How to change region of existing Firebase project?


As mentioned in the question, currently only a single Cloud Firestore database can be created per project; both the mode (Native mode | Datastore mode) and the location are immutable choices. We're working infrastructure to enable us to improve this in the future, but for the time being this is not changeable.

Creating a new project is the only way to do this. Managed import and export (Datastore mode | Native mode) will enable you to move data between the old and new project more easily.

For Firebase storage, you can always create new buckets in different locations.

Andrei Z.
Author by

Andrei Z.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Andrei Z.
    Andrei Z. about 2 years

    I have a project that is located in the Central America region, but since I can choose a European region, I would like to change the location of the firestore and storage. Is it possible to do this without deleting the existing project?


    Response from technical support:

    Thank you for reaching out to us. Currently, once you select a location for your project, you cannot change it.

    You might find this documentation useful for additional information.

    I hope this information has been helpful for you.

    Updated 2 Answer at Google Groups

    Unfortunately we don't support changing regions once resources are created. You'll have to create a new project and migrate data, etc.

    and the do not plan implement it in near future

  • Oliver Dixon
    Oliver Dixon over 4 years
    Out of interest, does Firestore optimize the read requests globally? Say I have 1 million users in Thailand all of a sudden, are read replications placed there automatically?
  • Alexei S.
    Alexei S. over 3 years
    Hi Dan, super interested in that topic as we want/need to move our app, including a highly engaged user base and all related data to a new region, meaning firestore and storage (the latter seems slightly more straight forward). How far have you come with that infrastructure and what process would you recommend for a smooth transition? Highly appreciating your answer.
  • Danpe
    Danpe over 3 years
    I'm joining @AlexeiS. it is extremely important for us as well 😢
  • Mig82
    Mig82 over 3 years
    Same here. At a bare minimum there should be a huge warning when you create a new project that reads "You're about to create a project in a region that is not the closest to you. Are you sure? If not go change it at XYZ".
  • rbansal
    rbansal over 2 years
    Is it still not possible to change the region?
  • Graunephar
    Graunephar over 2 years
    Also very interested in this topic. We also have a need to move our app including a lot of users. Hoping that it will be a possibility soon