How to add events to Google Calendar using FullCalendar


I had the same problem. I read many documentation, and at last I got a working Code. I share it here whith you:

This is how to actually add an event in Google Cal from Fullcalendar (which I like very much) :

FIRST : GET A CUSTOM FORM from FullCalendar

    set all options : options,
    selectable: true,
    selectHelper: true,
    // here is the part :
    select: function(start, end) {
    editable: true

So, I make a modal Box when I select a time range (so that I can manage the inputs myself). I use here start.format() so that the DateTime is already in a GoogleFormat.


1/ I create the form

(in modal window). It will contain all the info for Google Calendar.

<script type='text/javascript'>

$(function() {

function modalbox(start,end) {
    ID = "popup";
    // Title
    var pop_content = '<h2>New event:</h2>
    <form><div style="float:left;width:70%;text-align:right"><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" ID="title" style="width:200px;height:30px;line-height:30px;margin:5px;background-color:#EEF4F7" NAME="title" ><br>';
    // Place
    pop_content += '<div style="font-size:11px;color:gray;margin-top:10px">Place: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" ID="where_event" style="width:200px;height:20px;line-height:20px;margin:3px;vertical-align:middle"  NAME="where_event"><br>';
    // Description
    pop_content += 'Content : <TEXTAREA ID="content_event" style="width:200px;height:60px;margin:3px;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:13px;vertical-align:middle" NAME="content_event"></TEXTAREA></div> </div>';
    // Submit       
    pop_content += '<INPUT type="submit" style="height:40px;width:90px" value="OK">';
    // Start and End of the event
    pop_content += '<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" ID="start" NAME="start" value="'+start+'"><INPUT type="HIDDEN" ID="end" NAME="end" value="'+end+'"></form>';

    /****** Some CSS effect *****************/
    $('#'+ID).fadeIn().css({'width': 500})
        .prepend('<a href="#" class="close"><img src="images/close.png" border="0" class="btn_close" title="Fermer" alt="Fermer" /></a>')
    // Some CSS Adjust for centering the box
    var popMargTop = ($('#' + ID).height() + 80) / 2;
    var popMargLeft = ($('#' + ID).width() + 80) / 2;
    $('#' + ID).css({
        'margin-top' : -popMargTop,
        'margin-left' : -popMargLeft
    //Effet fade-in du fond opaque
    $('body').append('<div id="fade"></div>'); //Ajout du fond opaque noir
    //Apparition du fond - .css({'filter' : 'alpha(opacity=80)'}) pour corriger les bogues de IE
    $('#fade').css({'filter' : 'alpha(opacity=80)'}).fadeIn();
    //Fade in the Popup and add close button
    /********** end of CSS effects *************/


<div id="popup" class="popup_block"></div>


2/ I get the data and push it to a new page in AJAX

so that the page does not reload...

<script type='text/javascript'>

$(function() {
/*********** We get the form data ****************/ 
$('#popup').submit(function(event) {
    event.preventDefault(); // on stop le submit
    var title = $('#title').val();
    var start = $('#start').val();
    var end = $('#end').val();
    var where_event = $('#where_event').val();
    var content_event = $('#content_event').val();

    // because we want immediate reaction of FullCalendar, we render the created event on the FullCalendar, even if it's only temporarily
    if (title) {
            title: title,
            start: start,
            end: end
            true // make the event "stick"
    // Now we push it to Google also :

    // Wether we had the form fulfilled or not, we clean FullCalendar and close the popup   
    $('#fade , .popup_block').fadeOut(function() {
        $('#fade, a.close').hide("normal");    

function add_event_gcal(title,start,end,where_event,content_event) { 
    // I will create the eventInsert script in a new page, and I name it here :
    var url = "calendrier_add.php";
    var data = {'titre_event' :title, 'start' : start, 'end' :end, 'where_event' : where_event, 'content_event' : content_event};

    // I want to check in the page the result of what happened
            if(statusTxt=="error") alert("Error: "+xhr.status+": "+xhr.statusText);




This PHP code is to be written in the file calendrier_add.php : (of course, first you had to download the API here : : BEWARE : the autoload.php is in src/Google, the one in root is rooten...)


