouped_together = partial(, '[a-zA-Z]\=')

Now is_spaced_apart and is_grouped_together are two new functions derived from that have the pattern argument applied(since pattern is the first argument in the method's signature).

The signature of these two new functions(callable) is:

is_spaced_apart(string, flags=0)     # pattern '[a-zA-Z]\s\=' applied
is_grouped_together(string, flags=0) # pattern '[a-zA-Z]\=' applied

This is how you could then use these partial functions on some text:

for text in lines:
    if is_grouped_together(text):
    elif is_spaced_apart(text):

You can refer the link above to get a more in depth understanding of the subject, as it covers this specific example and much more..

Solution 5

In my opinion, it's a way to implement currying in python.

from functools import partial
def add(a,b):
    return a + b

def add2number(x,y,z):
    return x + y + z

if __name__ == "__main__":
    add2 = partial(add,2)
    print("result of add2 ",add2(1))
    add3 = partial(partial(add2number,1),2)
    print("result of add3",add3(1))

The result is 3 and 4.


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Updated on June 21, 2021


  • user1865341
    user1865341 almost 3 years

    I am not able to get my head on how the partial works in functools. I have the following code from here:

    >>> sum = lambda x, y : x + y
    >>> sum(1, 2)
    >>> incr = lambda y : sum(1, y)
    >>> incr(2)
    >>> def sum2(x, y):
        return x + y
    >>> incr2 = functools.partial(sum2, 1)
    >>> incr2(4)

    Now in the line

    incr = lambda y : sum(1, y)

    I get that whatever argument I pass to incr it will be passed as y to lambda which will return sum(1, y) i.e 1 + y.

    I understand that. But I didn't understand this incr2(4).

    How does the 4 gets passed as x in partial function? To me, 4 should replace the sum2. What is the relation between x and 4?

    • Ricardo
      Ricardo over 2 years
      Simple answer: it doesn't! It's actually passed as y. Try adding the line print(f'x: {x}, y: {y}') to the top of sum2 and you'll see, Check @MSK's answer below.
  • user1865341
    user1865341 about 11 years
    from where did u get the extra_args variable
  • bereal
    bereal about 11 years
    extra_args is something that passed by the partial caller, in the example with p = partial(func, 1); f(2, 3, 4) it is (2, 3, 4).
  • user1865341
    user1865341 about 11 years
    but why we would do that , any special use case where something has to be done by partial only and can't be done with other thing
  • bereal
    bereal about 11 years
    @user1865341 I added an example to the answer.
  • user1865341
    user1865341 about 11 years
    is there any practical use of this function somewher
  • user1865341
    user1865341 about 11 years
    with your example , what is the relation between callback and my_callback
  • bereal
    bereal about 11 years
    After my_callback is wrapped with partial it will mimic callback's API and you may call my_callback wherever could call callback.
  • user1865341
    user1865341 about 11 years
    Sorry i am getting little bit . iam 70% clear but still not 100% clear. can you give some more code example for current scenario like u did before. . i get to the point that partial(my_callback, context)(event, params) == my_callback(context, event, params) but i am not able to get , how can we use that where callback is reuired
  • Deepak Mathpal
    Deepak Mathpal about 11 years
    @user1865341 added two exemplarly use cases to my answer
  • bereal
    bereal about 11 years
    Well callback is not a function to be replaced, it's more of an API description. I've updated the example code to reflect some semi-real-life situation.
  • user1865341
    user1865341 about 11 years
    sorry for the trouble . can you tell me how the solution would look like for the other two options like object creating and lambda. i am not able to comprehend yet. i am new to python
  • bereal
    bereal about 11 years
    @user1865341 I updated the answer with object and lambda solutions.
  • user1865341
    user1865341 about 11 years
    wow , thanks buddy , now i undestood your complete solution. thanks for your patience
  • Can Lu
    Can Lu over 10 years
    In your example: >>> incr2 = functools.partial(sum2, 1) >>> incr2(4) Am i right in thinking, the 4 is extra_args, and 1 is part_args, so effectively the incr2(4) == sum2(1, 4)
  • bereal
    bereal over 10 years
    @CanLu yes, or, more general, partial(f, x)(y) == f(x, y) for all f,x,y.
  • Brent
    Brent over 5 years
    Does this perform any constant folding to achieve performance gains, like currying in functional languages?
  • bereal
    bereal over 5 years
    @Brent I don't think so, that would require static analysis, while in Python types are unknows until the execution.
  • Azat Ibrakov
    Azat Ibrakov over 5 years
    this is half true because we can override default values, we can even override overriden parameters by subsequent partial and so on
  • user1071847
    user1071847 about 5 years
    Good answer, though IMHO it's important to note the role of closures, as in "Closures, Partials and Decorators".
  • DylanYoung
    DylanYoung over 4 years
    Huh? You do the leftmost parameter like this: prt=partial(func, 7)
  • akhan
    akhan about 4 years
    IMHO, this is a better answer as it keeps out unrelated concepts like objects and classes and focuses on functions which is what this is all about.
  • Aristide
    Aristide about 4 years
    Isn't this equivalent to is_spaced_apart = re.compile('[a-zA-Z]\s\=').search? If so, is there a guarantee that the partial idiom compiles the regular expression for faster reuse?
  • Andrew Magerman
    Andrew Magerman over 2 years
    Hmm, not exactly. Currying is dividing a function with n parameters into n successive functions with one parameter. Partial application is 'pre-filling' a function with some parameters, then returning a function with a smaller number of parameters