How to align Angular Material 5 Toolbar title center with Flex


Assuming the mat-toolbar has display: flex and row direction (which is normally the default), set justify-content: center on its parent, the mat-toolbar, or use auto margin* on the span, giving it margin: 0 auto.

In both cases one also need to remove flex: 1 1 auto, as that will make the span fill its parent, since its flex-grow has 1 (the first value in the shorthand flex)

.title-center {
  margin: 0 auto;

Or, if to keep the existing CSS, also add text-align: center to it, as one normally does when e.g. center an inline element like a span in a block element like a div

.title-center {
  flex: 1 1 auto;
  text-align: center;

* With Flexbox, auto margins got an update,

Alisson Reinaldo Silva
Author by

Alisson Reinaldo Silva

I love watching game speedruns, anime reactions, drinking coffee. I enjoy travelling with my wife and friends. I often host parties and barbecues at home.

Updated on April 28, 2020


  • Alisson Reinaldo Silva
    Alisson Reinaldo Silva about 4 years

    I'm using Angular Material for my Angular 5 project. I'd like to align the toolbar title to center.

    In their docs, they mention:

    The toolbar does not perform any positioning of its content. This gives the user full power to position the content as it suits their application.

    A common pattern is to position a title on the left with some actions on the right. This can be easily accomplished with display: flex:

    This is what I tried:

    <mat-toolbar color="primary">
        <span class="title-center">TITLE</span>
    .title-center {
      flex: 1 1 auto;

    ...but the title is still in the left.

    I tried reading here about flex, but couldn't figure out what to do.