How to add custom routes to resource route


Solution 1

Add this in your routes:

resources :invoices do
  post :send, on: :member


resources :invoices do
  member do
    post :send

Then in your views:

<%= button_to "Send Invoice", send_invoice_path(@invoice) %>


<%= link_to "Send Invoice", send_invoice_path(@invoice), method: :post %>

Of course, you are not tied to the POST method

Solution 2

resources :invoices do
  resources :items, only: [:create, :destroy, :update]
  get 'send', on: :member

<%= link_to 'Send', send_invoice_path(@invoice) %>

It will go to the send action of your invoices_controller.

Solution 3

In Rails >= 4, you can accomplish that with:

match 'gallery_:id' => 'gallery#show', :via => [:get], :as => 'gallery_show'

Solution 4

match '/invoices/:id/send' => 'invoices#send_invoice', :as => :some_name

To add link

<%= button_to "Send Invoice", some_name_path(@invoice) %>
Sathish Manohar
Author by

Sathish Manohar

Self Taught. Web Designer, Developer. Building Cool Stuff that I want in this world.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Sathish Manohar
    Sathish Manohar almost 2 years

    I have an invoices_controller which has resource routes. Like following:

    resources :invoices do
      resources :items, only: [:create, :destroy, :update]

    Now I want to add a send functionality to the invoice, How do I add a custom route as invoices/:id/send that dispatch the request to say invoices#send_invoice and how should I link to it in the views.

    What is the conventional rails way to do it. Thanks.

  • Sathish Manohar
    Sathish Manohar about 11 years
    Thanks! There was one problem though, when I use send method in controller, I get an argument error like this ArgumentError in InvoicesController#show wrong number of arguments (2 for 0) I guess rails uses the send keyword for some internals. Funny, changing all "send" to "bend" actually sent the emails, Now I guess, I have to figure out a new verb for sending invoices.
  • Damien
    Damien about 11 years
    @SathishManohar ah ah! I didn't think about that! Yes, send is a method in Ruby Maybe use deliver instead of send (my 2 cents)