How to add a custom UIControl class in storyboard?


You are doing it correctly -- drop a UIView onto your storyboard and assign the class in the Identity Inspector. Don't forget to override initWithCoder:aDecoder in the custom class.


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Updated on June 24, 2022


  • 3254523
    3254523 about 2 years

    I have a custom UIControl class that I want to use in my storyboard. I am having problems since there isn't a UIControl in the object library in the Storyboard console.

    I tried adding a UIView and assigning my custom UIControl class to it, but it seems to not register the events that I need for the control to use(Value Changed, Touch Drag Inside, Touch Up Inside).

    When debugging, I breakpointed the actions related to the events and it looks like they are not even called.

    How can I use my custom UIControl class correctly in my storyboard?

  • 3254523
    3254523 almost 10 years
    hey thanks for responding. just making sure that i'm doing this right can you confirm i'm doing this step right? - go to Identity Inspector and change the class to my custom UIControl Class. And after that... What would I be doing in initWithDecoder:aDecoder to point to that storyboard object?
  • 3254523
    3254523 almost 10 years
    I've done something similar when dealing with a .xib file, but since this is on storyboard, i'm not sure how to load the specific view, and if theres any kind of ID i need to assign it within storyboard
  • memmons
    memmons almost 10 years
    @christopher.ryan.cruz In initWithDecoder you'd be doing anything you'd normally do in initWithFrame since initWithFrame won't be called on a view dropped into a storyboard.
  • memmons
    memmons almost 10 years
    I'm not sure what you mean by "load the specific view". The view will be loaded automatically as part of the storyboard unarchiving.
  • Fattie
    Fattie about 8 years
    Thanks for the great answer. Note, you don't, absolutely, nor necessarily, have to use initWithDecoder. Firstly, you don't necessarily need any particularly setup; don't use it if not needed. Secondly the pair required init?(coder decoder: NSCoder) / override init(frame:CGRect) is useful in Swift. Thirdly awakeFromNib can be a good choice (assuming you use storyboard normally). Unfortunately IBDesignable becomes involved; with custom controls you always use that. it's a tricky issue! Some discussion: