How to apply plugin to only one flavor in gradle?


Solution 1

Use this code:

if (!getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests()
    apply plugin: ''

getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString() returns something like [DefaultTaskExecutionRequest{args=[:app:generateDevelopDebugSources],projectPath='null'}] so as stated in the comments Develop must start with an uppercase.

Solution 2

Tried different solutions, but none of them worked for me. This is what I came up with and seems to work as far as I tested:


productFlavors {
    someFlavorWithGoogleGcm {
        dimension "type"
        applicationId "com.example.withGcm"
        ext.useGoogleGcm = true
    someFlavorWithoutGoogleGcm {
        dimension "type"
        applicationId "com.example.withoutGcm"

And outside the configuration, inside the build.gradle file:

android.productFlavors.each { flavor ->
    if (getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString().toLowerCase().contains( && flavor.ext.useGoogleGcm) {
        println("Building flavor with Google GCM [${}] - applying plugin")
        apply plugin: ''

Solution 3

  1. Define variable - def fl
  2. Initialize variable in you Flavours (and/or builds)

        productFlavors {
                freeFlavour {
                    fl = "free"
                paidFlavour {
                    fl = "paid"
  3. Use if statement -

    if (fl == "free") { apply plugin: something }

Solution 4

I simply used apply plugin: '' inside the flavor in app level build.gradle and it works just fine.

productFlavors {
    ..... your other flavors ....
    yourFlv {
        apply plugin: ''

No extra step needed.

Solution 5

I found a solution, but it is not the best so far. So I'm not sure anymore, that what I wanted to do initially is possible. The gradle file evaluation and the choosing of the right flavor and build type is in different phases of the gradle build, so what I've done is:

I use a build parameter from the command line. When that paramerer is true, I apply the plugin, when it is not even there, I also apply it (for IDE build). I use Jenkins, so I could write that parameter in the build job.

build.gradle file:

// First we have to attach a task to the project, which will be running first
gradle.projectsEvaluated {

// Then check on the parameter, which comes from the command line
task applyNewRelicByProperty {
    if(!project.hasProperty('compileNewRelic')) {
        // NewRelic on: 'compileNewRelic' property not set, so running from IDE.
        apply plugin: 'newrelic'
    } else if(project.hasProperty('compileNewRelic') && project.getProperties().get('compileNewRelic').equals('true')) {
        // NewRelic on: 'compileNewRelic' property is set and it is 'true'.
        apply plugin: 'newrelic'
    } else {
        // NewRelic off
        println("No NewRelic")

And you have to run the gradle build by this:

assembleYourApp -PcompileNewRelic=true
Author by


I'm a true mobile enthusiast, who always searches for smart solutions :)

Updated on June 16, 2022


  • szidijani
    szidijani about 2 years

    I have a multi-flavored, multi-build-typed android project and I want to integrate the NewRelic plugin. But I have to apply it only for one of the customers, thus only for one product flavor.
    NewRelic uses instrumentation and the plugin would generate code in other flavors if I applied the plugin there, and that is not permitted for us.

    So my question is: How can I use the apply plugin: something command in the gradle file to be applied to only one of my flavors?

  • Sebastiano
    Sebastiano about 8 years
    This does not work for me as of today. Apparently, the build.gradle parser looks for apply statements before even evaluating project, hence nullifying the if checks.
  • daemontus
    daemontus over 7 years
    This doesn't seem to work. In my case (let's say I'm calling assembleFree), both blocks are executed so the value of fl is the name of the last declared flavour. Any other ideas?
  • Phoenix Wang
    Phoenix Wang about 7 years
    This code work. But you need to pay attention that first letter of flavor name should be in Uppercase
  • user3193413
    user3193413 about 6 years
    Didn't worked when clicked assemble from the right side gradle menu... When installed the app manually..
  • l0v3
    l0v3 over 5 years
    This will be resolved in configuration time, and since this needs to go all over it, the fl will contain the last value.
  • Fabio
    Fabio over 5 years
    this almost works for me, but I noticed when type ./gradlew assembleDe that the value in getTaskRequests is also assembleDe - when I expected it to be already expanded to assembleDebug
  • Pavel
    Pavel over 4 years
    The code doesn't work. This prints an empty array "[]" println("${getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests()‌​.toString()}")
  • AlanKley
    AlanKley almost 4 years
    I confirmed @Pavel comment. Seems to work from within Android Studio but not when run from command line. This is all I get: [DefaultTaskExecutionRequest{args=[build],projectPath='null'‌​}]
  • Gabriel Gava
    Gabriel Gava over 3 years
    This was the only solution that worked for me. However, I changed your if a little bit to if (getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskNames().stream().fil‌​ter { it.toLowerCase().contains( }.count() > 0 && flavor.ext.useGoogleGcm)
  • Ljdawson
    Ljdawson over 3 years
    I would suggest others use this
  • Nuwisam
    Nuwisam over 3 years
    Wow, it really is that simple!
  • lilienberg
    lilienberg over 3 years
    I used it for exact this use case. It worked for me.
  • mayank1513
    mayank1513 over 3 years
    Thanks for the complements. If it really helped you, you may go ahead and hit vote up button. That will help others find it easily.
  • anro
    anro over 3 years
    This works for builds through Android Studio, but didn't work for builds with Jenkins.
  • AndroidDev
    AndroidDev over 3 years
    Not working for me, when I do clean, rebuild, the value that I get is [defaulttaskexecutionrequest{args=[],projectpath='null'}]
  • Slion
    Slion about 3 years
    It does not seem to be executing for me. I don't get the logs somehow and the plugin is just not applied. Added extra logs before the if statement, still no joy.
  • Slion
    Slion about 3 years
    Seems that using .all instead of .each fixes it.
  • Erik
    Erik about 3 years
    @Fabio did you find a solution to the problem? E.g. running ./gradlew asF instead of ./gradlew assembleFlavor fails the solution proposed by this answer: the task request string contains "asF" but not assembleFlavor. That is a problem when trying to match e.g. "Flavor"!
  • Fabio
    Fabio about 3 years
    Nope, I got tired of dealing with firebase and now distribute Apks with slack
  • yorkw
    yorkw almost 3 years
    This is a syntax cheat, the plugin is still got involved when build other product flavor, tested with android gradle plugin version 4.2.0
  • Kreiri
    Kreiri almost 3 years
    Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work when running tests.
  • Sasha Davydenko
    Sasha Davydenko about 2 years
    Failed for me with Gradle 7.0.2, the error was Cannot get property 'shouldMinify' on extra properties extension as it does not exist. So I needed to add the ext.shouldMinify property to all flavors (and set to according values)