How to call a javascript function inside kendo grid column template with razor syntax


Solution 1

This can be achieved without javascript, but for learning on how to use templates refer to @C Sharper's answer.

columns.Bound(bl => bl.LogText)
       .Template(@<text>@item.LogText.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br />"))

Solution 2

.Columns(columns =>
    columns.Bound(m => m.SubSystemOrderId).Title("Subsys #");
    columns.Bound(m => m.Description).Title("Description").Template(@<text><a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="return'@item.SubSystemOrderId', '@item.OrderDetailTypeId', '@item.ProposalId', '@ViewBag.MyOpExUser', '@ViewBag.selectedOpportunityId')">@item.Description</a></text>);
    columns.Bound(m => m.SubSystemStatusName).Title("Status");
    columns.Bound(m => m.GrossRevenue).Title("Gross Revenue").Format("{0:c}");
    columns.Bound(m => m.IncludeInForecast).Title("Include In Forecast").Template(m=>m.IncludeInForecast ? "Yes" : "No");
    columns.Bound(m => m.ProposalId).Title("Proposal Id").Visible(false);


another example

columns.Bound(m => m.OpportunityName).Title("Opportunity Name").ClientTemplate("<a href='javascript: void(0);' onclick=\"return openMSDynamicsWindow('#= OpportunityUrl #');\">#= OpportunityName #</a>").HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "k-link" });

You'll see im passing into the function '#= OpportunityUrl #'. That's how you can grab values off of the model. #= OpportunityName # will be the the link text.

This is a more Complex example, you can really do anything you want. Just getting the string based crap to work is a real pain

columns.Bound(m => m.Dollars).Title("").ClientTemplate(
          "# if (Dollars == null) { #" +
          "" +
          "# } else if (Dollars == 0) { #" +
          "<div>#= kendo.toString(Dollars, 'c') #</div>" +
          "# } else if (Count > 0) { #" +
          "<a href='javascript: void(0);' onclick=\"return'#= Count #','#= Type #','#= DetailId #','#= OrderId #','#= User #','#= SelectedId #');\">#= kendo.toString(Dollars, 'c') #</a>" +
          "# } #"
Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • tomc
    tomc almost 2 years

    I have implemented a Kendo Grid with MVC4 and Razor syntax. This grid displays log entries from a database table. The LogText column contains text with Windows newline characters. I am trying to replace those newline characters with line break tags. To do this, I have created a javascript function that I am wanting to call from a column template. The grid uses server binding. I cannot seem to find the correct syntax to make a javascript call from within the template. I have seen many examples, but none seem to be with the Razor syntax. I hope someone can help me with this.

    Here is my code:

    @model IEnumerable<Core.Models.ShipmentLog>
        ViewBag.Title = "ShipmentLog";
            columns.Bound(bl => bl.UserName);
            columns.Bound(bl => bl.LogTime);
            columns.Bound(bl => bl.LogType);
            columns.Bound(bl => bl.LogText).Width(600).Encoded(false).Template(#=  GetHtmlNewLinesString(@item.LogText) #);
        @Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index")
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function getHtmlNewLinesString(text) {
            return text.replace('\n/g', '<br />');
  • tomc
    tomc over 10 years
    Your answer set me on the right path. Thanks. However, I had to wrap it with an @Html.Raw even with the .Encoded(false). What ended up working was: columns.Bound(bl => bl.LogText).Template(@<text>@Html.Raw(@item.LogText.Replace(‌​System.Environment.N‌​ewLine, "<br />"))</text>).Width(600).Encoded(false);
  • tomc
    tomc over 10 years
    Even though this worked, I would still like to know the syntax for executing a javascript function inside the .Template(). I have scoured the web and cannot find the specific syntax. Is this because what is contained in .Template() is server side code? I tried .ClientTemplate(), but I think it was not working because I was using server binding for my datasource. Is that correct? Sorry for all the questions, but I am new to this stuff.
  • ma11achy
    ma11achy about 9 years
    Thank you sir! Your first example was a crystal oasis in a desert of nothingness! Worked perfectly for me :)