How to capture a screenshot after each step in tests with JAVA and Cucumber?


Solution 1

Solved this using Aspects. Was pretty tricky, note the annotation:

@After("call(public * cucumber.runtime.StepDefinitionMatch.runStep(..)) && within(cucumber.runtime.Runtime)")

Below is the full code, written by Viviana Cattenazzi.






 public class StepsInterceptor {

     @After("call(public * cucumber.runtime.StepDefinitionMatch.runStep(..)) && within(cucumber.runtime.Runtime)")
     public void beforeRunningStep(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint) throws Exception {

         try {
             StepDefinitionMatch stepDefinitionMatch = (StepDefinitionMatch) thisJoinPoint.getTarget();
             Step step = (Step) retrievePrivateField(stepDefinitionMatch, "step");
             String stepName = step.getKeyword().trim();

             if ("Given".equals(stepName) || "When".equals(stepName)) {
                 Object theRealStepDef = extractJavaStepDefinition(stepDefinitionMatch);
                // take screen shot here
         } catch (ClassCastException exc) { ....

Solution 2

Can this post help you?

Embedding screenshots in Cucumber JVM

Solution 3

Here is the Answer to your Question:

  1. Lets assume your methods are as follows:

    public void Open() throws Throwable 
        //your code
    public void I(String uname, String pass) throws Throwable 
        //your code
    public void User() throws Throwable 
        //your code
  2. You can write a library to take screenshots like:

    public static void screenshot(WebDriver driver, long ms)
    try {
        TakesScreenshot ts = (TakesScreenshot) driver;
        File source = ts.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
        FileUtils.copyFile(source, new File("./ScreenShots/"+ms+"Facebook.png"));
        System.out.println("ScreenShot Taken");
    catch (Exception e) 
        System.out.println("Exception while taking ScreenShot "+e.getMessage());
  3. Now you can easily call the library after every method to take the screenshot as follows:

    public void Open() throws Throwable 
        //your code
        Utility.screenshot(driver, System.currentTimeMillis());
    public void I(String uname, String pass) throws Throwable 
        //your code
        Utility.screenshot(driver, System.currentTimeMillis());
    public void User() throws Throwable 
        //your code
        Utility.screenshot(driver, System.currentTimeMillis());

Let me know if this Answers your Question.

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • tetchen9
    tetchen9 almost 2 years

    What would be the best way to capture screenshots after each step when running integration tests?

    Tests are written in Java using Selenium(3.0.1) and Cucumber(1.2.4).

    Code for taking a screenshot after a test is below, but I need a screenshot after each method annotated with @Given, @When, @Then.

    public void after(Scenario scenario){
        final byte[] screenshot = driver.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES);
        scenario.embed(screenshot, "image/png");

    Thank you for any hints.