How to add dynamically attribute in VueJs


Solution 1

You can bind it to a variable using v-bind:disabled="foo" or :disabled="foo" for short:

<textfield label="Name" value.sync="" :disabled="myVar">

Then in Vue you can just set this.myVar = true and it will disable the input.

Edit: add this to your template:

  <input type="text" :disabled="disabled" :placeholder="placeholder" v-model="value">

Solution 2

As pointed out, you don't need dynamic attributes in your case.

But well, you asked if it is possible, and the answer is yes. You can have dynamic attributes, as of 2.6.0.


<a v-bind:[attributeName]="whatever">

It is documented here

Solution 3

I am trying to figure out how to set the attribute of the html tags from the array value dynamically when using the Vue v-for loop.

What I am going to show:


  1. There are 3 div elements with different background colors from array value(not static).
  2. Each divs have a input tag and change the value when the user input value

    • The first div's input converts lowercase to uppercase.
    • second represents the mood, if enter 'happy', present 'good'. if enter 'sad', output 'bad'
    • The third div input doubles the input value.
    {{ box.outputData }} Rounded Box
    new Vue({
     el: "#app",
      data: {
        isRounded: false,
          boxes: [
              inputData: "",
              outputData: "",
              color: "green",
              operation: "uppercase"
              inputData: "",
              outputData: "",
              color: "red",
              operation: "feeling"
              inputData: "",
              outputData: "",
              color: "blue",
              operation: "multiple"
          feeling: {
            good: ["happy", "joyful", "calm"],
            bad: ["sad", "mad", "depressed"]
      methods: {
        toggle: function(todo){
            todo.done = !todo.done
      watch: {
        boxes: {
          deep: true,
          immediate: true,
          handler: function(val) {
   => {
              if (box.operation === "uppercase")
                box.outputData = box.inputData.toUpperCase();
              else if (box.operation === "feeling") {
                box.outputData = this.feeling.good.includes(box.inputData)
                  ? "GOOD"
                  : this.feeling.bad.includes(box.inputData)
                  ? "BAD"
                  : "";
              } else if (box.operation === "multiple") {
                if (box.inputData == "") box.outputData = "";
                else box.outputData = parseInt(box.inputData) * 2;
      mounted() {
        for (var i = 0; i < this.numBox; i++) {
          this.boxValue[i] = "";
          this.bxData[i] = "";
     clear: both;
    input {
      background: transparent;
      text-decoration: underline;
      color: white;
      border: none;
      text-align: center;
    .box {
      color: white;
      width: 24%;
      margin-right: 1%;
      padding: 20px;
      background: blue;
      height: 100px;
    .box-output {
      width: 100%;
      text-align: center;
    .box-rounded {
      border-radius: 50px;

Solution 4

base one condition we can define or change attributes in vue

Please refer official document for the same

Maria Minh
Author by

Maria Minh

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Maria Minh
    Maria Minh almost 2 years

    I'm using vuejs and I wanna know how to have control on inputs (add disabled attribute when necessary). Is there any way to add dynamically attribute in vuejs ? Below my Textfield component :

         <input type="text" placeholder="{{ placeholder }}" v-model="value">
        export default  {
          props: {
           disabled: {type: Boolean, default: false},
           placeholder: {type: String, default: ""},
           value: {twoWay: true, default: ""}

    Usage :

    <textfield placeholder="Name" value.sync="" :disabled="true"></textfield>
  • tno2007
    tno2007 almost 5 years
    please add an example, not a link
  • Steffen T
    Steffen T almost 5 years
    There's a really good example behind the link, thanks for pointing there. I somehow missed it
  • benzo
    benzo almost 4 years
    you can add an attribute like v-for="(item, index) in numbers" :mycustom="item" , if there's an array [1,2,3,4]
  • lufc
    lufc over 3 years
    Note in the latest version of Vue that placeholder would also need to be :placeholder="placeholder"
  • jet_choong
    jet_choong about 2 years
    This's the answer I am looking for, thanks
  • Mises
    Mises about 2 years
    No, You didn't do that. Attributes of DOM elements are completely different thing than properties.
  • Cyebukayire
    Cyebukayire about 2 years
    That worked fine for me a while ago
  • Mises
    Mises about 2 years
    Ok, but title of this question is about attributes no properties. For example, on question: "What football player are the best in the wolrd?" You answered: "Justin Bieber.". Well he is not a football player.