How to call base.base.method()?


Solution 1

Just want to add this here, since people still return to this question even after many time. Of course it's bad practice, but it's still possible (in principle) to do what author wants with:

class SpecialDerived : Derived
    public override void Say()
        Console.WriteLine("Called from Special Derived.");
        var ptr = typeof(Base).GetMethod("Say").MethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer();            
        var baseSay = (Action)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Action), this, ptr);

Solution 2

This is a bad programming practice, and not allowed in C#. It's a bad programming practice because

  • The details of the grandbase are implementation details of the base; you shouldn't be relying on them. The base class is providing an abstraction overtop of the grandbase; you should be using that abstraction, not building a bypass to avoid it.

  • To illustrate a specific example of the previous point: if allowed, this pattern would be yet another way of making code susceptible to brittle-base-class failures. Suppose C derives from B which derives from A. Code in C uses base.base to call a method of A. Then the author of B realizes that they have put too much gear in class B, and a better approach is to make intermediate class B2 that derives from A, and B derives from B2. After that change, code in C is calling a method in B2, not in A, because C's author made an assumption that the implementation details of B, namely, that its direct base class is A, would never change. Many design decisions in C# are to mitigate the likelihood of various kinds of brittle base failures; the decision to make base.base illegal entirely prevents this particular flavour of that failure pattern.

  • You derived from your base because you like what it does and want to reuse and extend it. If you don't like what it does and want to work around it rather than work with it, then why did you derive from it in the first place? Derive from the grandbase yourself if that's the functionality you want to use and extend.

  • The base might require certain invariants for security or semantic consistency purposes that are maintained by the details of how the base uses the methods of the grandbase. Allowing a derived class of the base to skip the code that maintains those invariants could put the base into an inconsistent, corrupted state.

Solution 3

You can't from C#. From IL, this is actually supported. You can do a non-virt call to any of your parent classes... but please don't. :)

Solution 4

The answer (which I know is not what you're looking for) is:

class SpecialDerived : Base
    public override void Say()
        Console.WriteLine("Called from Special Derived.");

The truth is, you only have direct interaction with the class you inherit from. Think of that class as a layer - providing as much or as little of it or its parent's functionality as it desires to its derived classes.


Your edit works, but I think I would use something like this:

class Derived : Base
    protected bool _useBaseSay = false;

    public override void Say()
            Console.WriteLine("Called from Derived");

Of course, in a real implementation, you might do something more like this for extensibility and maintainability:

class Derived : Base
    protected enum Mode

    protected Mode Mode
        get; set;

    public override void Say()
        if(this.Mode == Mode.BaseFunctionality)
            Console.WriteLine("Called from Derived");

Then, derived classes can control their parents' state appropriately.

Solution 5

Why not simply cast the child class to a specific parent class and invoke the specific implementation then? This is a special case situation and a special case solution should be used. You will have to use the new keyword in the children methods though.

public class SuperBase
    public string Speak() { return "Blah in SuperBase"; }

public class Base : SuperBase
    public new string Speak() { return "Blah in Base"; }

public class Child : Base
    public new string Speak() { return "Blah in Child"; }

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()

        Child childObj = new Child();


        // casting the child to parent first and then calling Speak()
        Console.WriteLine((childObj as Base).Speak()); 

        Console.WriteLine((childObj as SuperBase).Speak());
Author by


I care about UX, like minimalism and try to follow these two quotes: Programs should be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Updated on April 26, 2022


  • loverboy
    loverboy about 2 years
    // Cannot change source code
    class Base
        public virtual void Say()
            Console.WriteLine("Called from Base.");
    // Cannot change source code
    class Derived : Base
        public override void Say()
            Console.WriteLine("Called from Derived.");
    class SpecialDerived : Derived
        public override void Say()
            Console.WriteLine("Called from Special Derived.");
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SpecialDerived sd = new SpecialDerived();

    The result is:

    Called from Special Derived.
    Called from Derived. /* this is not expected */
    Called from Base.

    How can I rewrite SpecialDerived class so that middle class "Derived"'s method is not called?

    UPDATE: The reason why I want to inherit from Derived instead of Base is Derived class contains a lot of other implementations. Since I can't do base.base.method() here, I guess the best way is to do the following?

