How to bypass certificate errors using Microsoft-EDGE


Solution 1

Microsoft EDGE does not directly have a way to manage certificates or import certificates in order to avoid certificate errors. To allow a self-signed certificate to be used by Microsoft-Edge it is necessary to use the "certmgr.msc" tool from the command line to import the certificate as a Trusted Certificate Authority.

This can be done as follows:

  • Click on the red certificate error message to view the failing certificate
  • Click on View Certificate
  • Click on Export to File (any location, foo.crt)
  • Start a cmd shell and type the command "certmgr.msc" to open the certificate wizard
  • From the menu bar select "Action" > "All Tasks" > "Import..."
  • A popup window will appear asking for the "Store Location" Select Current User or Local Machine. Click Next.
  • A new popup window will appear asking for the File Name: Browse and select your exported certificate file, foo.crt and Click Open.
  • The popup should now display the full path to your certificate file, foo.crt. Click Next.
  • A new popup window will appear asking you to allow Windows to choose the "certificate Store" based on the certificate, or allow you to specify the certificate store manually. Select manual option, "Trusted Root Certificate Authority". Click Next.
  • A final popup will appear "Completing the Certificate Import Wizard". Review the settings and Click Finish.
  • You should get a "import successful" message.
  • Close the import wizard application and try the URL again in the EDGE browser. If this worked you will not get the certificate error and the page will load normally

Solution 2

If you're trying to reach a page served from localhost that has a self signed cert, you can enable a flag in edge. Go to edge://flags and search for localhost, and enable the flag Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from localhost.

enter image description here

Rod Dewell
Author by

Rod Dewell

I fix things that cannot be fixed, break things that cannot be broken, make things that have never been made, and tell unbelievable true stories.

Updated on May 08, 2021


  • Rod Dewell
    Rod Dewell about 3 years

    When attempting to access the local git server page Microsoft Edge displays a certificate error because the git server is using a self-signed certificate. I would like to enable access to this specific web host and bypass the error message. This can be done in other browsers, but apparently EDGE doesn't provide a way to override certificate handling or make exceptions.

    Error message: "This site is not secure." DLG_FLAGS_INVALID_CA