How to add text in PdfContentByte rectangle using itextsharp?


You are drawing a rectangle like this:

 PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
 cb.Rectangle(doc.PageSize.Width -90f, 830f, 50f,50f);

This corresponds with this Rectangle:

Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(
    doc.PageSize.Width - 90f, 830f,
    doc.PageSize.Width - 40f, 880f);

You can add text inside this rectangle like this:

 ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb);
 ct.AddElement(new Paragraph("This is the text added in the rectangle"));
Semil Sebastian
Author by

Semil Sebastian

Updated on July 01, 2020


  • Semil Sebastian
    Semil Sebastian almost 4 years

    I have created rectangle using PdfContentByte. Now I want to adda text inside this rectangle. How can I do this. If anybody have idea please share with me.My rectangle code is

     Document doc = new Document(new Rectangle(570, 924f));
     PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc,Response.OutputStream);
     PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
     cb.Rectangle(doc.PageSize.Width -90f, 830f, 50f,50f);
  • Semil Sebastian
    Semil Sebastian almost 9 years
    ,No overload for methode 'SetSimpleColumn' tkes 1 argument...Why?
  • Bruno Lowagie
    Bruno Lowagie almost 9 years
    Aha, you are using an obsolete version of iTextSharp. Make sure that you're using the latest version. The version you are using is probably several years old.
  • Admin
    Admin almost 7 years
    This is not always possible (at least legally), due to recent licence changes