How to call a webservice method from an html page [javascript] with out refresh the page


Solution 1

Use jQuery for performin POST or GET request from your html page like this :

function fun() 
   var data="hello";
   $.get("http://localhost/ws/service.asmx/HelloWord", function(response) {
        data = response;
  alert("Sorry could not proceed");

   return data;

OR :

function fun() 
  var data="hello";
  {     data = response;
  alert("Sorry could not proceed");

    return data;

Solution 2

You can send ajax request to a webservice

            url: "WebServiceURL",
            data: "", //ur data to be sent to server
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
            type: "GET",
            success: function (data) {
            error: function (x, y, z) {
               alert(x.responseText +"  " +x.status);
Author by


Updated on July 18, 2022


  • ocp
    ocp almost 2 years

    I have a webservice which will return a value. Here my requirement is, I need to call that webservice from an index.html page, that page have an html submit button. On that button click I am calling a JavaScript. From there I want to call the web method. how can I achieve this.

    My webservice is "localhost/ws/service.asmx"; and web method is HelloWorld

     <input type="button" value="Submit" id="btn_submit" onclick ="return fun()">
     function fun() {
        // here  I want to call the "helloworld" method.
        return true;
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    Hi Aditya , thank you!. Here My webservice is "localhost/ws/service.asmx" and my webmethod is HelloWorld. So how can I give that function fun() { $.get("localhost/ws/service.asmx", function(Helloworld) { //alert(response); }); return true } is it ????
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    sorry to say.. it is not .. first one is not throwing any error but it is not returning the output string. second one says undefined object data_value
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    Thank you for your reply , but Sorry it is again returning "Undefind"
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    the webservice is returning a string "Hello world".
  • Aditya
    Aditya over 10 years
    alert(response) and check what's being returned to your page?
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    'response' is undefined
  • Aditya
    Aditya over 10 years
    Then you are not returning anything from server side ? check once if you are using context.Response.Write("Hello World"); to send response..
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    [WebMethod] public string HelloWorld() { return "Hello World"; } this is what my method.. simple one
  • Aditya
    Aditya over 10 years
    public void HelloWord(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; context.Response.Write("Hello world"); } Try this
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    I think the webservice call itself is not happening , I was trying to create the log file over the webservice call . but it is not generating any files.
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    that too giving me undefined
  • Aditya
    Aditya over 10 years
    Check the updated answer, if there is an error in the request
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    it is returning "Sorry could not proceed"
  • Aditya
    Aditya over 10 years
    onclick ="fun();" , try this
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    same result "Sorry could not proceed"
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    I think the webservice call itself is not happening , I was trying to create the log file over the webservice call . but it is not generating any files
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    if am directly accessing this , it is giving the error "Request format is unrecognized for URL unexpectedly ending in '/HelloWord'."
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    but if I am accessing the localhost/ws/service.asmx service and then after invoking the method from the browser it is working fine.
  • Aditya
    Aditya over 10 years
    Try setting the URL to your method as the url for GET request, simple
  • ocp
    ocp over 10 years
    sorry i dint get that
  • Aditya
    Aditya over 10 years
    The URL that u access your method from your browser, set that url for the GET Request?
  • Andrew
    Andrew over 6 years
    Your functions will always return "hello", as they end instantly and before the callback functions are executed.