    // Cannot change source code

    class Derived : Base
        public override void Say()
        protected virtual void CustomSay()
            Console.WriteLine("Called from Derived.");
    class SpecialDerived : Derived
        public override void Say()
            Console.WriteLine("Called from Special Derived.");
        protected override void CustomSay()
            Console.WriteLine("Called from Special Derived.");
    • JoshJordan
      JoshJordan over 14 years
      Editing to match your update.
    • nawfal
      nawfal about 10 years
    • Jason Cheng
      Jason Cheng about 3 years
      The way it works is as expected and how it should be. Also, your title is misleading. What you're really asking is "how to avoid calling base.base.method while still calling base.base.base.method?".
  • rh.
    rh. over 14 years
    On the topic of security, it should be noted that you cannot guarantee that callers will call the most-derived version of a virtual function.
  • Eric Lippert
    Eric Lippert over 14 years
    @rh: yes, that is a good point. Hostile code does not need to obey the rules of C#.
  • kvb
    kvb over 14 years
    @rh: In fact, it was worse before .NET 2.0; it used to be legal in IL to call overridden methods on a base class even if the calling class wasn't derived from it. See‌​pdf for comments on how this and other IL/C# mismatches affect the security of C# code.
  • Will Marcouiller
    Will Marcouiller over 14 years
    +1 OOP is meant exactly to reuse a basic behaviour from a base class. If one rather do what the base.base class does, then derive from it, instead of deriving from its derived. =)
  • Eric Lippert
    Eric Lippert over 14 years
    @kvb: Excellent point. In fact this change was make right before 2.0 shipped, and it broke verifiability of base calls in anonymous methods in C#. As you note, the verifier checks that the call site is derived from the type declaring the method; it does not check if the call site is contained within the type declaring the method! Fortunately the code generator now does the right thing, at long last, and we have eliminated the "base call is not verifiable" warning.
  • nawfal
    nawfal about 10 years
    Why not just write a protected function in Derived which calls Base.Say, so that it can be called from SpecialDerived? Simpler, no?
  • Haseeb Jadoon
    Haseeb Jadoon over 8 years
    What if I don't know which functionality do I need (Base or GrandBase) until the run-time? We don't have any concept of run-time inheritance in c#
  • Eric Lippert
    Eric Lippert over 8 years
    @Jadoon: Then prefer composition to inheritance. Your class can take an instance of either Base or GrandBase, and the class can then defer functionality to the instance.
  • Shavais
    Shavais about 8 years
    I really like this answer because the question wasn't whether or not it is recommended or whether or not it is a good idea, the question was whether or not there's a way to do it and if so what that way is.
  • Shavais
    Shavais about 8 years
    Exactly so, and this preserves the whole abstraction scheme everyone's so worried about, and it highlights the way abstraction schemes are sometimes more trouble than they're worth.
  • Shavais
    Shavais about 8 years
    If you have an engine that can't know about base or child, and speak needs to work correctly when called by that engine, speak needs to be an override, not a new. If child needs 99% of base's functionality, but in the one speak case, it needs superbase's functionality... that's the kind of situation I understand the OP to be talking about, in which case this method won't work. It's not uncommon and the security concerns that have given rise to C#'s behaviour are commonly not really very concerning.
  • Frédéric
    Frédéric almost 8 years
    Especially useful when you have to deal with frameworks/libs lacking extensibility. By example, I had never needed to resort to such solutions for NHibernate which is highly extensible. But for dealing with Asp.Net Identity, Entity Framework, Asp.Net Mvc, I regularly ends up using such hacks for handling their missing features or hard coded behaviors unsuitable for my needs.
  • Eric Lippert
    Eric Lippert about 7 years
    @BlackOverlord: Since you feel strongly on this topic, why not write an answer of your own to this seven-year-old question? That way we all get to benefit from your wisdom on this subject, and you would then have written two answers on StackOverflow, doubling your total contribution. That's a win-win.
  • BlackOverlord
    BlackOverlord about 7 years
    @Eric Lippert: There are two reasons why i didn't write my own answer: first, i hadn't known how to do it, that why i found this topic. Second, there is a comprehensive answer by Evk down this page.
  • DanW
    DanW over 6 years
    Thanks for that! I'd like to mention to the other people to stop quoting guidelines in response to a question. It was asked for a reason, not a scolding. If you don't know, then don't answer it! I'd also like to encourage everyone to blast the code-police so maybe it will discourage them from posting non-answers. If after answering a question, you feel compelled to quote guidelines, then go ahead and mention it.
  • Eric Lippert
    Eric Lippert over 6 years
    @DanW: I do know the answer; it is the first sentence of my answer: the desired feature is not allowed in C# because it is a bad programming practice. How do you do this in C#? You don't. The notion that I might not know the answer to this question is an amusing one, but we'll let that pass without further comment. Now, if you find this answer unsatisfying, why not write your own answer that you think does a better job? That way we all learn from your wisdom and experience, and you would also double the number of answers you've posted this year.
  • DanW
    DanW over 6 years
    Sorry Eric, with the entire thread fresh in mind, it seemed obvious to me at the time that the comment was meant to pile on the main reply to this thread where nothing was said about how to actually do it, and not about your comment where you did actually give useful information...
  • Shiv
    Shiv over 6 years
    @EricLippert what if base code is flawed and needs to be overridden like a 3rd party control? And the implementation includes a call to grandbase? For real world applications, it may be of critical nature and need hotfixing so waiting for the 3rd party vendor might not be an option. Bad practice vs reality of production environments.
  • Shiv
    Shiv over 6 years
    Just a note in the case of controls and event call chains, the methods are often protected and hence not accessible like this.
  • Nick Sotiros
    Nick Sotiros over 6 years
    This isn't using inheritance, you may as well give each Speak an entirely unique name.
  • Perkins
    Perkins almost 6 years
    What if we need the return value from the underlying function?
  • Perkins
    Perkins almost 6 years
    Nevermind, figured it out. Cast to Func<stuff> instead of Action
  • satnhak
    satnhak over 5 years
    Thanks. We all know that this sort of thing is bad juju, but sometimes you just need to do it because it's better than the alternative (rewriting someone's otherwise excellent library).
  • Kruczkowski Piotr
    Kruczkowski Piotr over 4 years
    yeah it is not 100% inheritance but it is using the interface from the parent
  • Andreas Pardeike
    Andreas Pardeike almost 4 years
    In modding, it’s quite common to skip all architectural concerns because often it’s the only way to solve a problem. So I love this answer because it actually solves the problem. But be careful, I created the following issue that was just recently fixed and might not exist in your runtime (yet):
  • Josh Sutterfield
    Josh Sutterfield almost 4 years
    Perfect example of where we need this: Android requires derived view objects to call their base/parent/super method OnRestoreInstanceState. Apparently at the top of the hierarchy this registers somewhere. If it is not done, an exception is triggered. If you're deriving from a class (that you cannot change, but CAN override) with a faulty implementation of this method, you need to override and "bypass" your immediate parent but still need to call your "base.base" method.
  • Josh Sutterfield
    Josh Sutterfield almost 4 years
    Oddly, this approach ended up only calling the derived method again in my case.