// variables can only be got with $_REQUEST ?
$titre_event = $_REQUEST['titre_event'];
$start = $_REQUEST['start'];
$end = $_REQUEST['end'];
$allday = $_REQUEST['allday'];
$where_event = $_REQUEST['where_event'];
$content_event = $_REQUEST['content_event'];


      Make an API request authenticated with a service account.
    require_once 'fullcalendar/google-api-php-client-master/src/Google/autoload.php'; // or wherever autoload.php is located

      The name is the email address value provided  as part of the service account (not your  address!)
      cf. :<your account>
    $client_id = ''; // YOUR Client ID
    $service_account_name = '[email protected]'; // Email Address in the console account

    $key_file_location = 'fullcalendar/google-api-php-client-master/API_Project-35c93db58757.p12'; // key.p12 to create in the Google API console

    if (strpos($client_id, "googleusercontent") == false || !strlen($service_account_name) || !strlen($key_file_location)) {
        echo "no credentials were set.";

    /** We create service access ***/
    $client = new Google_Client();  

    If we have an access token, we can carry on.  (Otherwise, we'll get one with the help of an  assertion credential.)
    Here we have to list the scopes manually. We also supply  the service account
    if (isset($_SESSION['service_token'])) {
    $key = file_get_contents($key_file_location);
    $cred = new Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(
    array(''), // ou calendar_readonly

    if ($client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
    $_SESSION['service_token'] = $client->getAccessToken();


/*********** AT LAAAAST, WE PUSH THE EVENT IN GOOGLE CALENDAR ***************/
// Get the API client and construct the service object.
$service = new Google_Service_Calendar($client);

// We get the calendar
$calendarId = '[email protected]'; // or whatever calendar you like where you have editable rights

    /************* INSERT ****************/
$event = new Google_Service_Calendar_Event(array(
    'summary' => $titre_event, 
    'location' => $where_event,
    'description' => $content_event,
    'start' => array(
        'dateTime' => $start, //'2015-06-08T15:00:00Z'
        'timeZone' => 'Europe/Paris',
    'end' => array(
        'dateTime' => $end,
        'timeZone' => 'Europe/Paris',
    /* in case you need that :
    'attendees' => array(
        array('email' => '[email protected]'),
        array('email' => '[email protected]'),
    'reminders' => array(
        'useDefault' => FALSE,
        'overrides' => array(
            array('method' => 'email', 'minutes' => 20)

$event = $service->events->insert($calendarId, $event);
printf('Event created: %s', $event->htmlLink);


I spent some time, but it works fine for me. In my script, I can write on multiple calendars just by changing calendarID. It should be added to Fullcalendar now, but I have no GIT account, Node or NPM.


It may be strange, but the best way for me to make this work was also to ADD my API Console email account to the shared users of the calendar with full power!(can't post image until I got 10 reputations...)

Author by


Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years

    I have searched through FullCalendar documentation and googled around but I haven't been able to find how to add events to Google Calendar using FullCalendar. I have tried using js Google APIs for Google Calendar but I am quite new to js and I have not resolved. So my question is: I have a website in which I used FullCalendar to manage a Google Calendar but I am not able to add events to it. Is there someone who can help me, maybe with a full working example? Many thanks for your precoius help!

  • Admin
    Admin over 9 years
    Thanks Marcel, I've already read what's stated in the url you indicated several times, but there's no answer to my question there...
  • Marcel Burkhard
    Marcel Burkhard over 9 years
    It says: On Nov 17th 2014, Google shut down V1 and V2 of their Calendar APIs, which FullCalendar relied upon. Please upgrade to the latest version of FullCalendar or at least replace gcal.js with this file (will work down to FullCalendar v2.0.0). Also, your own Google Calendar API key is now required. Are you using the latest version?
  • Admin
    Admin over 9 years
    Yes, I am using the latest version, and I have my own Google Calendar API key. Reading FullCalendar documentation I have been able to setup my calendar correctly, but I don't know where to start to code the insertion of a new event. I can't find anywhere how to do it. Thanks again!
  • user2060451
    user2060451 over 5 years
    Thank you, XavDeb. I get an error at autoload file ($file = DIR . '/../../myPath/autoload.php';) Why do we need to get this location if the PHP file is calling for the Autoload.php. I am confused here.