how to avoid extra blank page at end while printing?


Solution 1

You could maybe add

.print:last-child {
     page-break-after: auto;

so the last print element will not get the extra page break.

Do note that the :last-child selector is not supported in IE8, if you're targetting that wretch of a browser.

Solution 2

Have you tried this?

@media print {
    html, body {
        height: 99%;    

Solution 3

Solution described here helped me (webarchive link).

First of all, you can add border to all elements to see what causes a new page to be appended (maybe some margins, paddings, etc).

div { border: 1px solid black;}

And the solution itself was to add the following styles:

html, body { height: auto; }

Solution 4

if None of those works, try this

@media print {

    html, body {
      margin: 0 !important; 
      padding: 0 !important;
      overflow: hidden;


make sure it is 100vh

Solution 5

This works for me

.print+.print {
    page-break-before: always;

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Angelin Nadar
Author by

Angelin Nadar

Everybody knows that something cant be done and then somebody turns up and he doesn't know that it can't be done and he does it.

Updated on September 10, 2021


  • Angelin Nadar
    Angelin Nadar almost 3 years

    I'm using a CSS property,

    If I use page-break-after: always; => It prints an extra blank page before

    If I use page-break-before: always; => It prints an extra blank page after. How to avoid this?

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>Insert title here</title>
    <style type="text/css">
        page-break-after: always;
    <script type="text/javascript">
    <div class="print">fd</div>
    <div class="print">fdfd</div>
    • juankysmith
      juankysmith over 12 years
      what's the height of the print class?
    • Angelin Nadar
      Angelin Nadar over 12 years
      As this is for invoices the height is going to be dynamic as per the no of items.
    • Bob Stein
      Bob Stein over 6 years
      This is how we did it in the cold war: <div>This page intentionally left blank.</div>
  • Angelin Nadar
    Angelin Nadar over 12 years
    Its ok as "Not supported in IE" is the dafault feature of IE
  • Gustavo
    Gustavo over 10 years
    For me worked: @media print { html{ height: 99%; } }, with body the document created was bigger
  • zacharydl
    zacharydl over 9 years
    In my case, Zurb Foundation was setting html and body to height: 100%. I was able to override this with height: auto
  • RemarkLima
    RemarkLima over 9 years
    This worked for me better than the rest! Some more info here:…
  • jontsai
    jontsai over 8 years
    Confirming that @zacharydl's comment works for me, and also that height: auto; is more elegant than height: 99%;
  • Miguel Stevens
    Miguel Stevens over 8 years
    Wow this was my old blog! I just had the same problem and was thinking I already fixed this once ^^ small world
  • rob_james
    rob_james about 8 years
    I had this issue, because i was setting html height to 101% to force a scrollbar to always show. (Eliminates the jump between pages) - so yes, 100% height in the print style is a tasty fix! - cheers.
  • user161592
    user161592 almost 8 years
    @rob_james to avoid using 101%, you can set overflow-y: scroll; to always have the scrollbar visible
  • Siby Thomas
    Siby Thomas almost 8 years
    I just put 'min-height:initial !important;' and it worked for me.
  • George Marian
    George Marian almost 8 years
    @SibyThomas I avoid the !important declaration if at all possible. It makes things more difficult for overriding properties. I didn't even consider initial since I assumed it'd be problematic for dynamically sized elements. Note that the initial value is 0, so I still assume that auto is generally more useful.
  • chapeljuice
    chapeljuice over 7 years
    Yes if you use visibility: hidden; it will still take up space. If you use display: none; the space will be removed. At that point you won't need to specifically set the height, just FYI.
  • Iftikhar Ali Ansari
    Iftikhar Ali Ansari about 7 years
    plus 1 for adding div border.
  • user2398069
    user2398069 almost 6 years
    setting the height to 100vh solved my problem. Thanks
  • Cody
    Cody over 5 years
    For other readers, this didn't work for me, but the below answer of setting auto height on the HTML and body elements worked like a charm.
  • shinriyo
    shinriyo over 5 years
    "@media print { * { overflow: hidden!important; } }" is very important for me.
  • erichunt
    erichunt over 4 years
    Adding the border was such a great idea!! It helped me realize there was a min-height set on my page wrapper that was causing an extra page to appear. I was banging my head against this for a while. Thank you so much!
  • pop
    pop over 4 years
    Finally an answer to an obscure problem! Safari on OSX was showing a completely blank page while Chrome, FF and Edge where all good with the preview. Thanks a lot!
  • Filipe
    Filipe almost 4 years
    Having the height set to 100vh seems to be keeping it from loading any more than one page, so that if the document has more than one page only the first page loads on the preview
  • Putzi San
    Putzi San over 3 years
    Thx, if you have dynamic content you can use the :not selector to set everything to display: none but not the print-class, like body > :not(.print) { display: none !important; }
  • kyletme
    kyletme over 3 years
    This fixed my problem. I was printing an IMG and setting the style to "display: block;" prevented the second blank page.
  • Abhishek Kanrar
    Abhishek Kanrar almost 3 years
    set the page height
  • Kim Skogsmo
    Kim Skogsmo over 2 years
    Still working to this day!
  • anztrax
    anztrax over 2 years
    thanks bro u save my day :+1: