How to call a C# function from JavaScript?


Solution 1

You can use a Web Method and Ajax:

<script type="text/javascript">             //Default.aspx
   function DeleteKartItems() {     
         type: "POST",
         url: 'Default.aspx/DeleteItem',
         data: "",
         contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
         dataType: "json",
         success: function (msg) {
         error: function (e) {
             $("#divResult").html("Something Wrong.");

[WebMethod]                                 //Default.aspx.cs
public static void DeleteItem()
    //Your Logic

Solution 2

.CS File    
    namespace Csharp
      public void CsharpFunction()

    JS code:
    function JSFunction() {
            <%#ProjectName.Csharp.CsharpFunction()%> ;

Note :in JS Function when call your CS page function.... first name of project then name of name space of CS page then function name

Solution 3

A modern approach is to use ASP.NET Web API 2 (server-side) with jQuery Ajax (client-side).

Like page methods and ASMX web methods, Web API allows you to write C# code in ASP.NET which can be called from a browser or from anywhere, really!

Here is an example Web API controller, which exposes API methods allowing clients to retrieve details about 1 or all products (in the real world, products would likely be loaded from a database):

public class ProductsController : ApiController
    Product[] products = new Product[] 
        new Product { Id = 1, Name = "Tomato Soup", Category = "Groceries", Price = 1 }, 
        new Product { Id = 2, Name = "Yo-yo", Category = "Toys", Price = 3.75M }, 
        new Product { Id = 3, Name = "Hammer", Category = "Hardware", Price = 16.99M } 

    public IEnumerable<Product> GetAllProducts()
        return products;

    public IHttpActionResult GetProduct(int id)
        var product = products.FirstOrDefault((p) => p.Id == id);
        if (product == null)
            return NotFound();
        return Ok(product);

The controller uses this example model class:

public class Product
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Category { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }

Example jQuery Ajax call to get and iterate over a list of products:

$(document).ready(function () {
    // Send an AJAX request
        .done(function (data) {
            // On success, 'data' contains a list of products.
            $.each(data, function (key, item) {
                // Add a list item for the product.
                $('<li>', { text: formatItem(item) }).appendTo($('#products'));

Not only does this allow you to easily create a modern Web API, you can if you need to get really professional and document it too, using ASP.NET Web API Help Pages and/or Swashbuckle.

Web API can be retro-fitted (added) to an existing ASP.NET Web Forms project. In that case you will need to add routing instructions into the Application_Start method in the file Global.asax:

    name: "DefaultApi",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
    defaults: new { id = System.Web.Http.RouteParameter.Optional }


Solution 4

Use Blazor

Here's the C#:

namespace BlazorDemo.Client
   public static class MyCSharpFunctions
       public static void CsharpFunction()

Then the Javascript:

const CsharpFunction = Blazor.platform.findMethod(
if (Javascriptcondition > 0) {
   Blazor.platform.callMethod(CsharpFunction, null)

Solution 5

Server-side functions are on the server-side, client-side functions reside on the client. What you can do is you have to set hidden form variable and submit the form, then on page use Page_Load handler you can access value of variable and call the server method.

More info can be found here and here

Author by


Updated on June 26, 2020


  • IamNumber5
    IamNumber5 almost 4 years

    I want to call CsharpFunction, a C# function in code-behind, from JavaScript. I tried the code below but whether the JavaScript condition is True or False, CsharpFunction was called regardless!

    JavaScript code:

    if (Javascriptcondition > 0) {

    C# code behind:

    protected void CsharpFunction()

    How do I call a C# function from JavaScript?

  • Shyam sundar shah
    Shyam sundar shah over 10 years
  • Bart Friederichs
    Bart Friederichs over 10 years
    @Shyamsundarshah which describes AJAX and __doPostback, which basically are ways to trigger the server to run something. But in a sense, you are right.
  • vico
    vico almost 10 years
    your example calls the c# code page, not the function.
  • love thakker
    love thakker almost 6 years
    if you do not find your function, try making it static.
  • tresf
    tresf over 4 years
    I like this solution, but the default IIS/ASP.NET permissions don't allow $.ajax(...) to call the controller without authentication (which is nice). Isn't there an easy way to call the controller without having to lower the security of the page?
  • tresf
    tresf over 4 years
    how do you process the return value?