How to chain ajax requests?


Solution 1

Don't use anonymous functions. Give them names. I don't know if you're able to do what I wrote below though:

var step_3 = function() {

var step_2 = function(c, b) {
    ajax(c(b.somedata), step_3);

var step_1 = function(b, a) {
  ajax(b(a.somedata), step_2);

ajax(a, step_1);

Solution 2

You could have a single function which is passed an integer to state what step the request is in, then use a switch statement to figure out what request needs to be make next:

function ajaxQueue(step) {
  switch(step) {
    case 0: $.ajax({
              type: "GET",
              url: "/some/service",
              complete: function() { ajaxQueue(1); } 
    }); break;
    case 1: $.ajax({
              type: "GET",
              url: "/some/service",
              complete: function() { ajaxQueue(2); }
            }); break;
    case 2: $.ajax({
              type: "GET",
              url: "/some/service",
              complete: function() { alert('Done!'); }
            }); break;


Hope that helps!

Solution 3

This function should chain together a list of ajax requests, if the callbacks always return the parameters necessary for the next request:

function chainajax(params, callbacks) {
  var cb = shift(callbacks);
  params.complete = function() {
    var newparams = cb(arguments);
    if (callbacks)
      chainajax(newparams, callbacks);

You can define these callback functions separately and then chain them together:

function a(data) {
  return {type: "GET", url: "/step2.php?foo"}
// ...
function d(data) { alert("done!"); };

chainajax({type: "GET", url: "/step1.php"},
  [a, b, c, d]);

You could also declare the functions "inline" in the call to chainajax, but that might get a little confusing.

Solution 4

Maybe what you can do is write a server-side wrapper function. That way your javascript only does a single asynchronous call to your own web server. Then your web server uses curl (or urllib, etc.) to interact with the remote API.

Solution 5

Update: I've learn a better answer for this if you are using jQuery, see my update under the title: Using jQuery Deffered

Old answer:

You can also use Array.reduceRight (when it's available) to wrap the $.ajax calls and transform a list like: [resource1, resource2] into $.ajax({url:resource1,success: function(...) { $ajax({url: resource2... (a trick that I've learn from Haskell and it's fold/foldRight function).

Here is an example:

var withResources = function(resources, callback) {
    var responses = [];
    var chainedAjaxCalls = resources.reduceRight(function(previousValue, currentValue, index, array) {
        return function() {
            $.ajax({url: currentValue, success: function(data) {
    }, function() { callback.apply(null, responses); });

Then you can use:

withResources(['/api/resource1', '/api/resource2'], function(response1, response2) {
    // called only if the ajax call is successful with resource1 and resource2

Using jQuery Deffered

If you are using jQuery, you can take advantage of jQuery Deffered, by using the jQuery.when() function:

 jQuery.when($.get('/api/one'), $.get('/api/two'))
       .done(function(result1, result2) { 
              /* one and two is done */
Author by


Updated on June 22, 2022


  • defnull
    defnull almost 2 years

    I have to interact with a remote api that forces me to chain requests. Thats a callback-hell in asynchronous mode:

    // pseudocode: ajax(request_object, callback)
    ajax(a, function() {
      ajax(b(a.somedata), function() {
        ajax(c(b.somedata), function() {

    It would be much more readable in sync mode:


    But Sjax is evil :) How do I do that in a nice not-so-evil and readable way?