How to add a relative path in python to find image and other file with a short path?

import os
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) #<-- absolute dir the script is in
rel_path = "../images/image1.png"
abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path)

and now u can use abs_file_path variable as path to your image

import os
script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
rel_path = "../images/"
abs_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, rel_path)
current_file ="image" + str(X) +".png"
file = open(abs_file_path+current_file,'r')

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Xiangwei Wang
Author by

Xiangwei Wang

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Xiangwei Wang
    Xiangwei Wang almost 2 years

    My project folder arrange in the following way:

    Project folder-> Program folder->program
                  -> Image folder named images->image

    Now when I try to deal with a image in my program with path images/image1.png? An error happens. Can add a relative path in python to find image with the short path images/image1.png?

    I do not want to move my image folder into program folder nor change the path by ../images/image1.png?

  • Xiangwei Wang
    Xiangwei Wang about 8 years
    Thanks for your answer. After the modify, my program can find the image1.png by 'images/image1.png', however, there are many images in the folder named images, is there some way to make all images can be accessed by 'images/imagex.png'
  • joel goldstick
    joel goldstick about 8 years
    @XiangweiWang If you like the answer, press the checkmark
  • János Farkas
    János Farkas about 8 years
    @joelgoldstick im not sure, but i think he will never accept this answer as solution :)
  • ElPapi42
    ElPapi42 about 4 years
    This is not the best solution, this does not cover a case where this script is imported from other script.
