How to autogenerate API documentation from Express route mappings?


Solution 1

This is javascript, you can easily patch the original methods to also generate the docs.

Here is a sample code in coffeescript:

express = require 'express'
methods = require 'express/node_modules/methods' # array of all HTTP methods

app = express()

methods.forEach (method) ->
  orig = app[method]
  app[method] = (path, handler) ->
    console.log "patched method ", method, " ", path
    # generate docs here
    orig.apply(this, arguments)

You can also get the code of the handler function using handler.toString(). Add some Regex-Fu and you can extract more notes from a function written like this:

app.get "/foo", (req, res) ->
  "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit"
  more code here

Solution 2

You can get close.

Have a look in the 'res' object. You will see that it has a reference to your app object. So, contains a set of arrays for the http methods (get, post, etc). Say in the GET array, there is a path and a callback property. path will give you the route url, and callback is an array of route handlers. From here you can get the function names.


Make a new route that is used purely for outputting your doco to a file. In that route handler, parse though, etc.

Not ideal, but workable.

Solution 3

I was also looking for a module to do this but I couldn't find one that did what I needed. So I recently created this module to auto-generate API docs for Express and Mongoose based APIs. It saves me a lot of time as API developer and the front-end developers are also happy with this.


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Author by


Experienced in developing scalable solutions for complex problems. I enjoy working full-stack - from architecting schema and data-flows, implementing algorithms, designing APIs to crafting innovative UIs. My professional interests include algorithms, functional programming, finance, data analytics and visualization.

Updated on June 25, 2022


  • pathikrit
    pathikrit about 2 years

    I am developing a REST API in nodejs + Express and I have been simultaneously documenting my API in the README file and I was wondering if it is possible to automate it. e.g. given:

    app.get('/path/to', dosomething);'/path/to/:somethingelse', scream);

    I want it to auto generate this

    GET: /path/to dosomething
    POST: /path/to/:somethingelse scream
  • Diogo Gomes
    Diogo Gomes over 11 years
    Actually, you don't need to use literals for the notes. You can use comments. They show up when you use .toString(). Be careful with minifiers or the coffeescript compiler.
  • rahul
    rahul almost 10 years
    Not working with Express 4 (probably app.routes doesn't exist anymore)
  • tomalex
    tomalex about 8 years
    Did you came across any jsdoc plugin for this?
  • Rémi Becheras
    Rémi Becheras about 8 years
    No, not yet, but I think I'll develop a such plugin during the next 30 days. Here is the repository I created to host the project when I'll work on it :
  • Rémi Becheras
    Rémi Becheras about 8 years
    Yes indeed, but it can be an inspiration to documents routes
  • JP_
    JP_ over 7 years
    SECURITY WARNING: He has put analytics in his JavaScript. Search for "Mixpanel". No mention by author.