How should I tune apache when I see high CPU, but low memory usage?


It is probably, that some PHP scripts running in mod_php consume too much CPU time. Overall recomendations are general and each of them will have some benefit:

  • Install APC cache and check that is really running (APC has bundled apc.php file which shows APC status and cache hits and misses)
  • Install nginx and install it as a reverse proxy in front of apache - it will reduce overhead of serving static files and leave much more CPU resources to server dynamic content
  • Add CustomLog to apache with %t %T directives and examine the log - you will see wich requests are running the most time, thus consuming most CPU
  • optimize/rewrite those scripts

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Ryan
    Ryan over 1 year

    My CentOS web nodes (LAMP stack) are experiencing high CPU usage but low memory usage. Nearly all of the processes are apache. I know I could just add additional web nodes until my cpu usage becomes reasonable, but I imagine there are some quick tuning tips that could go a long way here.

    CPU bounces between 90-100%. Mysql bounces between 5% and 45%. Apache makes up the rest.


    top - 21:15:49 up 46 days, 20:39,  4 users,  load average: 34.17, 44.62, 51.03
    Tasks: 133 total,  32 running, 101 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
    Cpu(s): 90.4%us,  9.6%sy,  0.0%ni,  0.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.1%st
    Mem:   8388608k total,  6116448k used,  2272160k free,    84160k buffers
    Swap: 16777208k total,       68k used, 16777140k free,  3488044k cached
    15775 mysql     15   0  827m 153m 3712 S 43.7  1.9   0:55.04 mysqld
    15911 apache    16   0  275m  10m 3872 S 24.1  0.1   0:03.15 httpd
    15816 apache    16   0  288m  23m 4116 R 23.5  0.3   0:11.88 httpd
    15807 apache    15   0  281m  17m 5028 S 21.5  0.2   0:11.71 httpd
    15897 apache    16   0  277m  13m 4104 S 21.2  0.2   0:02.68 httpd
    15834 apache    16   0  276m  11m 3916 S 20.6  0.1   0:05.22 httpd
    15842 apache    16   0  275m  11m 4116 S 19.3  0.1   0:07.86 httpd
    15870 apache    16   0  294m  30m 5044 R 17.4  0.4   0:06.36 httpd
    15782 apache    15   0  278m  13m 4124 R 12.2  0.2   0:08.54 httpd
    15819 apache    15   0  280m  17m 5016 S 11.6  0.2   0:07.01 httpd
    15683 apache    16   0  288m  23m 4128 R 10.9  0.3   0:09.90 httpd
    15876 apache    16   0  284m  19m 3880 R 10.6  0.2   0:04.35 httpd
    15878 apache    15   0  276m  11m 4104 S 10.6  0.1   0:06.42 httpd
    15913 apache    16   0  275m  10m 3920 R  9.6  0.1   0:07.98 httpd
    15898 apache    16   0  280m  16m 4104 S  9.3  0.2   0:02.85 httpd
    15817 apache    16   0  277m  13m 4108 S  9.0  0.2   0:05.55 httpd
    15843 apache    16   0  280m  15m 4104 R  8.7  0.2   0:10.80 httpd
    15812 apache    16   0  280m  16m 5012 R  8.0  0.2   0:05.18 httpd
    15844 apache    16   0  281m  16m 4116 R  7.4  0.2   0:08.63 httpd
    15833 apache    16   0  281m  18m 5036 R  7.1  0.2   0:04.76 httpd
    15795 apache    16   0  280m  15m 3920 R  6.8  0.2   0:08.65 httpd
    15704 apache    15   0  280m  16m 4096 S  6.4  0.2   0:09.06 httpd
    15849 apache    16   0  280m  15m 4124 R  6.4  0.2   0:05.59 httpd
    15806 apache    16   0  276m  11m 3876 S  6.1  0.1   0:10.33 httpd
    15902 apache    16   0  280m  15m 3912 R  6.1  0.2   0:03.40 httpd
    15688 apache    16   0  279m  14m 4116 R  5.8  0.2   0:06.07 httpd
    15904 apache    16   0  280m  15m 3860 R  5.8  0.2   0:02.74 httpd
    15703 apache    16   0  281m  17m 5048 R  5.1  0.2   0:03.86 httpd
    15705 apache    16   0  281m  17m 5044 R  4.5  0.2   0:13.54 httpd
    15821 apache    15   0  276m  11m 4072 S  4.5  0.1   0:04.24 httpd
    15830 apache    16   0  278m  13m 4112 R  4.2  0.2   0:06.37 httpd
    15850 apache    16   0  277m  12m 3872 R  3.9  0.2   0:04.64 httpd
    15912 apache    15   0  276m  11m 3920 S  3.9  0.1   0:05.58 httpd
    15804 apache    15   0  280m  15m 3932 R  3.5  0.2   0:09.13 httpd
    15805 apache    16   0  281m  15m 3932 R  3.5  0.2   0:09.00 httpd
    15899 apache    16   0  277m  12m 4104 R  2.6  0.2   0:03.26 httpd
    15701 apache    16   0  277m  12m 3920 R  2.3  0.2   0:08.35 httpd
    15781 apache    15   0  274m 9.8m 3924 S  1.9  0.1   0:10.48 httpd
    15848 apache    15   0  276m  11m 3876 S  1.9  0.1   0:06.63 httpd
    15901 apache    15   0  275m  10m 3916 S  1.9  0.1   0:02.18 httpd
    15879 apache    16   0  280m  16m 4104 R  1.3  0.2   0:02.03 httpd
    15820 apache    16   0  281m  17m 5260 R  1.0  0.2   0:05.24 httpd

    relevant httpd.conf:

    Timeout 120
    KeepAlive On
    MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
    KeepAliveTimeout 5
    <IfModule prefork.c>
    StartServers       8
    MinSpareServers    5
    MaxSpareServers   20
    ServerLimit      256
    MaxClients       256
    MaxRequestsPerChild  4000
    <IfModule worker.c>
    StartServers         2
    MaxClients         150
    MinSpareThreads     25
    MaxSpareThreads     75
    ThreadsPerChild     25
    MaxRequestsPerChild  0
    • HTTP500
      HTTP500 about 12 years
      What is your application in? PHP? Are you using an opcode cache like APC?
    • Ryan
      Ryan about 12 years
      Yes, PHP. I have memcache and apc but not utilizing either right now. I'm building a separate memcache server to avoid losing it when rebooting a node.
    • Jack ilkgu
      Jack ilkgu about 12 years
      It is possible that your apache processes are waiting for response from MySQL, and piling up. Do you mind posting your MySQL's my.conf? Also, do you have slow logs configured in MySQL? What do those tell you, if you have them?
    • grosshat
      grosshat about 12 years
      Do you work with prefork or worker? And do you face such problems after a new release, code changes, server updates or anything like that?
  • Mikko Rantalainen
    Mikko Rantalainen almost 12 years
    The problem is definitely something that runs inside Apache process but is not the apache itself. The mod_php is indeed the most likely cause. You need to profile the PHP scripts you're running and figure out what those are doing to waste the CPU.It is not the database, though. If database is the bottle neck, you'll see lots of Apache processes IO blocked waiting for response from the database. The fact that Apache/PHP processes eat CPU means that they are not waiting for IO (unless you're running scripts that use busy waiting and non-blocking IO, in which case you have found the cause).
  • mahyard
    mahyard almost 5 years
    can you guide me about your second recommendation? any HowTo guide?