How much memory per Apache connection?


The memory footprint for phusion passenger should be determined using passenger-memory-stats. See

I would note the following comment about RSS field:

The Private or private dirty RSS field shows the real memory usage of processes. Here, we see that all the Apache worker processes only take less than 1 MB memory each. This is a lot less than the 50 MB-ish memory usage as shown in the VMSize column (which is what a lot of people think is the real memory usage, but is actually not).

They provided a good example on memory output:

[bash@localhost root]# passenger-memory-stats
------------- Apache processes --------------.
PID    PPID  Threads  VMSize   Private  Name
5947   1     9        90.6 MB  0.5 MB   /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
5948   5947  1        18.9 MB  0.7 MB   /usr/sbin/fcgi-pm -k start
6029   5947  1        42.7 MB  0.5 MB   /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
6030   5947  1        42.7 MB  0.5 MB   /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
6031   5947  1        42.5 MB  0.3 MB   /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
6033   5947  1        42.5 MB  0.4 MB   /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
6034   5947  1        50.5 MB  0.4 MB   /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
23482  5947  1        82.6 MB  0.4 MB   /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
### Processes: 8
### Total private dirty RSS: 3.50 MB

--------- Passenger processes ---------.
PID    Threads  VMSize   Private  Name
6026   1        10.9 MB  4.7 MB   Passenger spawn server
23481  1        26.7 MB  3.0 MB   Passenger FrameworkSpawner: 2.0.2
23791  1        26.8 MB  2.9 MB   Passenger ApplicationSpawner: /var/www/projects/app1-foobar
23793  1        26.9 MB  17.1 MB  Rails: /var/www/projects/app1-foobar
### Processes: 4
### Total private dirty RSS: 27.76 M

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Jon Bulava
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Jon Bulava

Hello. My friends call me SegFault. Describe myself in 10 seconds? You know those feisty, whip-smart, sometimes funny, and occasionally charming developers who dominate StackOverflow and consider Swift/Ruby/jQuery their native tongue? Yah, I buy coffee for them.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Jon Bulava
    Jon Bulava almost 2 years

    Our client has a Ruby on Rails app that is mostly client-based (i.e, very little processing in controllers and views), with Apache and Passenger in the server stack.

    We see each connection takes about 2MB per user connection. Is this reasonable, or did we do something wrong in the configuration?

    We're trying to estimate how many users each server can support.
