how to call the stored procedure in oracle with the daily scheduled jobs?


Solution 1

Omg, your code looks so complicated. Consider this simplification first:

   v_query varchar2(2048);
    FOR REC IN (select tablename,columnname condition from pseb.purge_tables)
       if(rec.tablename ='cfw.DCTBLPERFCUMULATIVEMASTER') then
           v_query:='delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB3MAINREG where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM '|| rec.tablename || ' WHERE ' || rec.condition||' < sysdate-90';
           execute immediate v_query;
           v_query:='delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB4TODENERG where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM '|| rec.tablename || ' WHERE ' || rec.condition||' < sysdate-90';
           execute immediate v_query;
           v_query:='delete from cfw.DCTBLPERDFCUMULATIVEB5MAXDEMAN where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM '|| rec.tablename || ' WHERE ' || rec.condition||' < sysdate-90';
           execute immediate v_query;
           v_query:='delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB6TODREG where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM '|| rec.tablename || ' WHERE ' || rec.condition||' < sysdate-90';
           execute immediate v_query;
           v_query:='delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB7MAXDEMAN where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM '|| rec.tablename || ' WHERE ' || rec.condition||' < sysdate-90';
           execute immediate v_query;
           v_query:='delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB8MAXDEMAN where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM '|| rec.tablename || ' WHERE ' || rec.condition||' < sysdate-90';
           execute immediate v_query;
           v_query:='delete FROM '|| rec.tablename || ' WHERE ' || rec.condition||' < sysdate-90';
           execute immediate v_query;
           v_query:='delete FROM '|| rec.tablename || ' WHERE ' || rec.condition||' < sysdate-90';
           execute immediate v_query;
       end if;
END; --Procedure

Alternative job definition by dbms_job.submit:

 jid number;
    JOB => jid,
    WHAT => 'pseb.archive;', 
    INTERVAL  => 'sysdate +2');
commit; -- <<--added commit here

A way to check job:

select * from user_jobs;

Solution 2

The easiest way to execute a stored procedure from scheduler job is by changing the job_type.

Rest you can use your own values. Try this and post back results.


job_type             => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',

job_action           => '"OWNER"."PROCEDURE_NAME"',
Saranya Jothiprakasam
Author by

Saranya Jothiprakasam

I m always be unique

Updated on July 15, 2022


  • Saranya Jothiprakasam
    Saranya Jothiprakasam almost 2 years

    I am new to the oracle job scripts. I wrote some purge procedure to clean all the old data and retain the last 3 months data... procedure is executed successfully. its working when im calling manually also. procedure is as follows:

           v_query varchar2(2048);
           v_tablename VARCHAR2(50);
           v_condition varchar2(50);
           TYPE cur_typ IS REF CURSOR;
           c cur_typ;
        OPEN c for 'select tablename,columnname from pseb.purge_tables';
            FETCH c INTO v_tablename,v_condition;
               EXIT WHEN c%NOTFOUND;
               if(v_tablename ='cfw.DCTBLPERFCUMULATIVEMASTER') then
                   v_query:='delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB3MAINREG where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM '|| v_tablename || ' WHERE ' || v_condition||' < sysdate-90';
                   execute immediate v_query;
                   v_query:='delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB4TODENERG where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM '|| v_tablename || ' WHERE ' || v_condition||' < sysdate-90';
                   execute immediate v_query;
                   v_query:='delete from cfw.DCTBLPERDFCUMULATIVEB5MAXDEMAN where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM '|| v_tablename || ' WHERE ' || v_condition||' < sysdate-90';
                   execute immediate v_query;
                   v_query:='delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB6TODREG where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM '|| v_tablename || ' WHERE ' || v_condition||' < sysdate-90';
                   execute immediate v_query;
                   v_query:='delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB7MAXDEMAN where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM '|| v_tablename || ' WHERE ' || v_condition||' < sysdate-90';
                   execute immediate v_query;
                   v_query:='delete from cfw.DCTBLPERFDCUMULATIVEB8MAXDEMAN where cumulativeid in (select cumulativeid FROM '|| v_tablename || ' WHERE ' || v_condition||' < sysdate-90';
                   execute immediate v_query;
                   v_query:='delete FROM '|| v_tablename || ' WHERE ' || v_condition||' < sysdate-90';
                   execute immediate v_query;
                   v_query:='delete FROM '|| v_tablename || ' WHERE ' || v_condition||' < sysdate-90';
                   execute immediate v_query;
               end if;
           FETCH c INTO v_tablename,v_condition;
            end LOOP;
            close c;
    END; --Procedure

    my JOb script is as follows:

         job_name           =>  'purgeproc_automation',
         job_type           =>  'STORED_PROCEDURE',
         job_action         =>  'call pseb.archive();',
         repeat_interval    =>  'FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=2', /* every other day */
         auto_drop          => false,
         enabled            => true,
       comments           =>  'My new job');

    Job was created successfully, but the job status is failed, not succeed . Whats the reason behind it? it returns the following error:

    ORA-06550: line 1, column 728:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "PSEB" when expecting one of the following:
       := . ( @ % ;
    The symbol ":=" was substituted for "PSEB" to continue.

    please guide me to solve this...

  • Peter Å
    Peter Å over 11 years
    Then it seems like the scheduler can't access your package.
  • Saranya Jothiprakasam
    Saranya Jothiprakasam over 11 years
    Then how can i complete that task?
  • Peter Å
    Peter Å over 11 years
    You need to find out with which user that the scheduler is running the job. Assuming that your package is in another schema you have to make sure that the scheduler user can access that schema where the package is created. Sorry, but little bit hard to be more specific when I don't have access to your environment.
  • Saranya Jothiprakasam
    Saranya Jothiprakasam over 11 years
    AS of ur guidance i checked the user that the scheduler is running. in Pseb schema itself one sample job is running. I created one more job in that same user for doing the same procedure its giving the same error. :(
  • Saranya Jothiprakasam
    Saranya Jothiprakasam over 11 years
    Hi mmm, Thanks for ur simplification. i created the job with ur sample code (using submit) . how to see the details of submitted jobs? or how to verify that job status whether its failed or succeeded?
  • Saranya Jothiprakasam
    Saranya Jothiprakasam over 11 years
    mmm I created the job it returns the pl/sql procedure successfully executed. but in the user_jobs table details is not there
  • Gumowy Kaczak
    Gumowy Kaczak over 11 years
    1. did you commit? 2. on which user did you run that pl/sql? 3. do you have access to dba user? if yes try all_jobs view.
  • Saranya Jothiprakasam
    Saranya Jothiprakasam over 11 years
    oh great mmm, thanq u so much for ur guidance.. i didnt give commit at that time, now its done properly :)
  • Gumowy Kaczak
    Gumowy Kaczak over 11 years
    does it run without any failures? you may need to tune it a bit - interval 'sysdate+2' means that it would add 2 days to the time when the job ends (so the time of run will be constantly moving forward in time). Better definition is to define time by giving correct date 'to_date(2012-12-01 12:00:00,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') +2' so you'd be sure that next run date is the one you specified.
  • Saranya Jothiprakasam
    Saranya Jothiprakasam over 11 years